Yang-sama 2020

>Only a short time ago
>Trump supporters worshipping their god emperor
>their one true king
>their savior that would make america great again
>All of a sudden, Yang comes in
>Says he will give NEET's $1000 a month just because
>Jow Forums shits itself
>o-one thousand a m-month senpai...?
>There is no longer god emperor trump
>all the incels and neets of Jow Forums get on their knees
>worship the new overlord, Yang-sama
>he gib NEETbux
>lots of NEETbux
>The Incels and NEETs of Jow Forums readily get on the knees
>They give good suckle to Yangs 2 inch yellow chode and he laughs
>these faggots have no idea it won't come true
>Yang just needed a good suckle

Jow Forums, do you have no loyalty? At the cost of some extra tendies?

Attached: yang sama desuwa.jpg (300x300, 39K)

>Jow Forums, do you have no loyalty?
it's the backstabbing orange jew-lover that has no loyalty

Why should I remain loyal to trump?

because yang-sama wont give neetbux as promised

As far as im concerned, you faggots are the jews since you'll give everything up for some sweet sweet neetbux

the moment Jow Forums realizes trump cares about jews everything falls to shit. Fascinating

For the 2384279834 time. Neets already get close to $1,000 every month from the government. On top of that they get subsidized rent which they only pay a fraction of it.

line up for your NEETbux, yangolians

Attached: YangGang.png (929x642, 524K)

Tbh if enough of Jow Forums supported him he could easily be memed into presidency just for keks
Definitely easier than it was with Trump

Appreciate the contribution friend

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I thought neets had to be looking for work (unless handicapped) in order to keep receiving neetbux?

And after a certain amount of time, they would no longer receive said bux

>I thought neets had to be looking for work (unless handicapped) in order to keep receiving neetbux?

Not when a doctor says you can't work because of your illness, which is really easy to get now days. You can get neet bucks for anything, ptsd, anxiety, being too fat, chronic back pain, the skies the limit. Not only that. I know someone who got disability, it took about year to authorize his gibs, and the clock starts when you submit your application, so 10 months went by and he got all those 10 months worth of gibs in a lump sum. He said he almost had a heart attack when he opened his mailbox.

You can get neetbucks for fucking anxiety? Really? I could understand the rest, but anxiety is a broad range. Figured they would only give it to people who had it severely. I do know a girl who has it so bad she cant go out in crowds or she will start puking and losing her shit and she has said neetbux. What kind of anxiety does your friend have?

Or what other disability other than anxiety

This person in particular runs a somewhat well known website. He is overweight and has anxiety, maybe agoraphobia? but hes really overweight, 300 plus pounds. Still for example you can even neet bucks now if you are hard of hearing if you wanted to, they will test you but how would they prove something like that when lets say your hearing is somewhat impaired, but you can totally hear most of everything just fine, and when you have a doctor on your side with a lawyer. It becomes completely possible to get it, even if you paid nothing into social security, it will be need based. But it's a shitty life to have when the government wants to know about your whereabouts all the time and verify you, it's just not worth it for most people to go through that. But yeah, I have seen people receive $9,000 in back pay in a lump sum in neetbucks. With UBI people who actually somewhat have their life in order can really put that money to use, this isn't about the neets is what im trying to say. Smart people will still just save that money, the rest will spend it, those will be the ones pumping this already inflated economy.

is china going to give us their money?

or are we going to have to beat the fuck out of them for pretending to hyper-inflate OUR currency?

Remember who first exploited the XDR

and who could destroy it.

your pathetic species is going to GIVE ME my money, or I'm going to take it out of your asses.


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yang gang senpai

not sure if pro or anti yang meme

no, i want more tendies

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>Jow Forums, do you have no loyalty?
Why would I be loyal to a person who promises to increase immigration? Who only does things for israel? Who won't build the wall? He wont stop chain migration, implement E-verify, border crossings are up. Trump is a failure, this country WILL be destroyed, now give me $1000 a month

bro the trump immigration wave has already ensured you have no future, but here you are autistically playing around the edges with economic minutiae. Texas will turn blue and you will be hacked to death in the streets with machetes by roving feral gangs of hondurans. In the meantime I expect $1k per month

I could put up with the Israel shit if I was getting anything in return. But in case you haven’t noticed, WE ARE BEING FUCKING INVADED

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I would rather take it up the ass with a glass-covered black dildo than vote for that fucking communist.

The vast majority of Jow Forums care more about the state of western civilization than empty communist promises of free money while the world burns to the fucking ground. We love the dream of what the west can be and WERE NOT SELLING OUT.

Imagine being such a waste of space you'd willingly ruin your entire country just for a tiny welfare check you most likely won't get.