I am passing anti-gun legislation soon

hi pol! I work for the house and I am planning on proposing a bill to place common-sense gun laws and restrictions on gun purchases, such as background checks and types of gun. I want to end mindless gun violence and build safer communities.

I am writing a bill up now and plan on presenting it to the house soon. I am writing up a post on pol to see what the common feel and thought of such a bill. Do you agree, disagree? Why or why not? Thanks!

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Other urls found in this thread:



>end mindless gun violence
try banning niggers first


shit bait

Reminder to everyone on Jow Forums. Any ant 2nd amendment legislation that passes is fully supported and enforced by local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. The police are the enemy of the constitution.

people of color have the right to feel safe in their communities also. this is not about skin color.

This is a stupid shill LARP 1 post by this ID thread. Anyone posting below me is a mental invalid

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not always

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Good job bumping his thread you retarded newfaggot

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seems like I triggered the russian bots. Anyways, thought we would have a serious conversation. You guys need...help

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Well the syntax and grammar is terrible, the ideas are banal and repetitive at best and the general attitude is lazy and entitled. Conclusion: almost 100% certainty OP is a member of Congress, and a massive faggot.

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Having fun?

No blacks. Much much safer.

People of color do have a right to feel safe in their communities... IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY!

How come white people aren't allowed to flood brown countries but brown people are allowed to flood white countries?

You all work for the Devil. And you all will burn with him after death.

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niggers tongue my anus

Gun grabbers will be shot.
This is not a negotiation.

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fuck you i put a lot of thought into my fun violence

Kek. The left took the idea of the race card from niggers and gave themselves a Russia card.

>Common sense

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Sage, larper

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Easiest way to stop gun violence is to not allow non whites to have guns

He already bailed on the thread. What a fucking nigger.

I'll rape you if you pass anti-gun legislation like that.
Better keep the guns so I won't be able to rape you.

Sorry, kike, but you're on your own with that one.

Libertarians and Minarchists know that a strong local police is your sons and brothers, not the enemy. They're also your militia and the first line of defense against foreign invasion.

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Fuck off you dumb larp nigger

no, I am still here. Just really not getting much discussion here. Guess I should have figured as much ;)

Anyways, I guess I will go somewhere else and get some feedback. It is time we took guns away with common sense gun laws. You can still keep some guns and under certain conditions

but they are the ones doing all the needles gun violence.

riddling me this niggler, what can be 13% and over 50% at the same time?

Yes always. All cops are Democrats. If you're in a union, and collect a government paycheck, you're a fucking Democrat.

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>proposing a bill to place common-sense gun laws and restrictions on gun purchases,
why do you want to shoot unarmed people?


It's time we imposed so common sense speech control on you fags. You can still use some words under certain conditions.

Removing "gun" form "gun violence" doesn't solve anything. Just look at aussie homicide stats. All it did was disarm the proletariat. Guns are just tools.

>people of color have the right to feel safe in their communities also. this is not about skin color.
then give the blacks access to legal full auto, we will fight for it, everyone knows they can't aim, whats good for the goose is good for the gander but instead of equalizing society you want to disenfranchise even more people


>is a dumb larp nigger
>whines about lack of discussion

>but they are the ones doing all the needles gun violence.
bulk of it signed into reality by congress

ban niggers and spics, problem solved.

>It is time we took guns away with common sense gun laws.
this is never popular among voters, every dem you meet says it's fucking stupid

>aussie homicide stat
Aren't they touted as gun control success?

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best way to do that is to reduce the size of the police force and then infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens, its always worked in the past

Nope. You're mistaken. Cops are currently enforcing a bunch of unconstitutional laws. Dui checkpoints (4th amendment). Red flag laws (strips due process). And in Massachusetts they banned all sales of AR-15s (2nd amendment). Please remove you're tounge from the boot, you look silly.

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Thats just not true. The homicide rate and shooting death cause dropped immensely. Thats what we want.

Well the good thing about America is freedom of speech. So I am allowed to say things that might offend you. However, having the right to kill innocent people is where compromise must occur.

I am planning on proposing a bill to place common-sense gun laws and restrictions on gun purchases, such as background checks and types of gun.

That already exists you fucking dunce.

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Even if you could pass it you’re gonna have to come and actually take guns away. Do you want to die?

Hypothetically speaking

ban high capacity basketball americans

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If common sense were common this world wouldn’t be so fucked up.

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first ban niggers and spics, then limit the chinese population to less than 1% of overall american pop

all problems solved

oh and gas all the kikes

yeah that will solve the crime actually

I honestly wish I could have a legit conversation about this. Unfortunately most people are ignorant and apathetic. Or they have already rabbidly divided themselves into the ban all guns crowd or the 1776 shall commence again crowd.

But hey, maybe you are different.

we have a resolution for this in the bill and it would involve the police. We don't want violence and we would do it respectfully.

It would be common sense to get rid of the ATF and deregulate automatic weapons. Bring back shooting teams in public schools and teach all of the populace how to use and handle all types of firearm.
I think that sounds like common sense.


NOT (by anyone including redcoat police officers)

Fake and gay

Protip: the buyback was in 1997.

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America doesn't have a gun problem; it has a nigger problem.

ban niggers nigger
they are what is "skewing" your gun violence stats
or any statistic for that matter

>having the right to kill innocent people
gas urself immediatelly

gtfo bait

>OBESITY ((you))
All the above KILL MORE PEOPLE THAN GUNS, each year.
OP# shouldn't we out law those first?
please explain.....
Thank you

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Niggers shouldn't be allowed to exist, much less own guns.

don't be stupid, no county or state would be dumb enough to propose such legislation.

>taking guns from people using force.
Please try. Please stop fucking around do it, house nigger.

Niggers have the right to get the fuck out of my country.


Waste your time if you must. It's never getting past the Senate.

Common sense would be lynching politicians desu

Guns make safer communities, and it can't be proven wrong.

jesus christ you might actually not be a larp/bait
just a gigantic moron
holyoldfuck, welcome to Jow Forums newfag. there are no bots in this thread

I say ban all guns and ammo. 100% remove them from the population, strip them from the people and arrest anyone who fails to relinquish theirs because of muh boat accident.

This is the only way we can accelerate on to the next phase, the one where men stop being pussies.

I agree. But the goal of these memes are to lower the legal threshold of gun ownership so low, that if niggers can legally own them then most people can. Here in Massachusetts they will pull your license to carry for any infraction wither is has to do with guns or not (a good example would be a DUI can revoke your right to owns guns)

well I tried, but I got called racial terms. I guess I should have expected that. Maybe try having mutual dialouge next time and show some compassion? Anyways, gotta run and got work to do. It's been fun!

>Im going to take away guns from Legal Owners
>Common Sense


>>Im going to take away guns from Legal Owners
>>Common Sense

>>>Im going to take away guns from Legal Owners
>>>Common Sense

I encourage whatever measures you want. Ban automatic rifles? Limit clip capacity? Hell, ban them altogether. I encourage getting the police involved.

None of this will be politically viable, but I encourage you to do it anyway. What do you even want to talk about, since you didn't mention even a single idea in your OP?

Let’s assume this is not a LARP.

You need to stop what you are doing. You prove once more that the Democratic Party stopped remembering History after the 2000 election and the rise of Chimpy McBushhitler.

As Democrats attempted to confiscate firearms, and that is what this would be the first step towards your party attempting to do, they would repeat the Republicans mistake with Prohibition in the 1920’s.

Prohibition created a culture of massive disobedience to an unpopular law. It saw the rise of the Mafia. Joe Kennedy made his family enormously wealthy off of bootlegging scotch whiskey from the UK through Canada with the help of his newfound Italian friends.

You would be repeating this mistake on a massive scale. The Mexican Cartelistas would go into the firearms and Black Market ammunition business as an increasingly profitable sideline to their narcotics smuggling business. Their Chinese business partners would want in to collect on the sizable Black Market profits.

Gun Control laws would be widely ignored on the ground because Americans like guns and there would be too much money in the Black Market to shut it down.

The fact that there aren’t any Adult Dems around to remind the Activist Younglings that FDR repealed Prohibition because it was a massive social experiment that failed speaks volumes about the ideological zealotry that has taken hold of that Party.

>>>Im going to take away guns from Legal Owners
> (OP)
>>Im going to take away guns from Legal Owners
>>Common Sense

Explain how UBCs and "assault weapon bans" have helped California. CA has both (and a plethora of other ridiculous shit) and its gun homicide rate is equal to that of Texas's, a generally gun-friendly state.

KYS dem shill.

>>>Im going to take away guns from Legal Owners
> (OP) (OP)
(You) (You)
>>Im going to take away guns from Legal Owners
>>Common Sense

If only the liberals could get off their asses and pass anti-cop laws.
>police are not allowed to fire unless fired upon
>anyone who disagrees is free to quit

>I want to end mindless gun violence and build safer communities.

So you're banning niggers?

Humor the young staffer.

Democratic run cities are war zones run by corrupt governments that rather disarm the citizenry rather than provide more robust policing.

They wouldn’t do anything to harm the business interests of their Cartelista friends.