
>Passengers quarantined at Gatwick after Barbados flight
>London explosive packages: Terror police keep 'open mind'
>Knife crime: Black people are 'like a disease', says Sajid Javid

>(((The London Question))): Britain's Second Empire & The Secret City
>Oswald Mosley - Europeans
>Information On Legally Owning Firearms In The UK

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The UK is shit and not worth staying in. Anyone who disagrees is an Essex pleb

why was Preuße so serious about the boatyard?

this. its getting harder and harder to stick around in this dump.

So is it illegal merely to publish/sell such material? Or illegal even to create and own such material, even if it's for my own private enjoyment?

Let's just say FOR EXAMPLE, that I have videos of different women sitting on my face, all consensual, for my own private future wank stash. Never to publish. Is that illegal?

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>boss is back in today
>I've been waiting to ask him if I can leave London to work remotely for two weeks
>now too nervous to ask if he's available for a chat at some point

What do I do lads? Would you rather work remotely from home than work and live in London?

I keep needing to go to the bathroom I'm so nervous.

People do this ?

>British tycoon, 59, who owns biggest collection of Nazi memorabilia puts country mansion on sale


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Working from home takes alot self motivation and discipline. It is also lonely and isolating.

I'd rather work in office, I can't maintain the same focus and discipline when I work from home

>Tommy Robinson hammered on my door at 5am and brought a torrent of abuse in his wake – but he won’t shut me up

Id love to work from home but I just don’t know what to get into

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Shit your pants.
Then goto the boss with your shit stinking in your pants, and say, I need to work from home I have a bowel problem.

I barely say 20 words a day in my office, and the colleague I work alongside has treated me very badly recently so I have no relationship with him. I've always been a quiet, introverted person and can entertain myself etc. Plus I'll be back in my home region.

>I barely say 20 words a day in my office
Good to hear you're productive.

>the colleague I work alongside has treated me very badly recently so I have no relationship with him
stop sucking off male colleagues on your lunch break

>I've always been a quiet, introverted person and can entertain myself
You want to masturbate during your work day at home.

Me on the far left desu

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Start your own company. Then you will have no choice but to work from home..

Working from home is really tough sometimes. If you can´t motivate yourself to go to the gym routinely, eat properly, all those very basic things, then home working isn´t gonna "work" for you.

I have gone of the boil since Sunday and done the absolute minimum Mon - Now. Taken a couple of phone calls but nothing directly billable since Saturday.

It´s not good, I´m trying to build a business and there is no one telling me / forcing me to get up off the bed and go to the desk. So i have slipped into Lazy mode.

Unless you have really strong self discipline keep in the office environment. This is the first time i have gone off the boil in about 3 months, but i´ve gone proper off the boil. But i know it will come back.

When you work from home as well you have no demarcation point between home and work, you feels always on.

You don´t have to speak to people in the office, but it is nice to be around other humans sometimes.

Hmmmm wrong motivations for home working, sorry man, if i was your boss i would deny your request

He has a nice collection but the decor in his house is shit tier.

Fuck off with your shitty *nglo sea shanties and play some real music

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fuck off virgin

>Frog shantys

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>Radio 2
>talking about imposing legal requirement for cars to be limited to 71 and adjust to lower limits around town
>21 year old lad says he drives with a btracking box that sends his speed to insurance
>he thinks everyone should be forced to have one
what happened to the young lads in this country? at 21 I was racing on the backroads with my brother, friends, any anyone else who was down

now they’re wishing no one even has the ability to speed.. how fucking cucked are these kids?

I can't listen to the Jeremy Vine show, pisses me off way too much.

fuck british ppl tho

Zoomers are a hopeless case.
These kids grew up in a sterile environment.

The worst part is he’s rly likeable when is isn’t agenda pushing, but that’s all he seems to do anymore.

But what other option is there? Local radio is fucking trash, Radio1 is even worse, and 3/4 don’t even deserve mentioning

Liza Tarbuck and Craig Charles are the saving graces of Radio2

it's a shame how the only high quality shanties are versions from a fucking video game

Those aren't my motivations. I've worked for him for five years, earning a very low wage for the first few years, and living in London where rents are high etc.

I thought I heard the old man say


Well desu, If you are posting on at 1430 on a Wed afternoon, you are not trustable to work from home. Sorry man.

I can see that I am just being lazy today, but i tend to avoid /Pol in general cos it can chew up hours very easily..

Ask him, the worst he can say is "No". Then the next worse thing he can say is "Ok, justify it" Then he might say "Yes" and it ends up making you miserable.

I dreamed a dream the other night, my love she came, dressed all in white.

I dreamed my love came in my sleep, her cheeks were wet, her eyes did weep .

She came to me at my bedside, all dressed in white, like some fair bride.

And bravely in her bossom fair, her red, red rose, my love did wear.

She made no sound, no word she said and then I knew my love was dead.

Then i awoke to hear the cry.
Oh watch on deck.
Oh watch, ahoy.
Lowlands away.

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we swear by rote for want of more

>that shit yesterday about "no link between police cuts and knife crime because ACKCHUALLY violent crime has gone down"

Christ on a bike.

here's a health to the real Preuße wherever he may be, a bucko on land and a bully at sea but as for Eddie, the dirty old fruit, we hope when he dies straight to hell he'll skyhoot

Vocaroo for us a sea shanty pube

Fucking hate everyone

Steaming the shite

fucking these

who the fuck are you

why don't you try asking for one day a week or fortnight working from home first you simpering faggot?

For real, who’d have thought people would get more stabby if cops were never seen on the streets and took hours to turn up... its pathetic

Are you guys memeing? This is one of the few based things the conservatives are doing and I'm surprised they're this redpilled. They stop wasting taxpayers money on politically correct and bloated police forces, and let criminals kill themselves

Because home for me is over three hours away from London, and I'd still be paying London rents. My sister has a bungalow back home she doesn't want to sell, close to the city, so I could be paying rent to her and doing my job easily from there.

i'd fire you for that pathetic answer

fight me you pathetic cunts

But they’re not just killing themselves are they?? They’re killing anyone.

We need more police, with more funding, and they need to focus on violent crime. Not tweets and calling a tranny a dude...

Trouble is Criminals aren´t killing Criminals, they are killing innocents afaics.


I had two colleagues who used to work for a company in the same office and they were allowed to work remotely.

Relax man, there are Cameras covering every inch of London. They were supposed to Deter criminals. LOL Total bollox

Bramley-Moore docks

be there

It's mroe to do with the fact that criminal justice is a joke in this country. Sentencing is a joke, small sentences and you get let out in half the time or less, prison is a comfy joke where you get to hang out with your fellow criminals and get up to more crime planning etc, all with free board and food.

These pieces of shit murder, rape, stab, shoot, commit GBH, violent robberies, burgalries etc, all this violent crime becaus they know nothing happens to them. Slap on the wrist plus comfy free accomm. Time to bring back the death penalty for serious violent crime, torture + death penalty for the worst of the worst, and even for the 'milder' violent crimes there should be very harsh prison sentences; long sentences and harsh conditions like solitary confinement.

Once scum actually have fear of the consequences of their actions, violent crime will fucking plummet.

>We need more police, with more funding, and they need to focus on violent crime.
fuck off you utter pussy

fuckin state ae bootlickin cunts

btw can someone answer this pls

Why are you so mad that blacks are out penetrating the bodies of other people?

>But they’re not just killing themselves are they?? They’re killing anyone.
The vast majority of the stabbings are drug dealers stabbing other drug dealers. No great loss to society.

>would like teenagers to be able to walk around their own towns and cities without been stabbed
what’s it like being retarded?

Based and redpilled

you clearly haven't tested the waters with your boss at all by mentioning it in casual conversation. so you're going in blind. going in blind and asking to switch all your hours to working from home overnight represents a massive risk for the employer.

that's why suggesting a trial period of one day a week might be a successful strategy. "but muh rents" is not going to convince your boss to let you work from home if he's skeptical.

how have you not figured any of this out you snivelling gobshite?

you tell me you bootlicking retard

why are you so intimidated by freedom and selfdependacny

Fair enough, and yes I was going to suggest starting earlier in the mornings, testing things for a few months and then making a decision as to whether it's alright to continue like that.

We have remote workers already, but they aren't really "central" to the team (nor am I really), and work odd hours etc.

Please don't bully me, but thanks for the advice.

It's illegal and you are going to jail for this. Also, craving attention is a women's psychic disorder.

Wanna come for a joint knowing you’re in Liverpool?

>why can’t teenage girls just defend themselves from a knife attack
I hope you’re trolling coz if not you’re a sack of shit with sub nigger IQ levels


>Would you rather work remotely from home than work and live in London?
Every day of the week. Don't listen to the office wagies telling you otherwise, I guarantee theyre jealous.

>gets called a retarded nigger for thinking teenager girls should just fend of knife attacks
>FiGhT mE iRl GuYz
thanks for confirming you operate on the same mental level as a nigger

im toopished fopr this shite fuck you assll expectin from me

Take that as a no then

Sorry, I've been all set to ask my boss but now he's back I'm nervous and doubting myself again. I've had an open email ready to send to ask him for a chat but I keep panicking and needing the toilet and I haven't set it.

might do if you suck dick x

but why are you so intimidated by freedom/

Bloody puff

why are you so intimidated by my boaby

>Radio2 playlist
>some mentally ill freak who used these songs to cheer itself up as a FUCKING TRANNY
>’recently come out as a transgender, support from family and co-workers has been amazing’
why anyone even pretends to support these counts is fucking sickening, let alone pretending it’s normal and acceptable

stop feeding him You's, that's what he wants

>confirmed sub nigger IQ brainlet
just use a trip already so we can filter you like the rest of the retards failing to troll for attention

just do it
otherwise you'll go through this whole thing again tomorrow
then day after tomorrow
then again monday

It's not like you're going to forget about it or stop wanting it. Just do it phaggot. What have you got to lose?

Why can't tax paying subjects like you make sense of free men who keep what is theirs and fear no one?

Delet that pic now Mohamed

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Are you a Brit in Guatemala?

Gay, that’s you

>give us your submission and we will give you the comfort you need
why did you and everyone else agree to this?

it could be us but you playin

>What have you got to lose?

I honestly don't know. I guess I'm just being a scaredy-cat, but I also feel like I'm being a bad person for even asking.

I'm a Russian in Guate

Proper quilt you lad

why are anonymongs afraid to be free?

take a turn around the capstan


Do it or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

shut it ya weighted blanket

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yer fat an autistic

>known for shaggin traps and anonymongs for years
>not aware of this fact
sate ae u