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Ben Shapiro is losing his fucking mind
Hudson Nelson
Christian Bennett
Luke Turner
Kek. Ilhan Omar DESTROYED Ben Shapiro’s career.
John Bailey
Looks like typical behavior for him, to me. He even used 'alt-right' as a pejorative, like the genocidal, pro-tyranny freak he's always been.
Elijah Scott
his mask is falling off.
Anthony Barnes
He's never had a mask. He's always been an open anti white zionist, its just that boomers and christians love that shit.
Zachary Young
he's been on a neocon roll ever since the summit last week
Wyatt Mitchell
Of course he wore a mask. Look at all the people who pretend that they are republicans whining to the democratic leadership to maintain the status quo because someone is speaking out about problems that actually matter. Also Ben Shapiro is artificially inflated to be popular just like every other e-celeb zionist influencer. Nobody asks him hard questions and he avoids debates on topics he can't win.
Josiah Ortiz
>"You can criticize Israel without being antisemitic goy"
Ben is such an SJW, sperging out about invisible racism because he gets paid to. He is no different from SJWs whom he criticizes and makes his living on. He's hyper sensitive about his own race and calls people bigots for saying anything about them
Ryder Parker
There's also this.
Daniel Thomas
Ethan Jackson
Ben was destined to end up in the spotlight. He would have been a musician or actor or something else, his parents would have made sure he was successful. It just so happened that he preferred being an argumentative lawyer faggot
Robert Hall
Omar never said a thing about Jewish money but kikes jumped the gun and kvetched about the "trope." But it's not a trope, it's objective reality. It's no more a trope or conspiracy than saying a river has water
Evan Ortiz
It's really telling how weak this system of control really is. You look at Tim Pool singlehandedly exposing Jack and his indian lawyer bitch and how extremely baised they are and you realize they are SO DESPERATE to control the "narrative"
Thomas Reed
>Omar never said a thing about Jewish money but kikes jumped the gun and kvetched about the "trope." But it's not a trope, it's objective reality. It's no more a trope or conspiracy than saying a river has water
Xavier Allen
>B-b-but he went to Harvard
I'm sure his essay about his holocaust grandma brought the Harvard admissions office to tears
Josiah Scott
lil ben kvetching hard
Matthew Parker
Kek he was the first thing I thought of when they pulled it with Omar again
Tyler Stewart
He's a race huckster like any of the ADL or AIPAC. But if you dare say that AIPAC lobbies Congress on behalf of Israel that's antisemitic and not true, AIPAC is a conspiracy theory goy it doesn't exist
James Jackson
>He even used 'alt-right' as a pejorative
it is a pejorative you fucking controlled op newfag
shapiro is an unashamed kike
Jordan Scott
>democrats call Trump a nazi and Hitler for 3 years
>democrats decide they want to gas the jews
We've really come full circle
Jaxson Howard
Do you have the corbyn one of this?
Evan Morgan
>mfw Shapiro actually debates someone on Israeli influence in US government and meddling in our elections
Holllyyyy shit, he would be absolutetly annihilated. Would be like Jacob Wohl debating Fuentes hahahaaha fuuuuuck
Caleb Phillips
His mask fell clean off with the Fields incident for me. It also played a major role in redpilling me on kikes.
Lucas Sullivan
The deal was you stick up for me and I'll stick up for you.
Alexander Edwards
Lmao based elon
Zachary Hill
>anti Semite
Haha she didn't even say something anti-Jewish
Benjamin Clark
Holy shit rent free
Evan Howard
>There's no need for identity politics dude, it's so dumb.
Jews are the height of hypocrisy and will always circle the wagons and protect *their* identity while attacking yours.
Charles Roberts
Jacob Jackson
He literally tried to set up Trump campaign manager Corey lewandowski for a fake assault charge
Guy is a bigger globalist operative then George Soros could ever be
Ethan Edwards
now change infidels with anti-semetic
Robert Barnes
Isaac Ramirez
The young far left has completely turned on the Jews.
Chuck all the Dem boomers out of office, and you would have pogroms.
Nathan Edwards
Wow, Elon doesn't give a fuck anymore. Based.
Luis Sanders
Elon Musk is in Plus Ultra
Wyatt Richardson
My favorite is how they are bringing up "dual loyalty" to get in front of the "dual citizenship" issue.
Joshua Martin
Ben is a "based conservative" who's role is to keep right leaning individuals from straying off the Jewish plantation.
BAD GOY BAD is what he's saying in his head.
Cooper Jenkins
>My favorite is how they are bringing up "dual loyalty" to get in front of the "dual citizenship" issue.
My favorite is how some Jews are accusing Ilhan Omar of reading the Protocols of the Elders of Zion when the only thing she's talked about so far is foreign influence in our government through lobbying. Kek.
Josiah Miller
he's doing a great job of informing retards that any criticism, no matter how mild is enough to paint anyone an anti-semite for life. I personally don't give a fuck about Israel at all except that I would avoid going there at all costs. But nothing that raghead said is remotely close to the shit i would be saying about that hell hole.
Justin Brooks
Richard Spencer is psyop larp, and if your natsoc in 2019 your IQ is that of an average Retard.
Matthew Gutierrez
The jews have no self awareness. Their genetic code is the reason. This mental illness is in their DNA and from the beginning until the end of time they will remain this way. They are the great filter humanity must overcome in order to evolve further and not destroy ourselves.
Ryan Green
Hopefully he Lennys her
Benjamin Allen
And all Musk said was "Who do you think controls the media" and 1000 Kikes on Twitter all started accusing him of anti Semitism.
Didnt mention Jews at all, yet they all get so defensive as if they have something to hide.
Christian Hernandez
Ben Shapiro is an SJW
David Rodriguez
You're right. Their greed would consume the planet, and leave it a 3rd world hell hole.
They hate nature too and seek to control it.
Gabriel White
why anybody on this site ever thought he was /ourjew/ is beyond me.
David Sanders
Jacob Lopez
Funny how the kike media goes on about muh koch brothers funding the GOP but Sheldon Adelson is the most prolific republican donor by a mile and you don't hear a thing about it
Daniel Gonzalez
>hit his feed
Isaac Russell
>You're right. Their greed would consume the planet, and leave it a 3rd world hell hole.
They are so greedy they threaten the entire world with nuclear blackmail, but that is about to change.
Charles Collins
Matthew Gonzalez
Mark Levin was ranting about David Duke when I was driving home. They're pulling all the choreographed bullshit they've been repeating for decades.
Carter Rogers
It's afraid
Jaxon Evans
I used to think that Jews were overreacting to the potential for people to get the wrong impression of them based on a small number of things.
Now I'm inclined to think they're worried about people getting the right impression of them.
John Miller
Carson Morales
>Mark Levin was ranting about David Duke when I was driving home. They're pulling all the choreographed bullshit they've been repeating for decades.
David Duke is literally an agent of the Israel lobby,
Alexander Bennett
Joshua Adams
John Williams
what exactly is "anti-semitism"? if a white country wants to exist without any other political groups, is it anti-semitism? do jews automatically assume they must have some role in every government by default?
Isaiah Gomez
I love how much light this is shining on AIPAC. Hopefully the normies can wake up and cause more momentum.
Carter Scott
Do you think Netanyahu will cancel his trip to AIPAC this month?
Luke Morris
All this talk of anti semitism is just helping drive a wedge between the different "intersectional" democrats.
Levi Miller
Even if the Protocols are fake, my impression is that they fairly accurately describe a pattern of behaviour.
She's right about the coin, btw.
Joseph Brooks
Race huckster indeed. Has anyone ever seen a photo or video of Ben NOT wearing a yarmukle (Jew power armor)
Levi Anderson
bingo hit em with the ay tone memes break out the mossad false flag memes point out jewish supremacism tyranny historical examples hit them with epsteins island
Caleb Wood
the protocols are real they live by them
Jason Rivera
bingo. if jews were just regular joe americans you'd see a fair number pushing back against israeli influence in the us government. but you don't and won't. criticism of israel is the one thing that is not allowed because israel is the ethnostate refuge for the world jewry.
the silence is absolutely deafening. they are all zionists and they all put loyalty to israel before anything else.
Christopher Sullivan
>bla bla bla
Calling the protocols "fake" or a "forgery" is the same tactic they use against people by calling them "antisemitic"
Adam Gray
Im so tired of hearing the word antisemite. Maybe the semites are the problem.
Tyler Gutierrez
and it's beautiful
Noah Gomez
The most retarded thing is that ashkenazi aren't even semites.
Grayson Lee
Holy fuck there's video of her saying it. This needs to be seen by normies
Ryan Sanchez
dam son what are you doing. the redpill is not mean to be swallowed all at once!
Gavin Thompson
I don't hate that your stupid...I hate why you are stupid
Christopher Hall
>I don't hate that your stupid...I hate why you are stupid
>literally made no argument
>just calls someone stupid
This is why zionist faggots are losing so badly. They have inbred retards like you shilling online for them.
Jason Butler
Quick you're debating Ben Shapiro on live television and he says :
"Dual citizenship doesn't mean dual loyalty"
What's your defense?
Daniel Young
faggot. He thinks the US should assassinate Irans leader, imagine some1 saying that about Israel?
Hate this lil kike. Notice how he's all like "ohh you can't be anti-semetic, watabout intersectionality?" as if it wasn't obvious the sjw movement these kikes have being propping up for years was to create an easy strawman for kikes like him to use against the left for their anti-israel sentiment.
Normies don't know wtf a sjw is haha
Kikes are very smart, but they lack foresight.
Now he's the lil sjw bitch hahaha
Luis Nguyen
>unzip penis
"What about this bad boy, what does this mean?"
Grayson Phillips
>Kikes are very smart, but they lack foresight.
Kikes are not smart. They are so stupid they convinced themselves they are smart.
Anthony Turner
It's always best when the Trump curse lands on a republican. This is how the zog loses their influence. Ben always hated Trump
Adam Young
ignore him. he's bouncing from every trump/israel thread to another with that namefag just shitting it up with completely incoherent nonsense.
Isaiah Moore
you should change that detective to ellery queen
Hudson Lee
I don't hate you said Zionist
I hate you said your mom sucked me off
your mom is gross
Luke Stewart
Ah okay!
Hudson Morris
That word only works on dying Evangelicuck Boomers who literally believe kikes are their golden ticket into Heaven. It has zero effect on younger people who grew up during the Jew wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Whenever I see a Jew shriek "anti-Semite", I automatically think of them as subversive fifth-columnists with dual loyalty because they're trying to exploit the historical privilege Boomers granted them by giving that phrase power.
Brandon Russell
>it's almost a year old already
Justin Edwards
Then renounce your Israeli citizenship like Ted Cruz did with his Canadian citizenship to prove his loyalty to America.
Noah Wright
you do know this sithole is full of shills, idf, cia, kikes and more kikes of multiple varieties right?
or do you think clownposters are organic?
Anthony Butler
This cunt is like 1/5 jew, she should stfu.
I bet she's virtue signalling in the hope some jew money appears in her snatch
Sebastian Sanchez
Its a conflict of interest which exposes serving politicians to manipulation and influence by foreign governments with opposing interests to that of the US.
Benjamin Bailey
What is he even trying to say there? How is Trump's tweet antisemitic?
Jason Bennett
Go back to sleep dummies.
Anthony Walker
He's having a meltdown and his programming isn't working, but what he's trying to convey is that trump is an antisemite for trying to drive a wedge between jews and israel by associating all jews with Israel which gets the Jews who don't like Israel to speak up and side with Ilhan.
Parker Foster
Remember Trumps globalist speech?
All papers the next day were accusing him of anti-semitism hahaha
Elijah Bailey
Even the ones who oppose zionism only do so because they think Jews are better off as a global shadow cabal without a visible HQ. No matter what, all they think about is 'what is good for the Jews'.
Juan Edwards
Jesus fucking christ could Shapiro be any more transparent in his allegience to Israel over America? He’s literally become a meme tier kike
Blake Edwards
>Even the ones who oppose zionism only do so because they think Jews are better off as a global shadow cabal without a visible HQ. No matter what, all they think about is 'what is good for the Jews'.
Lucas Rogers
Brayden Young
>yfw migapedes are actually dumb enough to fall for this and believe trump is being anti-Semitic in this tweet.
We have entered the twilight zone.