Will you vote for bernie sanders in primaries ?


Attached: Bernie_Sanders.jpg (682x864, 239K)

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>no reparations

only for blacks lmao

kamala harris will steal election from bernie.

cunt is a fraud whose family owned slaves. no real AODS wants her either.

He wants illegals to enter the country as long as they want and get citizenship within a few days. It’s a no from me.

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shes very unpopular,i doubt it

Great video. A true masterpiece.

You know this isn't reddit right?

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hot take from real black man
illegal immigration (and even legal) is stealing jobs and welfare from black America, any democratic candidate that promotes amnesty or open borders only wants black America to shrink from 14% of the population to 5%, and when that happens no one will give a fuck about us.

course you get banned off Twitter and jewtube when you point this out.

Attached: Bernie_Sanders_Should_Make_a_One-Term_Presidential_Pledge.png (710x363, 10K)

The electronic voting machine will choose for me.


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filfthy kike

If i was still a Dem, i would not vote for any of them. They make no god damned sense or viable policy.

what about yang ?

Lol old fart


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