>Trump cancels reports on civilian deaths in US drone strikes
>Trump has revoked the executive order requiring public reports on civilian casualties in drone strikes carried out by the CIA, as well as US military.
The LESS you know, the BETTER Goyim.
Holly fuck Trump is even making OBAMA look actually good on transparency...
Hopefully the drones start killing all the Mossad losers in Syria and the Golan heights. Fuck Yossi Cohen.
Transparency aside, no one gives a shit. Whatever military involvement we have, it benefits no one except the industrial complex. Also is there any other sources? I want more than just RT.
I guess no more "PESKY" stories like this will surface..
>16-year-old U.S. Citizen KILLED with a Drone
press F for us civilians
Holy fuck, a drone just flew over my house.
As per USUAL,
RT link their sources,
which is whitehouse.gov
its in the article.
what a coincidence that the military industrial complex and Ivankike had a get together
why would you willfully give your enemy propaganda tools?
we are at war, colateral damage happens, it sucks, but it is a reality. When you allow your enemies to know and or confirm with them your mistakes it only serves to make victory that much more difficult.
Interesting, so what is the reasoning behind this action? Its sounds like a retarded side-track story if you tell me.
nothing wrong with killing more middle easterners
Post the PROOF you Aussie shitposter
All I hear is a Aussie shitposter deflecting all they liberal bullshit that is going on in your own country
How is those African Gangs going?
Stop pretending the goal is victory and I'll agree with you. Trump is just the poor SOB sitting behind the desk, the agencies that execute these powers have their own heads, and make their own calls.
When transparency is called a tool that can be used against you, just what the fuck do you think the real problem with this scenario is?
when burgers get DRONED no one will know..they will be burger ashes and sesame seeds in the wind
The military industrial complex is the enemy
You are a retard
Yes Trump is that bad
Drone avoidance:
Fractal Camouflage by day.
Mylar Pancho by night.
Just between you and me. ;)
because ACCOUNTABILITY is healthy in a democracy user
MURDER of Innocents is Significant.
And has blowback.
>Nearly 90 Percent Of People Killed In Recent Drone Strikes Were Not The Target
Drone strikes have a TERRIBLE record
Rarely kill the right people
blow up weddings and funerals
this creates MORE TERRORISTS
the (((War on Terror))) aka the Kikes Yinon Plan
has INCREASED Terrorism 6500%
is tjeor government freely killing even its CITIZENS, and not being held to account.
> what is the reasoning behind this action
i think this user is right Trump doesnt want to give his critics ammunition
but thats NOT a good idea, as mentioned here
>civilian casualties
You mean places where terrorist decided to hide in, inside a Muslim country.
FUCK OFF- Best thing that could happen is a Nuke to wipe out the entire family line, race and religion. If civilians don't like being killed then move the fuck out the way.
actually dip shit 90% of the kills are innocents. women, children, etc. these assholes don't target a person. they target a sim card that might have been used by someone who might be a terrorist or who might be considering terrorist actions. this is not honor and if you support them you are either a moron, a traitor, or both. clowns and dod concerned about bad publicity. keep in mind that the real effect of every one of these strikes is to create new terrorists to then justify 4eva war.
drumphy is such a pussy he kneeled down to the cia on this one. he tries to seem tough with his tweets etc, but his actions bely the truth...that he is just a complete anti maga pussy.
> "The United States is a (((democracy)))!"
who do you think is behind this? these are low paid .gov morons and they are typically hitting civilians. how bout this.....loser in another country, in violation of international law, fires off a missile and kills your family. what you gonna do?
He feels inadequate going up against Barry’s high score
fuck hpost nigger I got a real source fo you.
you right though. weddings, hospitals. total pussies, assholes, should be tried for crimes by American people. this is not America. this is not honor.
Well by victory I mean more of them die than of us.
to be honest, I know we are just maintaining the status quo. It is going to take a fucking epic event to break us as a species out of this stagnation we have come to be in.
just look at the world and its refusal to change:
>Israel 2 state solution has been pushed for around 60 years
>African countries are either at war with each other or in a civil war
>Arab spring was shut down by western powers by funding radical Islam
>Trump is stopped at every turn by actors in his own country...maybe he is giving up
the truth doesnt set you free, it only pisses you off.
Why should US citizens care about reports given freely to enemy subversives concerning US National Security interests?
Fuckin Koalafucker thinks he has any right to US documents.
I hope an emu rapes your herpes riddled mother.
just let the goverment do.
I'm sure you trashed obama when he drone striked civilians.
I always thought those things were about the size of a motorbike.
Democracy in action, which requires an informed citizenry.