Imagine getting 1000 dollars a month from UBI

Imagine getting 1000 dollars a month from UBI

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What's the source of that $1000 a month?

I have $1500

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yang is an uncharismatic chink and constructing a facade of memes around him to hide this fact falls apart as soon as anyone hears him speak and sees him for what he is, an uncharismatic chink. there must be some reciprocation of memes between the candidate and his followers. the candidate must gift easily memeable moments to his followers and his followers will distribute manifold memes to the masses in tribute. with yang there is no meme equity between him and his followers. he sits there with his sideways toothy chink grin which leaves his followers with zero meme material apart from making inane rhymes with his name. if yang can actually become a forced meme, then good for him. i would consider forced meme status to be a crowning achievement for a literally who that thinks he can top free shit bernie with even more free shit. but you kids go have fun with your yang memes. i'd rather you be doing yang memes than out in the streets hanging with the wrong crowd.

Answer this guy's question OP. Where does the money come from?

(You), waggie cuck.

Everything will just go up 900% in price

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>antigun and more gibs for niggers and spics
hmmmmmmmm joke candidate, joke thread

a 10% VAT wich immediate reduces you buy power by 10% and effectively makes that $1000 $900 instead, and that's not accounting for inflation.

>What's the source of that $1000 a month?

By abolishing the fed, we won't lose trillions in interest payments and can use that money to support our people.

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honk honk

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That's a lot of pot and chicken nuggets

UBI =/= free income.

Also free machineguns.

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>this kills the yangcuck

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pic related

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Who the fucks paying for that?

Imagine making hundreds of the same threads and having the mods not care and not enforce the duplicate thread removal rule.

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>>this kills the yangcuck

Thanks, brother. It sure does and so does my unlimited electrical power. Floating Electricity.

I'm trying to lockup my patents so I can give away most of the technology to benefit everybody.

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a thousand a month would just about cover the insurance on that car.

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so what you're saying its $1000 but it will only be worth $900, so basically the source of the money is everyone donating $100 from their ubi. its not difficult maths

we can't even get $1.6 billion for a fucking defensive wall on our own border. you're not going to get $2 trillion for $1000 monthly neet payments

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The look on their face when I produce a product that levitates electrically and makes airplanes obsolete.

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Based gook sugar daddy!

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friendly reminder to hide all yang threads

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Make Yang debate Trump for control of the killer AI drone swarms and missile defense - and then we open source the AI? This seems obviously to be the intelligent way forward...

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Dear Americans,
The US economy is going to crash in the next two years maybe sooner. You currently have $70trillion in off the books liabilities, your economy won't just collapse, your currency will too. While you are fighting in the street for bread off the shelves, and trying to stay alive, the Chinese and the Russians will be invading your West coast and pelting the East coast with missiles. Meanwhile the rats are abandoning your ship having hollowed it out. You are now an empty vessel. The US elite have already burrowed themselves into subterranean cities -you will not be so fortunate. This is not a joke, this is what your country is NOT telling you. Get out of the USA while you can.

God speed anons.

Yeah imagine

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You won't care what look they have on their faces when you are filthy rich.


Can't wait for those chinese style social scores to determine if I get to travel or eat or? when I'm on the government tit.

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>brought happiness to an awful lot of people
You took the words right out of my mouth

What do you mean uncharismatic? He's certainly more articulate than Sanders, and he actually had a job.

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literal meme candidate

lurn2code faggot.

Now just imagine every state implementing a 10% sales tax.

*brought happiness to a lot of awful "people"

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> Another thread about this chink faggot, as if there isn’t 600 a day already
Just fuck off, you shills aren’t going to make us support leftists.

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I might finally be able to afford a place thats not a cramped apartment in the city. UBI is literally the stuff dreams are made of.

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I'm honestly trying to imagine it.
Niggers would still be buying dodge chargers and Chrysler 300s on loans. They still wouldn't be paying them off.
Niggers would still be buying, junk food on their government allowance.
US that have real jobs and work a 1000, extra bucks. Is nice, but eh it wouldn't drastically improve my life. The only people this would help are the fags that are living pay check to pay check working fast food, but that removes the incentive to move up. Not that I would argue that that would be nice for them. So cool it helps the lower middle class.
Where does it come from? I understand that as far as a country goes its not actually that much money and it would be easy to redirect it to make up the sum. That's until the government gets involved, you think a whole bunch of burocrates are going to be able to efficiently direct money to people without causing pressure on someone else, and you're going to be able to give every person 1000, without it costing us 10000 per person. You know sorta like how it works with everything thing else the government does.

>the price of housing wont change when suddenly everyone has another thousand dollars to throw at it

You wish i was a homosexual.

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You yang faggots trying to divide and conquer blew your load too early. You should've pushed him when the primary field starts to narrow and he develops his platform.

"LMFAO Free Money!" will gas out by the time I'm done typing this reply.

Have a clown, clown world

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Thats fucking nothing in this capitalistic shithole.

Imagine being the faggot that is on the limit line of the bracket who can barely afford living as a wage chuck in a big city but now has to pay additional taxes and ends up with less money in his pocket because some lazy fucks now get a paycheck for his wage cucking

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Not everyone will get UBI but good try.

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>universal doesn't mean universal

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Why do you have so many gay pictures saved?

fucking kek

Now I'm not very clever but if everyone got 1000 a month wouldn't that make the price of everyday items raise in accordance? Why would I sell bananas for this price when I know everyone can easily afford to pay more?

That Maserati is gonna cost $3000 month if that happens.
That $1,000 a month rent is going to cost $2,000.

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i think some people just wanna go with yang because it seems like the system is going to collapse, and they want to get what they can out of it before then, while some think they can fix it by remaining a wage cuck

> only 1000 a month
Why not 2000?

Why would the left or any leftist idiot who supports this bother to explain? We already have an unsustainable entitlement program. They can't even explain where that comes from. Just tax the rich more. They don't pay enough!

Imagine just getting a job and earning $1000 a week...

Yeah but /ptg/ #5000000 shilling for Israel edition is just fine, right?

Imagine getting free food from the same people who made you worth nothing but your consumerism

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So he's literally going to pay me to vote for him? I thought bribery was illegal.

18+ and under 64
People on govt entitlements wont get UBI. Your talking welfare,medicaid,ss,ssi,unemployment,disability etc etc. "Universal" means everyone whose not a govt leech AKA majority whites. Boomers on ss wont get UBI which will be amazing for our economy and society.

It's based on a mixture of actually being able to pay for it via VAT and people's love for round numbers

Can someone explain how $1000/month won't drag the value down of our money tremendously? Is $1000 just some arbitrary number or is there some nuance behind this figure

Why only 38bn for israel? Why not 600 gojirrion?

Imagine runaway inflation from people stopping working

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>the Chinese and the Russians will be invading your West coast and pelting the East coast with missiles.
Why, I can them hating up, why would you invade? That would be a disaster, do you understand of vast the country is, you could not have a supply line, and enough man power to control it. So what the whole russian and Chinese army takes the west coast and tries to keep the Americans in line, and then what?
I mean it's believed I guess, but damn.
I would love to see Americans fight a gurrila war, I'm not claiming that we would win or most that would do anything. But the amount of gun, and vets. The amount of nuts off in the mountains that actually have a designated battle plan if shit goes down, the fact that our military runs on chaos, it would be an interesting time to be alive.

>"...and if everyone is super, then no-one is."

Even cartoons understand economic basics.

I will finally be able to go full NEET. Living the dream.

Who the fuck cares if you get to be NEET?

Another prime example of the 'honkler' meme being forced.

Because it doesn't involve adding more money into circulation. The money would mostly come from VAT and much of the money spent will go back into the program through taxes

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Stop the gay shit.

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imagine getting a job

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I am self employed and definitely voting for Yang.

I'll stop when you stop

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If companies (or any business entity) have the freedom to completely automate jobs away from people what is stopping them from raising their prices/services dramatically?
What is stopping the housing market to raise their prices considerably, fucking the housing market even more, after knowing everyone has free money to spend?

You're right. Hard working schleps will be ineligible.

I am very productive (pay a lot of taxes). If you gave me $1,000 for nothing, then I would stop being productive. I would just retire.

Market forces will still effect housing prices. There are way too many houses.

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What if pizza places start charging $100 per pizza knowing everyone has $1k/month to spend? What's stopping them? Free enterprise, dude!