Tommy Robinson is a Zionist shill. Don't support this piece of shit. He's not an advocate for anti immigration or pro western values, he just cares about the kike agenda.
Tommy Robinson is a Zionist shill. Don't support this piece of shit...
>jewish media
No shit
Maybe, but Caolan, George and Lauren are still snitches.
A man who's family is targeted by 5 men, a pitbull and cameras is a man worth protecting.
I'll probably send him 200€+ if they attack him more these days.
these d&c threads are being made against tommy because of this documentary.
disgusting fucking shills
>these d&c threads are being made against tommy because of this documentary.
Perhaps. But all these things can be true:
- BBC makes up info to take-down people it doesn't like
- BBC/UK state works closely with Hope Not Hate
- Caolan Robertson, George Llewellyn John and possibly Lauren Southern are snitches who passed info about alt-right people to Hope not Hate, who then shared it with security services
- Tommy is funded by zionists who like his anti-islam stance.
All the above are true.
No. It's the fact that he's literally Jewish and a Zionist shill lol.
correct. i do not think tommy means ill with the zionism. he has boomer ideas bro.
also right now cutting off the (((nose))) to spite the face is something only shills would do. tommy is fighting his fight and i support him.
purity spiral is real. shills attempting their subversion are real.
purity spiral. distract and raise the bar impossibly high.
shills fuck off