"House Democrats erupt in protests over indirect sanction of Rep. Omar for alleged anti-Semitism"

"House Democrats erupted into a full-scale brawl Wednesday, challenging leaders over indirectly sanctioning freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar for alleged anti-Semitic remarks amid an outcry over party inaction to President Trump’s divisive comments on race.

In a closed-door session, Democrats protested plans to vote this week on a resolution condemning religious hatred, a measure prompted by Omar’s comments last week suggesting supporters of Israel have “allegiance to a foreign country.”

The remarks have exploded into a larger debate over how Congress should respond to individual racial and religious grievances. It also touched off Democratic concerns that the splintering was overshadowing the newfound majority’s agenda, with Republicans seeking to capitalize politically on the divide.

House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) said Wednesday there may not be a vote this week on any resolution. “We’re discussing what is the best way to address it,” he said."

It seems AIPAC and Israel forgot to pay off a few Democrats. Hopefully, the Republicans can get this antisemitism resolution passed.

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There should be a resolution stating that if America's and Israel's interests ever conflicted theyd side with america.

all I see is further criminalization of the JQ friend, is it my nightmare goggles?

Bibi fucked up by allying so heavily with the GOP and making Israel so synonymous with Right Wing apartheid society. Now he's going to go to prison for his corruption but Likud will still survive because of the Hell we live in.

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The progressive wing of the Democratic party might actually save this country while Trump is just a traitor? What timeline is this again?

>Hopefully, the Republicans can get this antisemitism resolution passed.
kill yourself kike

either way the talmudic filth subhumans will benefit from this, dual citizens should be hung

and one to force AIPAC to register as a foreign lobby just like every other foreign lobby


Is this possible? I mean that same nigger obviously isn't American but she's right about the Jews. Honestly I don't know who the fuck to get behind anymore.

Guide me pol I don't understand what to think anymore
Should Dual citizens be allowed to hold office?

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> mfw these idiots are finally collapsing their houses all around themselves due to their political shenanigans
> mfw this is where bullshit, lies, corruption, and manipulation always end up making it all for not
Godspeed. Do your best bullshitting democrats and republicans.


chaos creates opportunities. We'll see who is smart enough to exploit these new divisions and what they do with it.

Dems doing everything RIGHT!

This is what you do even when you friend is in the absolute wrong. YOU ALWAYS PROTECT YOUR OWN PEOPLE!

Repubicunts need to learn from this.

I see another vote 424-0 incoming
with Omar voting for her own sanctioning

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spotted the discord tranny
you are going to die soon

The progressives don't like apartheid or Israeli Jim Crow laws being enforced in Hebron and other border towns.


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Obama started a war in Syria for bibi.

So you love is rah el? More than America? God Bless the Conservatives.

You are being shilled to worship shitskins and eventually be genocided.

Fuck it, I'm on team Omar!
We can weed out the progresisve bullshit later. Pulling the Israeli tick out is job #1

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I love that Ilhan Omar is accelerating the fracture of the Democratic Party. Over under on a new party splitting off from them, I'd guess 5 years, 10 tops.

The Jews must HATE that Trump is using their own D&C tactics against them.

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Pick the insane democrats
accelerationism and anti-jewism Vs sucking israel cock and climbing down on the wall

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4D Chess is getting Jews to stand up for Ilhan over Zionism and Israel driving a wedge between the zionists and everyone else.

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Anyone else think AOC and Ilhan Omar are plants by trump to divide and conquer the dems?

Lol. Moslems have never stated that. But your fellow kikes, left and right, call for white genocide

My God this nation loves jews.

What is her stance on White-Americans. Oh yeah she wants us all genocided. Fuck you traitor cracker white gurl

She's not wrong.

Israel is our greatest ally
Soon it will be the center of the world

LOL! Who are you gonna support, Zionists?

I would love if that was real. Sadly, they are just that stupid.

No, the extreme left is anti Zionist just like the extreme right is as well. It's so easy to hate kikes. Speaking of which, ever heard of Alfred mond?

>t. Mahmoud

No. You're a moron.
Progressive wing of the DNC has been critical of Israel for a long time


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It's the (anti-BDS) law

I really hope Trump writes a tell all before he dies and it shows how he played everyone on the Left, the Neocons, Rinos and cuckservatives like a fiddle

Totally. What a fucking time to be alive.

This gal get a new twatter? Isn't this the "are you a jew" broad that freaked out and said "delete this" when her picture was posted?

It's just two different guns held to our heads

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This whole thing reminds me of the Women's March. They all gathered under the same general idea of opposing a certain thing, but then every single little group wanted to protest their own specific thing, and of course everything must be included, so it quickly became a clusterfuck of conflicting ideas and any overall message or goal was lost in the static.

yes but they never had such a big voice in the media. If the DNC knew beforehand they wouldnt have let her run sine theyre owned by kikes


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>Jimmy Dore
I unironically love Jimmy even though I vehemently disagree with him on 1/2 his policy.

>Israel is our greatest ally
>Soon it will be the center of the world

Ay Tone, get a load a dis guy.

Me too!!! Isn't it amazing how Americans can discuss ideas and find common ground when there aren't Zionist shills trying to pit us against each other?

Jesus this shit has moved beyond annoying and is just sad now.

>Fuck it, I'm on team Omar!
>We can weed out the progresisve bullshit later. Pulling the Israeli tick out is job #1
maybe we can have it aborted when we are finished with it and it disappoints us

Towel head says less than James traficant and burgers loose there minds really makes you think

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Kek. Schumer claims to be the shield of isreal. Pelosi said she'd give money to isreal even if the USA crumbled. Kys

So do jews
she's 1 girl
Jews are in power

How? How has Israel ever been our greatest ally? They knowingly attacked the Liberty and very likely are responsible for 9/11 and many of our mass shooting false flags here.

I really don't. I looked through all his videos, nothing on covington, smollet, thousands of other hate crime hoaxes. He's as ideologically blinded as the rest of the progressives

>Pulling the Israeli tick out is job #1
absolutely this

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lol. Is believing that being a Jew is about religion the most bluepilled belief one can have?

He does drink the progressive cool aide he's just not on board with the foreign wars.

This is the biggest monkey paw in political history.
>your government will awake to the Jewish Question
>but it will be flooded by browneyes and you will go extinct

Biggest doc of our time

Well pol

where were you when the democratic party became a greater potential savior to our country than Donald fucking Trump

Jewish narrative everywhere like burgers don't have anything else to do. Is it America or Israel?

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"with Republicans seeking to capitalize politically on the divide."

>2019- imagine pretending that Paul Ryan didn't pay to get a democrat elected in Pennsylvania.

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The conflict between jewish sects that encompasses our foreign policy is entirely religiously based.

>shitskins fully aware of Jews with access and control of the second largest nuclear arsenal

what could possibly go wrong? bye bye Israel and the best part, the kikes brought this on themselves with their anti-white agenda, I do love cosmic irony

>Is it America or Israel?
pretty much one and the same at this point


They're killing each other, it's glorious.

haha you fucking absolute cowards

>The conflict between jewish sects that encompasses our foreign policy is entirely religiously based.
This and this.

The normies are fully alert. The Washington Post comment section is starting to look like pol.

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>States an Opinion

fuck off will you?

you can feel the smug through the text

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Not by Trump but by the (((them))). Think about it. Now both party sides are uniting over "anti-Semitism" and they are going to use this to pass even more anti-Semitism pro Israel bullshit. They let her in on purpose because now there is a public figure promoting "anti-Semitism" which they can sell to the public as the 'nu-holocaust' and pass legislation to prevent it. This will, as all of this orchestrated chaos does, give them more power and sheckels to send to israel.

dems want to take your guns, open the borders, destroy the economy, and turn women in whores and men into fags. what planet do you live on?

>anything Trump is for the Dems hate
>Trump knows this I'm sure
>Trump goes above and beyond for support of Israel
>Dems start questioning Jewish control/influence in America

Makes you wonder

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and Israel owns this country and is sucking it dry

you are a coward

do you have any fucking principles?
Trump will sign legislation that will punish those who criticize Israel

and your COWARD ass only has "lol 4d chess"

SPOILER ALERT you fucking cucks
this young muslim bitch is on OUR SIDE, and in this fight, Trump is Against us.

>this young muslim bitch is on OUR SIDE, and in this fight, Trump is Against us.
>I can't think any deeper than what I see on the surface

give me a single example of a series of events occurring in history that displays a dissolution or deracination of one party by said party via aspects of said party as consistently as this.
i await your response with bated breath.

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you aren't on my side faggot

Sure guys.

Trump doesn't actually support Israel.
the 38 billion and suggestions of punishing all who criticize Israel are just a front.

super intelligent

quality "you guys are just dumb" response

More Jimmy:

solid argument Jew boy

you refused to answer my question.

and he won't, look at his textbook responses

follow the digits

>a brown person is saving the white race

Whatever makes jews kvetch is probably the right thing to do.

yeah imagine if the israel firsters were forced to sign a oath to iran

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I just DL-ed all four documentary episodes. Ta, cousin.