Tulsi Gabbard

Why the hell aren't we supporting Tulsi Gabbard?

No more wars for Israel!

Attached: Tulsi.png (638x1518, 597K)

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People are too busy shilling for Yang or moaning about the yang shills, at present. I've been on the Tulsi train from the very start tbqh, she's the only candidate I'd vote for so far

Fuck this anti-gun Barbie. Jim Webb is the only dem I will support.

I’m supporting Tulsi. Better then any other candidates out there

Full swing smear. To find out who running the country, learn who controls the media.

Yang Tranny Crew 2020, fuck this pajeeta

Fuck Yang. His candidacy serves no purpose

I mark everything somebody says with suspicion when they repeat things that have been *long* since addressed.

Gabbard has already denounced/walked back her gay comments. This is well known. Anybody repeating this stuff thinks you are a moron and wants you to support their bullshit.

Saying this as somebody with an extremely high power level.

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She's a short legged woman. We libertarians are all into short legged women. There's nothing more libertarian than a short legged woman.

Yang/Tulsi 2020

Attached: On Israel.png (496x158, 58K)

She's an antigun Hindu dindu who cucked on the sodomite question.

She's not going to get on the debates by being rabid anti-gay you fool. And Trump has cucked a fucking LOT

It's her turn!!!

I wonder (((who))) runs that account

I wonder (((who))) as well

Attached: guesswho.jpg (650x1070, 323K)

>Why the hell aren't we supporting Tulsi Gabbard?
Because fuck Pajeet gun grabbers.

I want her to gib me milk and take me for a swim.

>that list
Mommy is so fuckin based

Attached: my president.jpg (1052x814, 445K)

Trump 2020 that's why.

The same Shareblue shills from 2016 are here to pretend to be nazis that are dumb enough to think Trump sending Israel some cash is a reason to vote for the democrats instead- a party that wants them to be banned from banking or holding a job and desires to go bomb Korea and raise their taxes to pay for more gibs. But those shills are pretty obvious to anyone who has been here for more than two years.

What's with progressives pretending to be libertarians? Most of the shit hes listed are shit Ron Paul has supported on fb within the last few years.

Minus anti gun, is tulsi really anti gun?


Not that I care. She has zero chance to win the Presidency. I just want her in the debates!

she's not an american citizen and almost started WW3 with that stupid coconut worker who tweeted incoming nukes

>Muh shareblue
>Ignores the fact that /ptg/ is literally run by a media firm
>Ignores that Trump has publicly reversed his position on immigration and foreign wars

Let me guess. Anyone off the trump train is deplorable?

because she's anti-gun and left economically.

>because she's anti-gun
When she said this?

I donated to her campaign. She is the only politician I have ever supported. She has my vote and if she fails to produce a viable campaign, I will simply stay home.

Maybe she'll be next weeks flavor. The AOC shills have let off and the Yang shills are still going strong.
p.s. I'd fuck the living hell out of Tulsi