DNC Primaries in 2016:
>DNC gives their Super-PAC candidate debate questions ahead of the debates
>Clear evidence of collusion, numerous DNC figures fired/step down over it

DNC Primaries in 2020:
>DNC refuses to let Fox host any DNC primary debates, says their network is colluding with another candidate (Trump)

Isn't it ironic? They're saying that Fox News is doing exactly what they got caught doing in 2016. So, obviously, their solution is to let the very News Outlets, which were PROVEN GUILTY of colluding with a candidate, to have COMPLETE AUTONOMY over the DNC debates.

Attached: deeptoot.png (957x453, 49K)

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Oops, my bad, first > should've read like this:
>CNN gives their DNC Super-PAC candidate debate questions ahead of the debates

But you don't hear them decrying CNN over this. In fact, let's all guess which outlet they'll root for at the DNC debates.

They need to rig their primaries again.

>Fox news good

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Fox would grovel and softball them so hard to try and shake their flyover simpleton reputation, pretty surprising dems wouldn't get on board

Yeah, that pesky Fox News, always giving debate questions to candidates ahead of the debates. Such integrity!

We should just invite the UN to come in and host all our debates, since they've already got their arms 2ft up every (D)'s asshole, as well as having an iron grip on the DNC's official platform.

Fox News is a cancer, there's plenty to criticize about the other MSM news networks (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc.) but Fox News stands miles above them as the worst network of them all, especially in modern times with the Trump presidency and their constant praise of dear leader.

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That seems like a lot of hot air, so explain to me *clearly* why CNN is a better host than Fox for the debates? Try to make an actual point towards their credibility, I'll wait.

>trumpcucks and reality

These debates will be a disgrace no matter where they are held. The only honest debate would be on cspan with all questions coming in live from Jow Forums

UN is very safe, very spacious.

Lol. Bet they'll let CNN on even though there is ample evidence that they fabricated stories against trump for Hillary and are openly in support of the DNC. Fucking ridiculous

>They're saying that X is doing exactly what they got caught doing
That seems to be the liberal formula.
>Call everyone racist. Only see race.
>Call everyone sexist. Only see gender.
>Call everyone fascist. Try to take guns and free speech.

They're clearly a better network. I don't even like or watch CNN.

The main issue is how networks operate these days, it's more like entertainment than non-partisan news delivery. Every single show on major news networks is 20% news being delivered, and 80% US politics with various commentators being put up on the screen to give opinions, not news.

Fox News is the king of this format, though all news networks exploit this format, but Fox is by far the worst, especially when it has shows like Hannity / Tucker which are 100% opinion shows, not news, and air every single day.

Fox News is practically state media for Trump at this point. Criticism is minimal, there's zero objectivity, and 90% of their shows are commentary and opinion rather than delivery of the day's news around the world.

Provide factual, cited proof to backup your claim faggot

What's funny about this is aside from Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham and Dobbs, the whole rest of the network might as well be CNN.

Its always easy to spot people that don't actually ever watch fox news when they say things like this.
Fox news has a right wing bias, we know that, they know that, they don't try to hide it.
Outlets like cnn lean left hard but act like they give a completely neutral take on the news.
Fox will at least have hardcore lefties on to talk, cnn always has sock puppet conservative rinos to act as strawmen.

Whattt??? Are you telling me that ANA NAVARRO isn't a REAL CONSERVATIVE? bigot

"I don't even watch cnn."

So you admit you dont know what you're talking about.

CNN doesn't even lean left if you watch their commentary, MSNBC is far more to the left. And you're wrong, I watch many cable news networks from time to time including Fox just to see how they are covering a story, and surprise when there's a major story surrounding Trump and you watch Fox their coverage is minimal or talking about something completely irrelevant. CNN actually tries way too hard to appeal to conservatives, and they just hired a conservative commentator to head their 2020 election coverage. They also have several conservative hosts on the weekends too with their own shows.

Fox only brings "hardcore lefties" on to their shows much like other networks do just to have a token voice for the host to argue with. It's all pointless, no matter what network does it. Instead news networks should be focused on being non-partisan and presenting the news itself with opinion shows clearly defined as opinion, not news. The issue is with 24 hour news media the world news stories just don't sell, people won't watch it, they think it's boring to hear about something that happened in Kenya, or some shit that occurred in Ukraine, they all only want to see US politics being discussed.

Fox News is the controlled "opposition" news service, only allowing out approved opinion...

Much like Ben Shapiro and the gay-ass Intellectual Dark Web bullshit.

What I mean is I don't regularly watch their broadcasts. I only turn on cable news when there's something in the news that's worth watching it for, so if there's like the Cohen testimony to congress I'll turn on my tv to see what cable news outlets are saying about it. Otherwise I don't watch them regularly but I still watch them from time to time.

Well to be honest I do think it's a waste of time trying to actually argue for one main stream network over another, they're all completely fucked.

Why would someone ever expect corporations not to have agendas? Its naive.

>CNN doesn't even lean left if you watch their commentary
you clearly don't watch their commentary, or, as i suspect, its just confirmation bias.
you agree with lefty politics so cnn is not lefty, they are just correct.
fuck off shill

Alright, so we spread the fact that the dnc colluded with cnn everywhere.

This. Fox is not traditional or conservative company in any sense of the word, just look at the films and music they produce. Fox news however is designed to appeal to a specific demographic and act as a placebo source of information for them. Remember how Tucker was conveniently hired when Trump supporters were getting angsty towards the network? He was hired specifically to appeal to them, and it's been a successful strategy. Fox and the other media corporations are the same at the end of the day, they're just playing their audiences against each other and reaping the profit for it.

Anti Yang bump

So now all the dem debates will have an anti bernie bias. Excellent.

democrats proven liars republicans same jews next failed meme

I love Fox News.
It's fair and balanced.
Especially Tucker Carlson.
He is the sworn enemy of smugness and group think.

while covering up for the jew mob


It's pretty obvious why they believe Fox is working hand-in-hand with Trump. Sean Hannity L I T E R A L L Y brokered a deal to install ex-CEO Bill Shine as deputy chief of staff.

Attached: trump hannity.jpg (1200x800, 102K)

>Anonymous asks: 'The questions are coming in so fast nobody will realize I'm gay'. Kamala, what's your response?
would be kino desu

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fox gets more viewership than cnn nbc. this will no doubt hurt dems who wont be able to reach the undecided conservative leaning moderates who watch fox

>cnn doesnt even lean left
what world are you living in

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