Yangsters vs Trumpsters

Lets make a compromise here.
What if we all voted Trump if he runs against, Sanders, Kamala, or any of the other Democrats.
But... if it comes down to Yang vs Trump, you respect our decision to vote for Yang?
I mean look. We don't support any of the other democrats so if Yang loses the primaries - pretty sure we'll all go back on the Trump Train.
Does that sound like a reasonable compromise?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>antigun and more gibs for niggers and spics
there is no compromise for gun rights


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Except he isn't anti-gun. On his website you can see his gun policy. It seems pretty centered and says nothing about taking guns and any new legislation would not effect people who currently have guns.
Can you show me where - besides one tweet that doesnt say he'll be taking guns - he says he'll be taking guns?

He literally brings nothing to the table. His whole platform is this UBI bullshit that will just line the coffers of niggers and spics who refuse to work. Sprinkle a nice gun grab on top and you have a chink shit sundae

kanye 2020 or bust

So when you gonna use those gun rights to stop the government from implementing stuff like the patriot act?

Niggers and spics already have the gibs, this is gibs for the white man.

You misspelled TrumDumpsters

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he wants to give gibs out to everyone instead of our current system where its just niggers and spics you retard

1k/ month UBI? you mean to tell me we can all sleep all day in a 1 room shack then wake up and eat TOP Ramen for our only meal for the day? Fucking sign me up...
>says noone with any self respect

>As if they're not already gibs
nice try kike, obviously the people benefitting most from UBI will be whites.

Wow, you anti-Yangers are fucking dumb

>anti 2A
>pro mass immigration
fuck off with your shitty shill threads. Your influence activities have no effects here.

yeah no I'll get another thousand a month and get taxed with every purchase I make for gibs... it never works out. whites are the only ones that are a net positive to the government's budget, nigs and spics only take.

so I'd rather keep my guns and money. thanks for the heads up tho

This. Yang lost me with that.
Building our trains is the only acceptable job for a chink.

Attached: yangchanggang.png (750x500, 475K)

discord tranny is /ptg/'s newest meme

>when you see a thread you don't like
discord tranny

>after getting btfo
discord tranny

>when you get told to go back to the_donald
discord tranny

>your favorite zionist president gets called a zionist
discord tranny

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Uh oh
discord gg/Tpp8Bqm
reddit reddit.com/r/YangForPresidentHQ/
The following channels are used to coordinate raids on 4pol, r9k and fullpol:
i#meme-engineering #uncensored #general

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maybe don't spam your bullshit 20 threads an hour and I wont have to piss in your cereal.

wrong neighborhood kike

Whites won't benefit. Ok, I get an extra $1000 a month. Thanks ching chong yang, now how much are my taxes going up? It's not free.

>maybe don't trigger me and I won't seethe

Im with Yang 100 percent as long as he keeps the borders shut - which he said he needs to do to make his system of free money work.

YANG 2020 - and i am not a shill.

I just checked your reddit and I didnt think it could be any worse

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yang 2020

>literally talking about hrt treatment in your discord
You faggots got exposed. Go dialete your wound

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Liberal globalists are unwelcome here. You will never meme Yang in, because you do not hold the magic key. Just wait until Trump declassifies the FISA warrant process that unfolded on his 2016. You are fucked up or ignorant if you still think Trump won’t have the hearts of all true Americans come 2020.

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Make Trump debate Yang for control of the AI drone swarms and missile defense.. And/or open source the AI? Limitless abundance for all, go to the stars together etc as opposed to eventually inevitable authoritarian takeover via arms race hm

he says the companies that benefit most from automation will be taxed more to pay for it.

>going to reddit
is being a faggot a full time job for you?

Your guns were never yours to begin with.

Yang plan will crash the economy which is what China wants.

Also i like his proposed social credit system policy.

He can’t win. He’s a capitalist businessman.
There’s no way the Dems would try to elect a capitalist businessman, right after Trump.

You’re just trying to split the Trump vote.

yang is an uncharismatic chink and constructing a facade of memes around him to hide this fact falls apart as soon as anyone hears him speak and sees him for what he is, an uncharismatic chink. there must be some reciprocation of memes between the candidate and his followers. the candidate must gift easily memeable moments to his followers and his followers will distribute manifold memes to the masses in tribute. with yang there is no meme equity between him and his followers. he sits there with his sideways toothy chink grin which leaves his followers with zero meme material apart from making inane rhymes with his name. if yang can actually become a forced meme, then good for him. i would consider forced meme status to be a crowning achievement for a literally who that thinks he can top free shit bernie with even more free shit. but you kids go have fun with your yang memes. i'd rather you be doing yang memes than out in the streets hanging with the wrong crowd.

Blocks all of paths in infinite timelines. No one can Ron Paul

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naw I'm actually full time employed, hence the desire I have to continue to have money and guns. unlike you dickless nogunz

Simply put when you got your gun license you signed a certificate that explicitly states that the state can confiscate your weapon from you. Legally. YOU signed it.

>Just wait until Trump declassifies the FISA warrant process that unfolded on his 2016
>Just wait

We are going to use them to MIGA

You are a terrible spokesman. And since you have a job, timestamp your desk.

>anti 2A

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>Doing it wrong.

Trump is the 'R' nominee regardless. You switch to 'D' and vote for the most horrible candidate regardless.

That was my plan all along. I dont actually think the Corrupt Democratic machine will let a canidate like Yang make it into the top spot unless they have some means Of controlling him. Trump has been a complete dissapointment him and his kiked lineage but between trump and literally anyone not Rand, Ron paul or Yang I'd vote for him.

... nigger we dont have nationwide mandatory gun registry, there is no such thing as a gun license.

and I'd like to keep it that way, along with my money.

>pro mass immigration

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Running up to the election in 2020, for maximum pain. Fucking idiot.

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Just wait til your credit history becoming public knowledge and your .gov universal password is your social security number.

china will overtake USA anyway, no reason to crash it, same reason china doesnt have to invade taiwan, it will succumb on its own, its just a waiting game for them, for you waiting is not an option

Again, this means nothing when it’s so easy to fake Discord screenshots. Not to mention prominent MIGApedes like Sargon of Akkad and Kraut & Tea have a history of pulling gay discord ops. Your bullshit isn’t going to fly anymore, r/The_Donald and JIDF. Trumpenstein’s out.

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discord gg/Tpp8Bqm

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Would the declass have helped win the midterms?

oh one bad thing happened to my right so I totally need to support the commie chink that openly wants to remove the rest of my rights... awesome just awesome. gunna have to pass

discord gg/Tpp8Bqm

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Nothing you do matters until you abolish the federal reserve.

Fuck no and fuck off
Firearm registration
Mandatory gun safe storage
Must own pistol for year before buying rifle
Pass test for salt weapons
30rd mag ban

I lost all my guns in a tragic boating accident, but I would die before I comply with any of that

>no desk photo
Did you bring that gun to your full time job?

you do realize there's no way in hell congress will pass that right?

>respect our decision to vote for Yang?
Eat shit spiked with syphilis fucking faggot

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You have to atleast 18 to post here

>But... if it comes down to Yang vs Trump, you respect our decision to vote for Yang?
No. You’re either with us or swinging from a tree when the Empire is established

already giving up, typical tranny behaviour

yes, I carry at least one gun at my job every day. I'd like to keep it that way. you get it now right?

>just trust the plan

senpai if you really want to help yang's "campaign" (he has a 0% chance of winning) hire a social media manager that is capable of making posts that aren't super fucking cringey, which is a feature of every single yangy post

>we'll all go back on the Trump Train
No one is going to vote for that Zionist faggot.
I'll gladly vote for 1000 shekels and rapid collapse, but every other option is identical.

They'll take it for pennies if it crashes.

Kek. Trannies btfo

>he will do all the cool shit during the election
>never mind that he didnt do anything while 4 years in office
>the next 4 years he will totally do everything he promised

How about we rise up and fuck the optics instead

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i think all the chinese billionaires buying up property in usa dont really care about quantity, they just want to put all the money in usa to not get seized back home, penny or dollar, doesnt matter

this man is a Hillary clinton divide and conquer shill TRUMP (OR YANG GANG) 2020



Trumptards singlehandedly destroyed this board with this muttery and kike-shilling. Even king nigger was LESS anti-white than this kosher goy scum.
I miss my old friends and opponents on this board, tired of only hearing from the absolute lowest-iq mutts that only hold the position trump changed to last; id do anything to get them the fuck off this board; and if that means saying im for some gook then so be it.
And the 1000$ makes for some fucking funny memes as it is just like "infinity + 1".
The trumpkikes are just extremely butthurt that their own tactic is being used against them and fall to the most pathetic of excuses to keep shilling for their candidate in their 2-party dictatorship.
>b-but muh guns
you dont fucking use them so why the hell should I give 2 fucks about your "rights"? if trump said you should register your weapon tomorrow most of you dumb niggers would say its "based and redpilled" to do so.
>muh socialism
you pay for kikes socialism already, why not for your own?
>muh wall
where the fuck is it? you pay for a wall in kikestan but cant even pay for a barricade on your own border. pathetic
>discord trannies
for 3 years this pathetic deflection has been used like some omnipotent answer; before we discussed and shared our opinions, aggressive and unashamed; no matter your view
>based right wing left wing suxx
both arms of the jewish empire sucks, just in different ways.
>back to the trump train
i doubt anyone nat soc or even close would ever go back to the most jewfriendly president in american history.

>He takes Jow Forums this seriously
Go away you retard

>3 years
discord tranny thinks he’s an oldfag

I hear you brother
I gave up on Jow Forums after the syria strikes
Trump supporters are cringe


Keep riding Trump's limp dick i'll take 1k a month in my pocket thank you

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You’re retarded. You get UBI whether or not you have a job, so if you have a job, you’d still have the income from the fucking job, you’d just also have $1000/month. Switching from welfare to UBI literally only helps people that already have jobs.

I’m starting to become yangpilled desu. Yeah he’s Asian, and a little lefty on some issues, but he seems like the most “third position” candidate there is.

I just don't think you can pin all of this zionist shit on any 1 politician, even the president because of the limits of executive power. I'm not dumb enough to vote for a fucking commie

>Implying gun grabbing isn’t exactly what we need to radicalize whites into action
Damn, I guess I just gotta Republican harder to MIGA.

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oh wow I can get fiat currency and I only have to give up my fundamental human rights? hmmmmmm that seems a bit lopsided so I'll pass

That's how we treat guns in Canada. They do a massive background check and make sure you haven't been fired, divorced or incarcerated in the last 5 years - and it works...

See ya

Day 1 of a "Yang" presidency

>U.S. backs China's claims to the South China Sea

Fucking hope you get nuked you fat bastards.

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if not Yang ill write Yang in too bad trumptard

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>Day one of Shlomo Trumpenstein’s supposed second term
Oh wait, it isn’t happening because Florida has gone blue, Texas will be by 2020, and whites are a minority since boomers are dying off, and Gen Z is majority non white.

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>Sanders, Kamala
brainlet-tier. completely different ideologies

yeah i bet it was tough having no rights and being a slave during obama years

i think its pretty clear yang winning it

you cant stop memes


>and it works
Yeah, works for your jew government.

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Trump will drown the chink
in the kitchen sink

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>negotiating with migapedes
Nope. At this point I'll vote for Bernie just to kill the migapede cancer.

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oh I didnt know Obama passed a semi auto ban and a nationwide ban on standard cap mags and suppressors! oh noooooooo

yeah no still not supporting a gun grabbing chick commie

>Guns are great and people should own the,, maybe we should just make sure the clinically insane and convicted felons don't have access and that those eligible should take mandatory safety training before being licensed. also maybe private citizens don't need military-grade weapons

Anti AI? What kind of fucking chink is this faggot

oh no, how will you deer and bottle cans?