>be britbongistani
>see this bearing down on you at 30 knots
Wat do?
David Thomas
Austin Wright
I laugh because that’s a radar ship and has no offensive armament
Henry Kelly
>gun turret in the centre of the pic
>no offensive armament
Dominic Foster
This ship has armanent.
What us this ship doing right now,
What other ships are in the area?.
What is directly under it?
Dont be lazy.
Run along now.
Cameron Rogers
>type 45 destroyer
>radar ship with no armament
Daniel Powell
>naval blockade of a country with the longest history of naval supremacy
>said country is also an island
>hurr durr
Christopher Wright
prepare to be BTFO
>no source
slide thread, sage & etc
Oliver Taylor
Go away, you are an embarrassment.
Tyler Torres
I don't even know to see yo know that you're an illiterate nigger
Christian Lopez
that is defensive only