The Absolute State

American cuck pays black man not to kick his ass.

Attached: 1549228071093.webm (1280x720, 1.53M)

Don't kid yourself. This could have happened in any Western nation. We are all frogs boiling alive, we are just in different pots.


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He probably owed the nigger money anyway

Haha shut up bitch u aint no boss, aint nobody even kno what country u from settle down... cap

Post the year this happened

probably just buying drugs off the nigger it's really all they are good for at parties.

Why do whites start battles they cant finish?

Attached: 1549193651385.webm (720x1230, 1.99M)

He should have smashed the guy hard and fast first thing. Not give it money.

>post white guys winning
Doesn't change that we're all gonna die soon