Retarded pedophiles on Jow Forums

>retarded pedophiles on Jow Forums
>Tell them to fuck off
>Get called a newfag
First why is the shilling much harder?
Second ii have been here for 3 years I am not new

Attached: semi based and semi retarded roastie.jpg (720x900, 106K)

>3 years
>not new

An hero.

it's the beginning of the end of Jow Forums.. the pressure was on before but this is the flood that will finally destroy this shithole, god willing.

Hi resetera

Still seething about the election?

>I'm so triggered that I'm going to make a thread about it
>Hey Jow Forums I care alot about how others view me even though I'm anonymous

confirmed retard

>calling out cancerous newfags means you're a mentally deranged tranny

You must bite at b8 a lot ya sperg, you're why slide threads exist.

Fuck off newfag

Uwu with guns? Bake me a pie thot

That file name is great.

I never said anything about trannies you projecting degenerate