trying to kill someone with a .22

> trying to kill someone with a .22
Was he legit crazy or did he get a bad batch of the mkultra?

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He didn’t really want to kill him. It was more of a symbolic deal

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if he was serious he would have used a bomb

Uzi and a suit looks fucking sick. pure 80s kino.

.22 has been the choice of assassins for a long time. They go in then bounce around, they are relatively silent, especially if you use sub-sonic shorts, they are small, easy to palm, etc.
Mussad uses them as sniper rifles in the streets, look it up.

>tfw those guys pulled those uzis from almost thin air
Secret service must be a pretty cool job.

>he doesnt know .22 lr is one of the most lethal cartridges.
it bounces in the body creating a much worse wound than just a through and through.

>thin air
That's a funny way to say briefcase

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>he doesnt have an asshole uzi
what a loser