Is he the Yin to Trump's Yang?

is he the Yin to Trump's Yang?

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yang is an uncharismatic chink and constructing a facade of memes around him to hide this fact falls apart as soon as anyone hears him speak and sees him for what he is, an uncharismatic chink. there must be some reciprocation of memes between the candidate and his followers. the candidate must gift easily memeable moments to his followers and his followers will distribute manifold memes to the masses in tribute. with yang there is no meme equity between him and his followers. he sits there with his sideways toothy chink grin which leaves his followers with zero meme material apart from making inane rhymes with his name. if yang can actually become a forced meme, then good for him. i would consider forced meme status to be a crowning achievement for a literally who that thinks he can top free shit bernie with even more free shit. but you kids go have fun with your yang memes. i'd rather you be doing yang memes than out in the streets hanging with the wrong crowd.

>antigun and more gibs for niggers and spics
joke candidate, joke thread

Yang is the mang

Yang 2024

Yang Gang report in

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he's paid for by china to bankrupt America.

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Hello we need a plan for the AI people..

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My favorite part of Yang Gang is the horrible photoshop memes.
Enough of them might make me a Yang supporter

nice pasta

Shitty bot-generated memes are secretly the dankest.

Yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang

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xm855 works pretty good

At this point i'm a Trump supporter pretending to be a Yangster pretending to be a Trump supporter opposing the YangGang in a effort to discredit opposition to the YangGang so that the memes and banter don't stop.

at one point I made pro yang and anti yang posts in the same thread and people reacted to each and no one noticed

>going bankrupt
>$22 trillion in debt already
Never going to happen. It would have already happened. The money will come from somewhere. The Fed will print more money, bail outs for banks will continue for their own transgressions, welfare will never go away as politicians will never have the finger pointed at them over people "dying in the streets" and nose-dive thier careers.

lol, best banter since 2016, hands down.

Make America Yang Again!


yang rhymes with wang and a wang is a tiny yellow penis

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The discord thing is kinda a dumb argument tho people need to drop that one

Yang Gang!


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they make it too easy

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I’ve literally never heard of the guy? Can someone give me a low-down?


he's anti-gun, pro-open border, pro-NATO and wants a social credit system like China's in the US. Oh, and he's promising everyone 1000 dolla to vote for him.
And he's way to short to be elected.

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>give people more money
>increase the price of everything
>now 1k is like a 20 dollar bill

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1. Yang is a criminal
2. Yang will not get the nomination and he knows it.
3. His entire campaign is a money making scam.
4. Many of the yang topics are being posted by yang employees in a garage in Modesto California
5. Yang topics are spam

>1k per month
>how are we going to pay for that
Easy, we tax the rich joos, check mate trumptards. Whats the matter, do you like Israel or something? We already give them billions, so this obviously justifies wasting billions more because we're helping white people. Whats the matter drumpftard, don't you like white people? Niggers are already on welfare so it's not about helping them, just ignore the fact that they disproportionately use welfare, flumpftard. You didn't get the wall blumpftard, of course this doesn't mean we should start giving more welfare, you need to be a citizen to gain welfare so the illegals don't benefit, stupid migatards.

Yang is like Napalm to Trump's kosher icy hot.

>be this guy
>favorite band is Death Grips
>have "Overton window mover" in your twitter bio
>secretly liked Grimes "before she was SJW"
>le above it all subversivism

I was gonna post just that but may as well throw out some numbers. Pentagon just got approved for an increased 70billion/year in funding. 70billion/year is more than what's needed to fund universal college EVEN IF universal college for the next 10 years means "tuitions stay the same price and taxpayers just foot the bill"

You could also end the war on drugs, would a 2010 Cato institute study showed would save the US ~40billion/year in drug law enforcement costs. If drugs were legalized and regulated, the same study showed the us would generate ~45billion/year in tax revenue from the drug trade. So that's an extra $85 billion a year, more than enough to cover universal child care or "universal pre school" as Obama called it.

So yeah, checkmate libs socisulisms cant b afford and all, but there's two examples of realocating funds to afford it.

I know dudes who came here in 2015 and before are so in it they have already stopped reading, but to the impressionable disenfranchised ~15-19 year olds here trying to hitch a ride on that fading energy: those examples were some "facts that dont care about your feelings" that you can have while still not sounding like an asshole.