Just how stupid do you feel?

Just how stupid do you feel?

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Kek, show me a single politician thats anti-israhell who would have a legitimate shot at the WH. Even Obama had to kiss the ring when he and Rahm met with AIPAC officials.

Trump is a clown

Proof? Trump is fighting the deep state jews.

I dont feel stupid at all because I never believed the lie that electoral politics in America is real. Only retard faggots believe modern politics is legit.

honk honk

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Dear Americans,
The US economy is going to crash in the next two years maybe sooner. You currently have $70trillion in off the books liabilities, your economy won't just collapse, your currency will too. While you are fighting in the street for bread off the shelves, and trying to stay alive, the Chinese and the Russians will be invading your West coast and pelting the East coast with missiles. Meanwhile the rats are abandoning your ship having hollowed it out. You are now an empty vessel. The US elite have already burrowed themselves into subterranean cities -you will not be so fortunate. This is not a joke, this is what your country is NOT telling you. Get out of the USA while you can and stand in holy places.

God speed anons.

social credit system will be abused by government, dont be naive

When will jews be putting americans in gulag and claim whole USA as new-Israel?

Just like the Brexit nay-sayers, the sky isn't actually falling.
America, like most western nations, has high velocity of trade. Even after a financial apocalypse its underlying health is strong. Boom and bust economies are waves, not boats, they don't usually die.

I don’t feel stupid because by voting for him you were at least trying to do what you could to help the country
Not his supporters fault he’s full of shit
Fool me once...

What was the name again...ah yes... cambridge analytical. Fuck off with your psychographic manipulation of these newfaggots. Your arent going to meme this faggot into the White House either. You failed with Cruz you are gonna fail with this guy.

I would still take over Hillary.

i dont feel stupid

You dont FEEL anything kike. You arent even capable of human emotions

Did he run in 2016? OP is asking a question about the past tense and you are showing us a hopeful for the future. You two combined are about as smart as AOC.

Thanks china

Not at all since I didn't vote.


Feels bad that we still have 30,000 troops ready to die for Koreans, and spend 5 billion a year to keep forces on that little island of nips.

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The whole system is sold out to Israel. It's just a shame Trump sold out to Sheldon Adelson.

Oh look another Drumpf sucks circlejerking thread, as if we don’t have 1,000,000 a day already.
Also > 1 post by this ID

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>Just how stupid do you feel?
Kind of a stupid question being there was absolutely no one else not also beholden to Israel so much they shit David stars.
I mean what's the loss?
After all Trump talked of closed borders and walls and anti-globalism.
It was the best shot we had via voting so we took it.

Nah, he’s only firing the ones that aren’t ethnically jewish.

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g8 b8 m8 s8d

He’s sucking Israel’s dick a lot more than expected. He truly is Israel first.

I don’t feel dumb about it, it’s still entertaining and waking people up.

about as stupid as your boy Yang looks, shill.

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You should have supported Bernie Sanders you dumb piece of shit. Hes the only one who is anti israel and means it. he is the only one that can get away with it because hes jewish himself.


what social credit system? wasnt it going to be 100 democracy bucks?

When they succeed in taking our guns.

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of course, you should feel happy it

Bernie Sanders

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bernie sanders

pretty duped...

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I hate you so much... for everything that you've done...

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I don't. I knew the risks and knew what I was getting into. We all did. We didn't have a better choice at the time and we still don't. Sure, Trump might be like literally every other president when it comes to Israel. Thats not a surprise. But he's opening the door for a new generation of politicians. On the road to making America great again, and I mean truly great, Trump being president for 8 years is step 1.

Vladamir Putin

Isn't Sanders, an actual jew?

I am disgusted by people like this. Filthy neets that will sell their country for a few bucks. But please, fracture the DNC more. Be my guest.



you forgot the constant immigration of niggers and muslims

Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan you kike shill

Sanders sperged out on one of his own supporters when she merely mentioned israel’s Mistreatment of Palestine. He is fanatically pro-Zionist

Trump won’t get a second term due to demographics. The “LARGEST NUMBERS EVER” comment basically fractured his support among younger voters.

Bernie and Tulsi you fucking faggot

fake news

Except he's the incumbent and extremely popular. Despite what the media might say. Unless Trump says something to alienate his base, and I mean really alienate, he'll win.

Bernie? Are you fucked in the head. He's anti-Israel until he isn't and kisses AIPAC's ass. Fuck off faggots.

I said legitimate dummy. Paul and Buchanan are anti-Israel and look at where that landed them. AIPAC owns the WH.

Trump literally drinks jew cum on a daily basis

The usa is already doomed dude
Selling the corpse isn't really that bad
Go die for israel loser

>Support mass immigration and more funding towards Israel
>Jews grant him a better approval rating as a result

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As did Obama, Bush jr, and the Clintons. The difference, at least Trump hasn't been hawkish in the Middle East.

what have i done ?

Yeah, instead he supports more mass immigration which will eventually lead to our country becoming another Mexico.

not stupid at all, trump was a step in the right direction, the liberal cancer is going to take many generations to eradicate.

Trump has always been hugely popular. He's always supported legal immigration and has never spoken ill about Israel. None of these things are surprising, and if you expected Trump to go full 1488 then you have nobody to blame but yourself. But please, keep up the autistic screeching. It looks good on you.

Ilhan Omar you faggot Kyke shill

the absolute boy thats who

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Not dead yet. Only a faggot takes handouts.

>He's always supported legal immigration
Bullshit, he used to praise the RAISE act which would’ve cut legal immigration in half. Ever since a year and a half later. He completely turned around and said that we don’t have enough people coming here.

>if you expected Trump to go full 1488 then you have nobody to blame but yourself.
I’d at least expect him to be more restrictive on immigration. He’s just repeating the same mistakes Reagan did and allowing more nonwhites to flood in. He’ll unironically make America become South Africa faster than any democrat would.

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Trump inherited Obama's drone war and he's significantly expanded it in countries where the US is not technically at war


Good thing the media hates him so much and they constantly complain about Trumps wars.

Yeah sure buddy
The jews are so ingrained into the usa power system that APAC ( foreign influence lobby) can actively b& and destroy anybody who even questions thier power and influence.
Usa is beyond lost, no amount of "gas the kikes!" Shitposting will change that.
No loyalty to Israeli vassals.

Crawl back to your neet discord, commie.

Not an argument

>D... discord T.. tranny!!

Trump has been the most immigration focused president we've had in recent years. Deportations have skyrocketed under him. Everything Obama did to open the floodgates is gone. Trump could do more, sure, but that doesn't mean he isn't doing anything.

Anyone who supports Yang isn't worth an argument.

>Trump has been the most immigration focused president we've had in recent years. Deportations have skyrocketed under him.
That’s a plain out lie, deportations are actually lower than what Obama did. Border Crossings are at their highest since the bush adminstration. Where do you keep getting this nonsense from?

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I feel just fine, lolberal DNC shill. Fuck yourself.