Admit it

admit it.
you have always known he was a retard.
you only voted for him for the meme poetential, and he delivered.
he delivered too much actually, and now you're starting to regret electing a bad joke for president.

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no, you are a faggot

no he is a moron. a certified one.

Ron Paul is based. go back to your roots Jow Forums and stop meming around figures who will hold real power, that's shot on your own foot, if I ever seen one.

Can OP try to be a fag?

I really hope they don't take his twitter.
That idiot refuses to give out interviews, because he subconsiously knows he'll end saying something utterly inexcusable, so twitter is one of his only platforms of communication. And well, he delevers real gud on the mornism in there as well. he'll die by the mouth, if they take his twitter away that'll take a lot longer to happen. That would be bad.

faggot detected, go back to twiter.

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Well, since I'm the OP.
Anyway, I'm not the one browsing gay porn snuff videos during his extended holidays. Your president is though.

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Bolsonaro is the Collor 2.0
Slavery to American corporations is not a good result

hue monkey is a gay faggot if he believe what bolsonaro did was wrong...shift-click this thread or else

>muh ron paul
Thats /news/ shit. Jow Forums exists because lolberts caved to authority and begged moot for a nazi exodus.

Collor? I'll puke a little but he was a lot better then this sad excuse of a man that is Boslonaro. At the very least he's literate, well, that mofo is quite smart actually, seeing how he has turned his life around to become a senator after being the 90's political demon incarnate. I'm not saying I like it, but you have to respect that at some level.
I'm starting to think Bolsonaro won't last to the end of the year, seeing how everyone's been so trigger happy to impeach lately. And it'll most likely originate from a decorum faux pas other than any of the million scandals plaguing his 3 months of government.
Incidentally, how's that courruption fight going, bolso loyalists? Smooth sailing, huh?

Yes, because we would be so much better off with the globalist commies financed by soros right? fuck off

I was mostly /leftypol/ back who happenend to enjoy exchanging bantz with storm fronters. And there were other staple threads that used to be either good in content or simply entertaining.
I haven't been here a long time after what I recognized to be the hue invasion. I was a /leftypol/ who had fun around or with stormfronters, still a hue who can't stand what hues made of this board.

BR faggots on suicide watch, hopefully literally by end of the week

We would've been better with a horse in power.
At least it wouldn't get in the way of the adults trying to do real work.

Not at all, leftie faggot, not at all.

All I know is that until our country doesn't create a national-socialist movement rebranded to something less stigmatized, we'll never go forward, and will only make our people suffer, sometimes more, sometimes less

Free Lula

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This entire country is a bad joke

>now you're starting to regret electing a bad joke for president
no I'm not.

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>fags can't beat a 2 digit IQ MAN
it's fucking beautiful

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