this is the first selfie by the israeli moonlander. IM NOT JOKING! they posted this as a real photo. HOLY SHIT!

Attached: photo_2019-03-07_03-24-03.jpg (1280x961, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: photo_2019-03-07_03-33-27.jpg (1280x978, 41K)

You can see the string holding up the round Earth. You're going to need better CGI to fool me into thinking the Earth isn't flat, Israel.

Attached: photo_2019-03-07_03-33-35.jpg (1117x1280, 42K)

>Jews wasting money to be killed in deadly space rays for a chance to grab rocks

Attached: 1548044675337.jpg (1012x570, 56K)

As a goy I believe this. I can only hope my foreskin helped power the rocket that went to the moon.

Attached: IMG_20190221_220638_225.jpg (320x271, 19K)

Your so called earth is missing a hell of a-lot more of it's oval shape

Attached: file.png (1278x946, 939K)

Lmao some user can do that "colour negative stuff" thing with photoshop to see if it's legit or not?

you can see the string holding the earth up

It's fake, you can see it clearly in background.

The earth isn't flat, therefore it's a fake picture.

Kikes BTFO

That string/line goes all the way down the photograph. There is another line off to the right.

>oy vey that will divert them good moishe

What the hell are you talking about? The earth is a globe retard

>Meme flag
This is the earth without oceans.

Attached: file.png (590x479, 333K)

So what? So you aren't a flat earth faggot?

fucking retards


Well, this pretty puts the nail in the coffin of all the idiots who claimed the American flag being set down on the surface of the moon was just a hoax.

Wait this is actually real wtf?

I thought kikes were supposed to be smart


God, you people are dumb. It's not a string. It travels the entire length of the photo.

Ok you have my attention. Convince me that the earth is flat
NASA does mean 'to decieve' in kike-speak

There is a made up earth and there is 'science'. The earth is an ugly oval/bad-sphere

It's an oblate to be precise. That picture looks fake af


Attached: 831.jpg (960x506, 30K)

I believe it. Still isn't flat.

The autism on this website is truly a marvel, I sometimes have to remind myself I get paid to observe this shit.

>yesterday I handed a daily report to my supervisor that included jazz jennings in underwear and they facepalmed so hard

Why are shekel goblins on the moon? Did Neil Armstrong drop a quarter up there?

Attached: DCS2.jpg (600x643, 53K)

Perfect Circle lolkeklolkek

6 million hours in Ms paint

Need ones with "Gas the Kikes" and "Arbeit macht frei" and such

You just know it was used for cells to make skin cream for a washed up whore.

>Small Country
Israel is a state not a country
Officially known as the state of israel
>Big Dreams
Greater israel?


Are you that fucking stupid?
a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government.

>"Germany, Italy, and other European states"

countries don't even exist.

I believe it

The absolute state of Israel.

It’s a bad quality pic but that doesn’t mean it’s fake. If you REALLY don’t believe it, go check. Get your telescope out and zoom in on the moon.

Good to know how these useless yids are spending my money

The Earth is a completely different resolution than the rest of the photo. What a joke.

Post pic

holy fuck the mut shekels went in the moon

It's irrelevant if the Earth is flat or not if you can't first accept the fact that NASA is fake, Moon Landing is fake, and almost all space operations are fake.

>British education

Attached: flip2.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>it's literally a blue eye

shitskins btfo

just remember that airplanes turn off their GPS on oceans. if this doesnt tell you that the earth is not a globe i dont know what will.

Not a flat earther or a fake spacer but fuck this annoys the shit outta me.You gotta ask questions when something is obviously so fake.

he clearly hooks his pinky into the guy's back pocket

Attached: flip.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

That doesn't prove shit. Airplanes don't even use the curvature at a determined factor while. Cruise missiles do the same. I have been skeptical about this shit for years but there is really no proof that the earth is round except for brainwashing. I mean if NASAs fake and all things related to the exploration of space is fake what proof do you have?

Hunter x Hunters finale where the dad reveals to the son that the earth is flat started to change my mind on the topic and to look at it objectively vs subjectively

Where the fuck is the stars and other planets?

I get there's some shitfuckery with the line but what her necklace?

Bitches hair don't work like that in space my dude.

That's such a perfect sphere (travelling with the speed of sound)

NASA-tards will eat this shit up

The world chico, and everything in it.

Attached: test1.webm (900x506, 2.94M)

It's cgi. Look at it. Watch it and it will look more and more fake to you. It's so simple to do that with objects today in cgi where its realistic. Software is like $200 but the equipment such as the camera is a good 50k

Can we just, like, find out when the weather was like that and, you know, compare timestamps and shit?

They were real in our mind.

Her hair would act just like her necklace, i would assume it's digitally edited.


Attached: models.png (766x873, 1.25M)

I thought it was pear shaped?

has to do with light exposure for the camera lenses, its set very low(i think); i dont get it, im just parroting what i was told
i always wondered, why isnt the universe all white instead of all black if it has so many stars polluting the Universe with light? any why not just post a juxtaposing picture with normal light exposure levels & controlled light exposure levels, wouldnt it look friggin awesome?
i dont understand it, but id like to

Attached: serveimage.jpg (800x450, 89K)

>It's cgi.
>i would assume it's digitally edited

someone points out something wrong with your theory and its automatically CGI?

There obviously is something amiss....at this point I'm not sure either way...although I know the sciences have been completely corrupted. Black Holes and the Big Bang are obvious nonsense and human space exploration could well be faked.
Flat earth on the other hand I'm very wary of...

Look at her hair though? A free flowing object would act the same as another free flowing object.If you cannot understand this idk.

Even my shitty camera has high dynamic range with multiple exposures. The fact NASA can't do this with billions of dollars is ridiculous.

>Look at her hair though

What is hair product keeping it in place?
What is the weight difference between the necklace and her hair?

more than likely her hair is so full of shit it no longer acts a "free flowing object"

A piece of Gold leaf fell of the craft.

I think there was a gay involved somewhere along the line

Attached: wires.webm (720x404, 829K)

Literally what is this thing?

Attached: 1475249332418.jpg (316x202, 8K)

Yes but why would she style her hair like that. It obviously has product in it but she styled it in that way intentionally, which makes it more fucky.

Very interesting that you chose the lowest quality version you could find. What are you trying to hide, schlomo?

Attached: RrT9KhQatCXXEfg2gsB9M8.jpg (3312x2488, 1.95M)

There is not a single wire visible in that .webm

You don't understand how gravity works, do you?


you made it worse retard

kek for sure.

Looks fine to me.

Attached: 165156156615.png (1140x835, 1.37M)

>Yes but why would she style her hair like that.

Probably knew her hair would be an insane hassle if it was loose? They might require her to wear it in a band/pony tail? who knows

If you are being paid, good on you. In reality though youre probably a neet trying to spread a nartrative.

Mirrors and brushes are a thing even in space user.

All I did was post a normal resolution photo, instead of the thumbnail enlarged that OP posted.

So even if it was true that airplanes turn off gps over the ocean (most likely a lie), what does that have to do with the shape of the earth?

Attached: Tumble.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Looks fake as fuck. Where are the stars? The lighting doesn't fit. If the light source is coming from behind and doesn't extend fully in the image then the stars should be visible. That wonderful joke of what is ashkenazi iq shows itself again. Huff some more of your farts about how superior you are kikes. Idiots.


the earth is both round and flat. its a flat plane wrapped around the center of the universe.

> makes fun of israel
> can't even into space, like israel

It's an oblique spheroid. Not sure what that picture is supposed to represent.

>Mirrors and brushes are a thing even in space user.

What exactly, would a mirror and brush do to keep her hair from being a hassle? It would do nothing, in fact brushing her hair would make it MORE free flowing, cause more of an issue

What are you trying to prove? That there is less gravity on the moon? because we already knew that

i really think by year 3000 everyone on earth is Jewish and space is being conquered by jews

Attached: 7e1e17e7ada66b3d8256c61cd03c2416--jewish-history-jewish-art.jpg (474x632, 46K)

Attached: harness.webm (884x552, 2.78M)

it means GPS doesnt work with satellites brainlet. because it only works near land and land antennas. there are no satellites.

But it's a lie so it doesn't matter. Even if GPS was ground based instead of satellites that says nothing about the shape of the earth.

Attached: 165156165165165.png (987x560, 306K)

I sincerely hope you stay in the dark and remain retarded.

Attached: 1550622193254.webm (960x720, 2.54M)

It's a Glenn Harness or something similar, they are used in space stations for astronauts to keep in shape

Attached: 1550621786022.webm (1260x720, 1.64M)

just google: why airplanes turn off GPS on oceans, fucking subhuman shill.