Not voting for Yang 2020

>not voting for Yang 2020
What are you? Do you hate free money?

MIGApedes btfo

Attached: YangSF-e1544037830786[1].jpg (410x230, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread: of american adults)*1000 dollars per month/person)/american gdp per month

Fuck that chink.

Stop spamming this chink

Fuck off china.

you are used to dealing with retarded disarmed peasants.

They are not us.

I actually do hate free money, because it's a deal with the devil and in due time not only will money be free but it will also be worthless and we will be eating out of garbage cans in due time.

Questionable if he even makes it past the primaries.

>antigun and more gibs for niggers and spics
joke candidate, joke thread
how did ubi work for your country?

>"Oh noes! AOC threads are not gaining ground!"
>"Guize! Just spam the next fucker down the line!"

UBI was never tried, it was a flawed experiement.

*trillion dollar stimulus to bail out the banks and auto industry*
*subsidies to corporations that lobby politicians D&R*
*38 billion to isreal*
*trillions in the desert to force shitskins into europe*
*hey maybe give americans an extra 1000 dollars a month*

Attached: 805.jpg (224x225, 4K)