Jordan Peterson dark web controlled oppisition

I used to think controlled opposition was a crazy conspiracy theory.
But after bret weinstein made the whole dark we branding that was promoted by all mainstream media. With him and peterson linked to soros and the UN. Joe Rogan too. I think its real
Peterson never talks to people on the right
Gets on all mainstream media
Very anti white grouping and ignores jewish stuff

What do you guys think and feel? I think im living in a Jow Forums conspiracy theory come to life and i dont like it

I think tucker is controlled opposition aswell

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Of course Tucker Carlson is controlled. Look who his dad is.

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controlled opposition to what? its 2019 you can literally just do whatever you want the internet is a hellscape of freedom.

there's fucking CP on youtube. nobody can monitor you, let alone control or oppose you. let's be honest here, you're just lazy.

or maybe you're a paranoid idiot with no productive solutions. what public figure do you support? david duke? lmao

the vast majority of people still get their opinions and information from mainstream media

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Except this doesn't make sense because individualiam and freedom is what they were defending. Lol

>Peterson never talks to people on the right
oh wait are you still claiming Stefan Molymeme isn't right wing?

this obvously.
lurk at least 2 years before posting again OP.

>mainstream media
and most of that media is fact-checked, sourced and verified as true, typically under some serious financial penalty if no retraction is printed when proven false.

so wtf is the problem? life ISNT just media. it's also working, and raising children, and pursuing personal interests you find pleasant.

Carlson could win easily saying

"yep, tax the rich and corporations will move to countries with devaluated currency and starving workers"

that's what happened to Argentina in the 90's

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>and most of that media is fact-checked, sourced and verified as true
fuck off retard

he never did a talk with stephen melenxue
did he?


>ignores the important part of my post to focus on the insignificant one.

this is what 95 iq looks like IRL folks.

>most of that media is fact-checked, sourced and verified as true

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what did that have to do with what i said or the point of the thread
just seemed like deflection

anyone in the main stream who is not attacked by the jews is controlled.

Lurk more e daddy cuck

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Fuck your room
Clean your nation

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It’s just a (((Cohencidence)))

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And what do you achieve by calling out the jew? You just get deplatformed and ridiculed.
The only real way to fight the jews is to use cryptocurrencies.

But Dr. Peterwasher....don’t Asians have a higher IQ than your paymasters?

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Read this carefully

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still not sure if joe rogan is controlled op? How you control him when he get super drunk and high on podcasts? He had tim pool with jack dorsey and that alex jones podcast. Even though alex is controlled op probably.

Jordan is a strange bird. If I was forced to categorized I'd say he's some kind of controlled-opposition to post-modernism.

I mean, you are supposed to listen to Jordan and conclude 'maybe post-modernism is actually better than this?'

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>Name israel
>Get fired
>Get deplatformed
Wow, sounds like a good plan OP.

it's way too small man

>david duke? lmao
Classic pivoting from a Peterson Lackey, you people can never seem address criticism of your Messiah head on. Although, since you mentioned him, David Duke is unironically a superior academic than Peterson. He has written more books, far better written and is actually researched and sourced, instead of filled with meandering half-truths, unsound reasoning and deliberate lies. Also, he doesn't defend Pedos in court, unlike Peterson.

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All the worlds a stage
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,

How fucking new are you?

dismantled my ass, it's just a video biased towards collectivism and collectivists are mostly losers.

Except for the collectivist Jews they do alright don’t they

They are high IQ and they only benefit each other because they're successful individuals.

Now what's your excuse?

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Watch this then, faggot

Average IQ and global long term conspiracy between all of the members doesn't fit well together.
You have to realize though, I'm not a complete cuck, I voted for the far right party in my country and I put much value in my still kind of pure nation.
But I know for a fact that the best way I could ever benefit my nation is to be a successful individual.
In my eyes leftist and right side nationalists are the same if they don't do the work necessary to serve themselves, their family and the nation.
This is why I support Jordan. Jews question or not, he knows what is actually important.

>I’m not a complete cuck
>I voted

Fucking lol, you’re as spineless as the rest of us you domesticated housecat. I bet your girl isn’t a virgin either and you’re cool with that.

>the only way to win this is if I align myself with degenerate morons that think they are pure white, while I am actually pure white

you are right about JP but wrong about Tucker.

>controlled opposition is babby's first redpill

You're in for a ride, buddy. Enjoy your stay.

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Tucker is on a mainstream news outlet. Of course he's controlled.

>Average IQ and global long term conspiracy between all of the members doesn't fit well together.
Cheap strawman and over simplification.
> to serve themselves, their family and the nation.
Ah, so now collectivism is a good thing?

Besides, Peterson has stated that he wants a "post-nationalist" society and that "Nationalist sentiment" is genocidal in nature. His self-help stuff is no different then the oft repeated dribble that can be found in dozens of other books, that don't mix self-help with suicidal social and political philosophy.

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Peterson worked at teh UN you fucking idiot. He even admits it.

I've listened to some of Jordan Peterson's stuff and I think you are crazy. All he talks about is regular self-help common sense things. He doesn't really say anything meaningful politically, he just disproves all of the sjw commie crap.

>Spartans defending individuality

I am baffled by your ignorance

Tucker's trajectory has been fairly public. I'm not sure what the powers that be want out of publicizing a relatively likeable libertarian moving towards nationalist and communitarian thought while embarrassing the left. Not ruling it out, but I don't see what 4d chess explains Tucker.

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Tucker pushes as hard in the right direction as he can and not get fired. JP is pushing people away from populism and nationalism

Jordan Peterson was never on the far right and he never pretended to be, controlled opposition implies hes an ally under the control of your enemy but he was never an ally to the far right. The guy opposed retarded gender laws and stormfags here assumed it meant he wanted to gas Jews?

Your kids > You >Your wife > The rest of family > Nation
I don't have to agree with him 100% to support him.
And you shouldn't completely discredit him for the same reason.

JP never said he supported populism and nationalism though.

"We will give them their heroes..."

Look up who said that. Peterson, all these spontaneous apparitions are 1000% manufactured!

>and most of that media is fact-checked, sourced and verified as true, typically under some serious financial penalty if no retraction is printed when proven false.
Shitpost elsewhere you rabid cunt.

Is Jordan Peterson lying to us?

Are you serious? What about poet-modernism is more appealing than "Peterson-ism"?

I only watched a tiny bit of that and I can already tell it's wrong. That video says that Peterson wasn't actually criticizing the left, just the way that the left was trying to achieve it's goals. In other words the video says that Peterson is a lefty and he just wants the sjws to be more subtle so they don't piss people off. Total crap.
The reason he is scared of a counter white nationalist movement is because he is a sane human being. You can larp all you want but I doubt anyone would actually want a fascist party in power. He even talks about this in one of Joe Rogan's podcasts. He talks about how the left is unstable because of all the groups that all have their own agenda, blacks, gays, trans etc. A counter movement on the right would be a whole lot scarier because it's a lot more united. So he is right to be scared of that, you should be too.

what a faggot got anymore fantasies to sell?

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>british guy gives his worthless opinion
Look, nobody here cares what you have to say. Irish-Americans destroyed Jordan Peterson and the Dark Web years ago here. You British Anglos are the dumbest fucking people in western civilization. You literally set us back decades, if not entire centuries with your clueless low-iq.

>I'm anglo
>I finally understand

Good for you!

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Why do retards love this guy again? Nigger talks like he’s 85.

I think pic related.

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Even the ones that are

The guy is put on Fox Jews. I think it's pretty safe to say he's completely harmless to the agenda. You know what happens to people who threaten the establishment in any way? They don't get put on television.

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What the hell is this? An entire video just to say someone else wrote a book about Jordan Peterson and he may be a liar or maybe not? There is nothing of substance in this entire video.

I think if you watched Peterson since before he got famous you would not think that.

I never quite looked at it that way. MSM would be all about anti-tax regardless of political alliance.

you fucking moron. white power is the only solution to the anti-white movement.

I watched Peterson before he got famous. Watched the very first video he made shortly after it came out. And I think that.

welcome to reality newfag, the rabbithole is deeper than you could imagine


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Figure it out.

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Yea I remember when that first thing came out with all of the college kids screaming at him. He seems really genuine to me, I haven't watched any of his solo videos but I don't see any reason to distrust him.

Hi Jordan.

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So is he a drag queen or what?

I doubt he's an actual shill. It's just that like all libtard academic quacks he's full of doublethink and cognitive dissonance which leads him to conclude things like white identitarianism bad, but jewish identitarianism good, the results of feminism bad but feminism that led to it good, and so on. Just a confused boomer with a grab-bag of quotes from smarter men who suddenly finds himself getting millions of dollars spouting bullshit to young men. Personally I think he thinks he's helping.

condemn him all you want, but he's been of great help, even if he isn't perfect. i wouldn't dismiss his contributions, they aren't compromised for me.

I really hate this guy. He's not dropping any real red pills. He just rambles and tries to make things to be seem more complicated than they are, without ever making any profound points. "Blah blah blah... Jung said...."

He's a phony. Smoke and mirrors to distract you from the real problem.

>I think tucker is controlled opposition aswell
read "ship of fools". if tucker is controlled op then it's odd that he's unironically blasting away on the dog whistle like a maniac

So Jow Forums has no real leadership even though they're the driving force of action against the Jews. Spencer is haughty and arrogant with no charisma. Peterson is anti-Nazi. Southern moved on. It's time for Jow Forums users to create hierarchy of brave individuals to spearhead an actual, serious neo-Nazi movement. As Hitler said, he only did the most urgent preparatory work, and another would come along to finish his work. We need a serious borderline affectless speaker who embodies Nietzsche's will to power. If I could network with other Jow Forums users I would do it.

>dismantled my ass, it's just a video biased towards collectivism and collectivists are mostly losers.

But individualists are winners!!!!

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shut up retard

when Yuri spoke about marxist sleepers springing into action JP is exactly who he was talking about.
I'm pretty sure he wasn't even against the bill here..I think he used it as an was perfect

peterson has been looking for an opportunity to break out for literally decades but always fell flat until the tranny pronouns bill came up

he's the worst kind of enemy, faggots like him are fuckin dangerous to society

You haven't been following the Vox Day Jordan Peterson clash, then ? That's a funny video.

Vox Day destroyed Jordan Peterson for me.

Here's a taster of that book Jordanetics.



Jordan Peterson is controlled opposition and dummies can't work this out.

Every time I see Peterson on MSM it's either a male interviewer who perfectly lines up field goals for him, then proceeds to sit back silently and allow him to get at it. OR they put him with a literally retarded woman that a High School debate club initiate could verbally eviscerate

The heads who arrange these sorts of things are not stupid. Do not mistake the intelligence of moron pundits/anchors for the intelligence of those who make the decisions

tucker said i'm a parasite for not believing the official 9/11 report
i'm sure they know each other very well