
Explain California to me. Why are some of the biggest and richest company HQs situated there, while there's an explosion of population living in poverty, homelessness etc. And all this in one of the most liberal states in the US...
What happened to America's promised land? Is this the American dream? Is this capitalism?
Also, fucking Pedowood. Is California now the cancer of the US?

Attached: skidrow.jpg (2813x1583, 506K)

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California has a couple industries that are enormously profitable (tech, entertainment) but don't employ *that* many people. So there's like 1 or 2 million people who get paid huge salaries that support a tax base off which tens of millions of parasitic beaners live 10 to an apartment on welfare

The homeless are more and more lately choosing to be apathetic drug addict and thereby, criminals. Why they're choosing this is the Q...Able bodied 20, 30,40 yo men, less women on street but still a percentage. They recieve cash and items from sympathetic individuals and agencies, get to get high and simply exist.

Also, Califirnians are not welcome additions in many places in US.

There is also a 2 tiered policing taking place where a "homeless" is basically immune to enforcement of many quality of life laws/crimes, where a normal citizen is getting a fine or arrested. Derelict vehicles are considered ones domicile, and may not be towed when violating the law. They are not admitted to county jails if they claim heroin addiction, due to potential for medical complications and future litigation...the list goes on...

I went on Holiday to Los Angeles last year and was shocked at the amount of homeless people everywhere.I remember seeing some random nigger taking a shit on the pavement and then just walking off.

can confirm
Am californian living in an apartment unfortunately while being surrounded by nothing but spics upon spics

SoCal is nice. More conservative than you'd think. I have heard the north is similar this way. Central down south to LA utter madness and degeneracy

Most of them are:
1) Homeless of California Origin
2) Druggies & Schizos
3) Ex MKultra participants
4) Illegals from Mexico

SkidRow wasn't as bad till the 80's crack and cocaine epidemics. Also the 90's L.A riots. It's mostly trying to get gentrified. Look at the Arts District, its literally skidrow. Full of millennial scum eating avocado toast.

Attached: 140304_leibovitz_homeless_simpson_318.jpg (1160x773, 222K)

California of old was amazing

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>most lefty state in the union
>most openly declared socialists

You guys are as dumb as a pack of niggers. Why do I even come here?

Los Angeles is still awesome.

I don't know why you think these facts are incongruent.
California is full of rich compassionate morons who support progressive redistribution and other policies enabling the worst society has to offer to keep screwing themselves and others. To every other state, Californians are locusts the plague of which infest every formerly awesome town, changing them to Californian shitholes. California is also well known for being the (((tort))) capital of the fucking world with ambulance-chasing lawyers suing everything that moves. Every small business in CA was pretty much shut down with an endless pile of regulations at both the state and federal level being enforced by (((trolls))) who sue on behalf of the government for shit like not having a bathroom you can fit a small gym inside. Current California is fucking hell for any small business not actively trying to be bought out by Google.

No, it's not Capitalism.


False. There are no conservatives in California. Not one. So-called "conservatives" in California are as conservative as fucking Reagan.

It’s never too late.

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weather and social policy attract homeless


Because it's gorgeous and the weather is decent in most places. There's also a TON of shit to do. I'm not remotely liberal but actually enjoy California (you just have to stay away from the leeches that live everywhere and also the liberal hippies).

For whatever reason, top talent in many high-end technical industries is liberally slanted, so the employees don't mind getting their salaries fucked. You'd be surprised though how gentrification can keep out minorities, so it's not as bad as it seems.

Is Sacramento burning to the ground yet? I thought there was supposed to be some chimpout happening there.

Go to Humboldt. A lot of hippies but some towns are consevative most of them are Russians though.

this is the answer

if we go on holiday to California and just don't go home, can we get gibs and vote?

It's a combination of prop 47 and the weather. California has mild winters, so it's easier to be homeless here. Prop 47 made it a misdemeanor, basically a citation, they don't get arrested and don't even take the drugs away, to be caught in possession of small amounts of pretty much any drug without prior violent crime convictions. So they aren't being arrested and forced into rehab programs like they should be. Thus the homeless population grows instead of shrinks or at least staying stable as some people get help by hitting rock bottom of being arrested. Same for stealing things under 950$.. it's a misdemeanor, meaning they do very little to no time and are released if they are even arrested. Hell, I just watched a police chase the other day where the guy got in two accidents and then decided they were just going to give up the pursuit, pulled the police and helicopter off. The only reason they caught him was because the news crew kept on him and a citizen in a truck started following him after hearing the police pulled off lol. He got him to stop in less than a few miles by pulling in front of him, they then arrested the man that stopped him.

The liberal faggots have let in the diseased invaders from Mexico while at the same time promoting pure degeneracy. It's so bad that it makes the Weimar Republic look like a good ol' straitlaced conservative white town in 50s middle America in comparison. I want to get out of this hellhole with my family but I don't know where else to go that's not pozzed and at the same time not have the residents of wherever we wind up at shot us because they think we'll bring the Commiefornia plague with us.

It hurts to live.

i was in san francisco 1 year ago. my own hotel gave me a fucking map with marked no go was almost half of the city