Not everyone should be able to vote

What made you realize not everyone should be able to vote? Maybe it was a singular instance, rather over time?

Attached: remember-this-guys-vote-counts-same-as-yours-cart-inside.jpg (480x671, 40K)

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i don't even get this, it's more logical to push it that way because if you'd push the cart directly the thing would hit you in the chest

I reckon it was the time when I was at Home Depot and I saw a guy pushing a cart in a trolley.


Maybe didn't want to get wheels dirty before putting in car?

>i don't get this
is there anything else in the cart but the dolly?

Attached: 1550434897937.png (700x700, 615K)

Yeah there are two rolls of something in the upper basket

Literally the guy in the pic

Exactly. What a stupid post

What’s the problem here, much easier to move the dolly that way and doesn’t get it dirty when moving to the car