American Support for Israel in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Falls to Ten-year Low, Gallup Finds
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Nobody wants Jews anymore. They got too greedy.

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'American' Support.... thats mudslimes and niggers.
True Americans will never let down Israel, ever.

Hey jews, just exterminate them already. Whats wrong? You scared of the world seeing you for what you are?

>True Americans will never let down Israel, ever.

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Gee, who could have seen this coming?

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It's down 13 for Republicans vs 6 for Americans in general.

it's because jews are not semites but they are the most antisemitic

>America become more muslim and shitskin
>support falls

color me surprised

iraelis are such evil niggers...

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That's cool.
After freeing themselves from the foreign shekel shackles they should work on evaluating what to do with the rats at home. Namely, the fed and the foreign-loyal congressmen.

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WOW how the fuck are we going to tackle this obvious anti semitism

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your faggot israel first "based maga" president loves slaughtering kids in gaza

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Support for the pallies didn't increase at all. People are just getting sick of you rather bastardize. Still a looong way to go, but based Omar is doing a great job showing how much you cucked our government.

Are they trying to say Jews were this unpopular 10 years ago? I thought we were reaching new modern day highs.

It needs to get much worse for the kikes and fast. This isn’t enough.

...americans should support its poor people, invest in education and healthcare, and shit like this ... mabye buy some times a german car, etc .. pp.. oh, yeah, no wars, its much cheaper and the people have much more in the pocket and more guns in the cupboard..

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Sounds like there will be another fake antisemetic attack again soon

Reminder that There’s a huge divide between Old Republicans and Young Republicans on Israel

>republican support dropped by 13%

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>Republican drop twice as high as Dem

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This is why they shill Lil Benji and juden peterstein so hard, without boomers Israel is toast

because the christian right of america has a spine & doesn't like massacres of gazan teenagers by the (((idf)))

Any loosening of the cuckservative stranglehold is a good omen. America might actually have a right-wing in our lifetime if this trend continues

Great, now we're gonna get non stop holohoax movies until the goyim remember the six bajillion

Whats worse, being a shitskin or pretending to be one?
Bunch of larping mooches.

you're a kike. leave. back to (((fox news)))

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>kikes flood the US with shitsskins and goatfuckers
>support for israel drops
>kikes: pikachu.jpg

>GWOT vets are all home and questioning what their buddies died for
>JQ in full swing on social media
>democrats shooting themselves in the foot with muslim love
>Saudi propaganda and graft starting to pay off
all logical

get out kike.
that trope doesn't work anymore.
playing anti-muslim sentiment to bolster the criminal mafia state of (((israel))) is the oldest trick in the book shlomo

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Yes brother, fire rises.

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nobody gives a shit about brown people, we just don't want to give israel free monie to kill brown people when they can afford to do it themselves.


these kikes have no idea how awake to the reality of the world the zoomers have became because of the internet and meme culture.

>the zoomers will be the generation that eternally btfo's the kike menace

You obviously dont understand the christian right. Evangelicals need israel to be fully occupied by the jewish people to fulfill their cult's prophecy.

Goyim, NOOO

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Technically the oldest trick in the book would be Muslim hatred of Jews.
The prophet Muhammad took up arms against Jews in Arabia and gained enormous popularity along the way.

Jewish Islamophobia would have arisen during the rise of the Ottoman Empire. It wouldn't have been great amongst Ashkenazi Jews until the days of British Mandatory Palestine.

If you try reading a book, it might improve the quality of your arguments.

We're doing it! Thanks to these stupid ass socialists

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>everyone shits on zoomers
>zoomers all have autism
>enter the same shitty job market millenials experienced
>zoomers were too young to remember 9/11 and are unaffected by muzzie hate
>jews wonder why a godless, moralless generation that the boomers have economically screwed don't want to help Israel or jews, a country and a people that only caused them pain

suprised pikachu indeed

They're just killing animals for sport. This is the kind of video that should be spammed. This is effective. I would not want to live in Israel, I don't think it will exist in 100 years. They fucked up pushing too much immigration in white nations. They're losing their only allies. Not only that, they're sending muslims who hate Israel into white nations. It's coming.

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Convince your normie co workers that Israel is a terrorist state. Don’t even mention Jews, just talk about the poor Palestinian people being treated like apartheid South Africans. If accused of being anti Semitic just claim you dident even know Israel was Jewish and say you thought it was a Muslim state.

>just claim you dident even know Israel was Jewish and say you thought it was a Muslim state
pretty sure that would just make you look like a person who's opinion on geo-politics should not be respected

Most Americans are dumb enough to believe it.

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Maybe in consciousness among the citizenry, but not monetarily. That being said, I hope Israel burns to the ground.

Money means nothing in the age of information.


That's the gayest thing i've ever heard. i hope it isn't true.

good video

out kike. look at the current place where israel is 100 years ago.

no more kike shills on Jow Forums plz

>Israeli influence over politics being exposed more and more every week
>Dems and repubs both waking up to Israeli meddling and control in our government
>People speaking out against Israel and american zionists attack back but have no support beyond other jews, calling everything antisemitism and it is clear this doesnt work anymore, the spell is broken
>Mueller investigating Israeli election meddling, will be exposed in his report
>Israel will be exposed as meddling in 2016 election and suddenly a dozen other things will come to public light (like anti BDS bills to strip US citizens of 1st amendment rights)
>At the height of the tension between US and Israel the Grand Jury for 9/11 Architects and Engineers for Truth will convene
>Israel will be proven responsible for 9/11 and the war on terror
>Its War.

Times almost up :)

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I kek'd

Tomorrow is Donald Trump's 777th day in office. Something important will happen. Something good.

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Why do they do that? Why do they always overplay their hand? They are supposed to be smart n shit...

Shut the fuck up boomer real patriots remember the USS Liberty

What the fuck lmao no way are they that stupid like lmfao who the fuck do they think wrote that prophecy hmmm

the real world doesnt work around "meme numbers"

almost nothing EVER happens on the stupid numerology days like u propose.
go see a shrink, you are likely mentally ill and undiagnosed.
also never post here again

There are a number of remarkable 'number' coincidences relating to Donald Trump, Israel and the number 7. Could this be by design, or is it mere 'coincidence'? Here are some of the key points:
Donald Trump was born exactly 700 days before the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, and on his first full day in office he was exactly 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old. (Confirm)
He was elected on Prime Minister Netanyahu's 7th year, 7th month and 7th full day in office! (Prime Minister of Israel) Netanyahu was sworn in just before midnight on March 31, 2009, and his first full day in office was April 1, 2009. (Confirm)
He even beat Hillary Clinton by 77 votes in the Electoral College because of 7 "faithless" electors. (Two voted against Donald Trump, while five voted against Hillary Clinton, bringing the final tally to 304-227 votes.)
Exactly 7 months later from his first full day in office on January 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse occurred - the first since before the nation was formed in 1776 to be seen exclusively in the United States.
All these most recent events occurred in the Hebrew year 5777.
On July 7, 2017 (7/7/17), Donald Trump met with Vladimir Putin for the first time, face-to-face, when Vladimir Putin was exactly 777 months old to the day, in the Hebrew year 5777. (Confirm)
On July 11, 2018, in the 77th week since Donald Trump's inauguration, he was the 777th richest person in the world, according to Forbes.
On Donald Trump's 700th day in office (December 20, 2018), his defense secretary Jim Mattis resigned on the day that Israel turned 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old - (December 21, 2018). He was due to depart exactly 70 days later on February 28, 2019, on Donald Trump's 770th day in office, however this has since been brought forward to January 1, 2019.

On President Trump's 777th day since the election on November 8, 2016, Israel announced that they would dissolve Parliament and hold elections 7 months early on April 9, 2019. (November 8, 2016 = day 1 - December 24, 2018 = day 777 - Confirm)
On Donald Trump's 770th day in office, Israel's Attorney General announced that Benjamin Netanyahu will be indicted on bribery and fraud charges, pending a hearing, marking the first time a sitting Prime Minister is facing criminal charges. The announcement comes exactly 40 days before Israel's elections on April 9, 2019.

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Goy, bye

Have you ever read “the golem of Prague” by chance?

Expect a false flag any day soon

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>Expect a false flag any day soon
It already happened. Israel tried to start a war between pakistan and India.


If they call you an antisemite just act confused and ask if being Jewish gives you a free pass on committing genocide.

>America become more muslim and shitskin
It actually didn't though. Cope harder Moshe.

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Watching your wife get raped by a pack of niggers is less cucked than being an American evangelical.

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Oh yeah. Well, get ready for another episode here in the states, I guess.

How do we know it was the Jews in this case? Not that I don't believe you

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exactly, we turn whites against jewish by sympathizing with the Palestinians. that's why people like anglin and trs have done so much damage with the "we shouldn't support israel or palestine" garbage.

people pushing anti-Palestinian memes are pro-ZOG. that includes people like anglin.

that's complete bs and you know it

anyway didn't your people kill Jesus anyway?

>y-you're a m-mudslim
Cope harder, shlomo. Europe used to be anti-semitic. Many EE countries still are. Because any sane not brainwashed person is.
You better change your behavior before it's too late, and you have another pogrom/expulsion/genocide. American golem is the only thing preventing others from doing that. If he's gone - it's over for you.

>The jews

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Reap what you sow.

wow that is fucking genius I need to try this

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thank you Trump!

>The archive didn't work for this.

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Oh hey, it's kushnershill. Almost didn't noti..
oh why am I lying. Do you stand by what you said in pic related? I've asked you a couple times with no answer.

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>ten-year low


Watch as 6YjS/+7q abandons this thread.

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Nothing in these pictures tells me anything about this person being a shill. In fact I've seen you in multiple threads dedicate every post you make to focusing on a singular individual rather than discussing the topic at hand. You also seem to be heavily concerned with Israel and it's obvious you're using a proxy. Do you really think that you're convincing anyone that user is a shill?



kikes are sliding this hard.

you know what, as a Brit, I'm glad you yanks are waking up to this. We're having our own bs "anti-semetic" bullshit in politics. They think they've taken over the U.S and now coming for us.

wtf america, fix your shit

I don't think he's a paid shill to be quite honest. Kushnershill is just name people call him, right behind 'schizo'. He has a unmistakable posting style of promoting a theory where trumpenstein has all along been executing a master plan to destroy israel with all those pro israel gestures being just for show. He never presents any evidence for this not in the form of headline compilations with an ambiguous meaning instead opting to call anyone who even slightly disagrees with him an israeli shill who will be tortured to death by iranians before 2020. That's not even getting into the other shit like unironic "not all jews" and subversive promotion of civic nationalism. He's an obnoxious spamming disinfo poster.

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That's exactly what's happening shlomo.

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I think you're the paid shill. Your flag indicates you're using a proxy, you derail threads by focusing on a single user, and nothing you say is ever an argument or line of thinking related to what is being said.