Really makes you think. No but seriously, why did almost every ancient culture come to the conclusion that the earth was flat? Why did none think it was round or hollow or square or anything else other than flat? Very weird how they all came to this conclusion.
maybe they were dumb fucks who didn't know the earth is more than a few dozen square miles?
Logan Morris
>Isaiah 40:22 >He sits enthroned above above the circle of earth You're not gonna find a serious flat earther who says that earth is a triangle, square, or any polygon. Circle is the generally accepted model
Camden Baker
A round 3d object looks like a 2d circle from any side The earth is round,end of discussion
Lucas Cooper
If the Earth is flat why don't we just chuck all our waste over the edge? Hmm?
Matthew Moore
"circle of the Earth"
Not a sphere
Cooper Thomas
They also didn’t know that the land on the other side of the Atlantic existed
Kevin Fisher
Because a word for a ball didnt exist back then?
Ethan Sullivan
Why not just fly around the planet?
Luke Bennett
Do you call this an argument?????
Evan Perez
Kike detected
Blake Lee
If anyone can give me a reason why (NASA) lies so much besides a flat earth, please explain
Alexander Richardson
You know that God didn't actually write the Bible right?
Hudson Hughes
Because that's what it looks like, retard. If you never questioned the Earth's sphereness, even as a child, you should off yourself. If after researching you still thought it was flat, you should kill yourself and all your family.
Nolan Allen
Viking Midgard = most aesthetic F.E. Runner up= Roman F.E.
Jackson Morales
Lay the proof on us, chief
Michael Green
you kind of btfo your own argument. every ancient culture comes to this conclusion because they are ancient and had no way to look at the earth from space
William Edwards
Greeks knew it was round based on Measurements of shadows at different parts in their country.
Jackson Rodriguez
>a bunch of retarded ancient niggers thought something so it must be true >implying the greeks didn't eventually figure out the world was round
Thomas Watson
>Greeks did this experiment approx 500 bc >took 2000 years to catch on in 15th century Hm it's almost like it wasn't a definitive answer
>why did almost every ancient culture come to the conclusion that the earth was flat
they didn't? we knew the earth was a globe like 2000 years ago when some dude sent a messenger to plant a stick in another country and measure the shadow
the flat earth meme is from like 150 years ago (ancient times to american culture I know) where loads of con artists were coming up with wacky interpretations of the bible to start their own end-times cult
I think they're saying the atmosphere is round but land is flat. Either way, rocks are round. It's just more Deep State gnostic shilling ("hurr durr look at these fools who deny MSM 911 and earth being ROUND??!")
You know that same experiment can fit the flat earth model because of the local sun. Flat earth is a hard pill to swallow, it's the final conspiracy. If you're willing to accept what you've been taught without questioning it then that's fine. Who makes school curriculums anyway? Have an open mind user, take everything with a grain of salt, and draw your own conclusions. Most of us flat earthers believe we've found the truth, and we put up with the name calling and ad hominem to try and share it
Christian Rogers
>OP You are taking the word of literal stone age and bronze age ancestors of all the worst chimps on the planet? vs. science, mathematics, engineering and empiricism? Just to be clear.
>we knew the earth was a globe like 2000 years ago when some dude sent a messenger to plant a stick in another country and measure the shadow >cause yeah.. Nope.
The bible tells about the sun, moon, and the stars during creation. No planets, no space.
Angel Davis
More bullshit. If the sun was above a flat plane you would always see it even if only very dimly. The sun sets at a very high intensity. You'll never see it dim at sunset.
Space and everything in it is called "the heavens" in the bible. Do Christians even read their bible ever? I'm muslim and can correct you on this.
Isaiah 42.5 This is what God the LORD says-- the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it:
Bentley Baker
>he thinks magnetic north is true north
Lincoln Smith
That's amazing, what's your take on the Quran 4:34?
Leo Lewis
>If the sun was above a flat plane you would always see it Maybe in your simplistic mind.
1st heaven=sky 2nd heaven= firmament where the stars, sun, and moon are 3rd heaven is where God dwells And you're a muslim. Repent from your pedophile religion.
Evan Kelly
I believe in flat earth because societies that believed the sun was dragged across the sky believe the world was flat.
Amazing guest NASH BO JR and Host Bellagio Sampler discuss many events going on in the Alt Right and geo politics... comfy stream
>AI video Did you know these things about the AI. Bitcoin and blockchain integrated, you and your hardware being used to feed the AI false God the data. >ex Google exec's made first AI church
And 2 amazing Joe Rogan/ Alex Jones QRD videos , one breaking down the entire 1st hour and the redpills And the second and 15 min synopsis of the whole podcast
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Ryder Evans
"Eratosthenes Proved The Earth Isn't Flat. In approximately 300 B.C., Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician living in Alexandria, devised a method of calculating the circumference of the Earth and in doing so, provided evidence to support his long held belief that the Earth is a sphere."
Explanation of diagram: Point A represents Alexandria.
Point B represents Assouan.
Point D represents the Earths centre.
x represent the angle made by the Sun’s rays and a stick at point A.
y represent the angle made by the Sun’s rays and a stick at point B.
Arc AB = 580 miles (by Eratosthenes’ reckoning)
Angle FEA = angle ECG (alternate angles).
Angle GCD = 180o – x (supplementary angles)
angle CDB = 180o – (angle GCD + angle CGD) (Angles in a triangle)
angle CDB = 180o – (180o – x + y) = x – y
arc AB subtends angle (x – y) at the Earth’s centre.
1o subtends arc of AB ÷ (x – y) miles
Earth’s circumference = 360 x AB ÷ (x – y) miles
= 360 x 580 ÷ 7.2 miles = 29000 miles (statute miles).
Michael Wilson
Only if you can give an explanation as to why the entire planet can't see the sun simultaneously all day. If the world is flat, time zones couldn't exist.
Dylan Adams
It's almost like they had a outdated belief that is just incompatible with reality, much like modern right wingers
Parker Bennett
My guess would be space race stemming from the cold war. Talks about blasting the other side of the world via satellite meant it was time to boast space dicks
Evan Carter
Circle isn't a sphere, he also says that it shall never be moved so don't just quote scripture that fits the faggot interpretations you want it to hold.
Easton Garcia
If you were sitting above earth, it would look like a circle