Get $1000 a month to just be alive

Get $1000 a month to just be alive.

Have a household with a wife and 3 kids.
Make $60,000 a year to just raise kids. Why the fuck would I work or anyone else. This plan is retarded and you can’t prove me wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I have a wife and 4 kids
$6000 a month would go a long if we bought a second home in Mexico or traveled the world.

UBI would only be for working class adults.

Kids are a whole different tax ballgame, friendo.

You and your wife would get 24,000 a year tops. No way in fuck you are raising kids and paying all your bills on that without a mains source of income.

>VAT TAX will pay for $1000 gibs
Do you know how a VAT tax works CUNT ?!?!?

>Say your yearly shopping bill was $10,000
>Increase VAT tax to goods
>Now your yearly shopping bills is $11,000

Your "$1,000" wont be SPARE money,
It will be needed to buy the SAME SHIT you brought the year before for $10,000

raising children is a job nigger

>have to register every firearm
>can not buy a semi-automatic rifle unless youve been licensed to own a pistol for 1 YEAR
>ban supressors
>Ban high-capacity magazines
>Require submission of fingerprints & DNA to the FBI
>Anyone with a history of violence, domestic abuse, or violent mental illness would be restricted from gun license.
>wants "smart guns" locked to fingerprint (guaranteed to make gun less reliable)
>implement a federal buyback program (for all the guns he will BAN)
PAID perental leave
>requiring employers to offer at least 9 months of paid family leave
Cuck Nuke Authority
>The power to launch a nuclear attack shouldn’t rest with a single individual (wants VP & Chief of Staff to have say too. wasting time in a 6 minute response window)
>Fuck the home owners & "start taking the needs of renters & those who would be interested in moving into areas e.g. cheap getto nigger housing
>Sexual orientation & gender identity should be protected classes under the law, SAY MY PRONOUN OR JAIL!
>PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP for illegals. Anti wall.
>Fast-track Obama's DREAM Act and grant citizenship to millions of illegals
>this faggot actually believes the wage gap exists "fight for equal pay"
UBI (universal basic income)
>UBI of $1k/mo will be wiped out by INFLATION. NEETS will barely afford to live & turn to crime to survive. You'll be unemployed & too poor to do ANYTHING but exist
>Expand right to kill children. Mandated free birth control (more gibs)
MORE GIBS for single parents
>further incentive the break down the of the nuclear family
POLICE "Fake News" & "Hate Speech"
>Introduce penalties for speech
DIGITAL SOCIAL CREDITS modeled after China's system
>a REAL-LIFE Reddit-style karma/social rank that follows you all the way to the grave
>Journalist bailout. Taxpayers forced to prop up dying newspapers and media with $1 billion in initial FCC fu

Maybe rent my house out for another $3500 a month while we are gone


He said kids would get it too on Joe Rogan. He also mention teenagers in high school.

So you’re fucking wrong and retarded.

>what are price controls

I know single moms with 3 or more kids. You wanna pay for them to suck more money out of the system then? You don’t think this will be wildly abused? Want a red pill? Woman hate working.

Right on brother

>He said kids would get it too on Joe Rogan. He also mention teenagers in high school.
no he didn't, UBI only works if its Adults, not children. you retard.

Attached: basicincome.png (654x471, 153K)

It would more than likely be additional money given to the parents to care for the child. The state isn't going to just hand children and teens money hand over fist.

Maybe if they are like over 16 and can hold a job, I guess. Or are legally independent from their parents, they'll receive it themselves. There's probably a whole thing about kids being claimed as dependents.

He said it on the pod cast. Dividens are paid to all shareholders so is an American child not a citizen who would not get a dividend?
What the fuck do you think universal means? Are children not part of it? You can’t be serious right?

>he thinks you can "live" off $1,000pm

Attached: FREE money + GunControl.jpg (640x512, 88K)

>price controls
so NOW you want to LITERALLY be Venezuela?

holly kek.
America is lost

Read the post.
Look up mean household income. Doesn’t take many kids to make that level.
How the fuck is America gonna afford this when most drop out of work and start having kids?

Still better than sucking circumcised cock for the next 4 years.

see The state would more than likely just give the parents an additional cash boost for the kids who count as dependents.

1. Inflation.
2. Debt could easily be erased regardless. Since loans are contracts and can not be altered by either party unless specified.

So 1k dollars a month equals, 12k a year, or 120k a decade.
If you got a house right this second at 180k. In ten years it would almost be paid off. If you have any debt it could be paid off in a few years.

Regardless our economy would be utterly destroyed by that point, but yes you'd be debt free.

However if you don't have a house and no debt, you're absolutely getting the shit end of this deal as that 1k dollars is going to quickly amount to nothing. If UBI ever gets pushed through housing cost will skyrocket and so will the interest rates. You'll literally never buy a house opposed to just being unlikely to buy a house.

>UBI would only be for working class adults
Don't lie. I've read Yang's policies and he's offering UBI for every US citizen. He told Joe Rogan that would include kids as well.

>yes take the money, all you need to do is elect me and I'll make steps to take your semi auto guns away but don't think about that. Think about the money which you can't properly live off of anyway

People want neetbux over gun rights, "closed" borders and a white president
It's fucking pathetic

>Dividens are paid to all shareholders
have to be a tax payer to be a "shareholder" in this system i'm pretty sure guy, you aren't going to give every man women and child 1000 bucks a month, i remember that being said, gonna need a timestamp of your claim

No he clearly stated all Americans included Kids would get 1000 a month.
Universal means everyone.
He wants to call it the American dividend. Kids are still American citizens.

Lol at all the yang fuckers finding out their plan won’t work.

>be white nationalist
>opportunity to literally get paid to breed white babies
>be against it because this may crash the zog economy eventually

>Get $1000 a month to just be alive.

Money for no value has no value.

Universal income
Look up what it means and how it works. You can pay tax in more ways in this country by more than just income. Children will also have income tax on the dividend paid under this plan.

>He told Joe Rogan that would include kids as well.
so this is disinfo? i think UBI is retarded to begin with but don't remember that being said, same question to you as the other chucklefuck, provide proof of timestamp

listen up you actual dipshit, stealing money from the rich and giving it to the poor would dick the economy down so hard you would only have this "free" money for a few months before anarchy breaks out. you're literally advocating for a mix of capitalism and communism which is by far the worst idea I've ever heard on this board, just take a minute to think about how that would actually go down. nobody would have nearly as much incentive to work if they actually did get a decent amount of money (which they won't), and the rich will leave the country to go somewhere else with lower taxes, effectively forcing businesses to leave the country, and create a huge job deficit, which in combination with the complete lack of workers, will destroy the country in under a decade. this chink is scamming everybody by getting NEETs to "fund" his campaign and you are another one of the mindless drones he is scamming. last but not least, he supports faggots.

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>Look up what it means and how it works.
pass, will just wait until one of you idiot posts the timestamp

kids need to be over 18 you idiot

yang is an uncharismatic chink and constructing a facade of memes around him to hide this fact falls apart as soon as anyone hears him speak and sees him for what he is, an uncharismatic chink. there must be some reciprocation of memes between the candidate and his followers. the candidate must gift easily memeable moments to his followers and his followers will distribute manifold memes to the masses in tribute. with yang there is no meme equity between him and his followers. he sits there with his sideways toothy chink grin which leaves his followers with zero meme material apart from making inane rhymes with his name. if yang can actually become a forced meme, then good for him. i would consider forced meme status to be a crowning achievement for a literally who that thinks he can top free shit bernie with even more free shit. but you kids go have fun with your yang memes. i'd rather you be doing yang memes than out in the streets hanging with the wrong crowd.

Its only for people over 18 and people in gibs dont qualify (welfare minorities, social security boomers, israelis, etc)
You probably couldnt raise kids on 24k a yr, but 24k plus a low paying job it becomes feasible for many people to start families.

I already looked into this on his site and it says between 18-65 (or some age like that). Kids definitely wouldn’t get it. Arguably they would benefit the most from 18 years of consistent investment income though. Stick $1000 every month in a good investment for your child and there’s your payment for Marxist indoctrination at university sorted.

we wont have a chink president any time soon. first, a white or black woman need to be elected, then a spic male or female, and then after that happens we can talk about a gook in the white house

This (pic related) is why a lot of people are against it

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good luck explaining to faggots that VAT = Sales tax.

You are a fucking retard
Read Hayek

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>literally communism
lel gas yourself

I’m not gonna listen to that long as fuck podcast to go back to the times right now. I know it’s part during talking about assisting teens getting payment ahead for college. He also talks about losing teens jobs due to AI. He wasn’t talking about 25 year olds. He’s talking about your teenager that used to work at Taco Bell.
Either way, everyone has to get paid under UBI otherwise it’s not universal.

>Get promised $1000 a month to just be alive.
>pay 1000 a month in tax to cover it
>pay 1400 a month in tax to pay the guys salary who distributes the 1000
> get a monthly check for 60 bucks and a food stamp
Cant wait.

>supports faggots
every candidate did in 2016. theres nothing you can do about it anymore. give me my hundos

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Why should anyone have to work? Just have robots do everything and give us free money. Why is this a problem?

>the opposite of trump is an asian that likes math
what the fuck does that even mean

Niggers will

A three sentence summary of the communist manifesto.

>Get $1000 a month + your income
>Have a household with a wife and more kids
>Make $72,000 a year just to raise kids and be alive
>For people without families they can pool their income together and invest/save up for property/businesses
>VAT takes money out of primarily Jewish pockets

>give everyone $1000 a month
>private companies lower their salaries because the gov is already paying everyone
>wages decrease
>consumer prices increase
>debt increases

wow this is amazing, what a stupid plan, only a dipshit (poor person who doesnt want to work hard or better themself) would advocate this

betta watch yo ass im coming for it

Communism is about equity
UBI is about nobody having to slave for Them just to live
It's fascist
Strasserist even
But not communist

As opposed to now, when you pay more for in taxes money you'll never see again as it gets dumped into a (((contractor)))'s budget.

Whats the hold up. Dont let us stop you. I will let your robots take care of me.


Will America then have a federal VAT on top of state sales tax? VAT hits the poor quite hard. I suppose they could spend their $1000 per month on it.

stop posting these disgusting photoshops. shills are trying to make his eyes look more western. post the original photos and leave him alone!

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Get a job faggot

I don’t need my income when I can just subsidize it by having a shit ton of kids.

>VAT takes money out of primarily Jewish pocket
You're a fucking retard

>while giving up significant gun rights
Funny how you leave that out, what could go wrong?

>UBI is about nobody having to slave for Them just to live

no its not you dipshit, if that was true then why not give everyone a government apartment and an allotment of food?

youre a dumbass

you cant guarantee someone will spend the money on their necessities

Price controls aren't straight communism nigger. Also
>ubi isn't about equality
lol you delusional retard

>as it gets dumped into a (((contractor)))'s budget.
That wont happen under your plan though because we are all going to start being honest just as soon as we do what you say. I forgot, my bad.

You can do that already, Shaniqua. You wouldn’t get UBI until you are 18 according to Ying Yangs own website. No free shit for you. Actually he’d remove all other forms of welfare to do this. Maybe that part isn’t so bad.

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I already do.

18+ for UBI

He said he would subtract out benefit s from the 1000. So if you got $500 in food stamps you’d only get 500 of the “American Dividend”

unless your loser kids are still living with you. because they have to be over 18.

lmao this dumbfuck didn't even read the policy.

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Alaska pays out an annual dividend to every man, woman, and child living in Alaska
More kids = more $1000

>Actually he’d remove all other forms of welfare to do this. Maybe that part isn’t so bad.
Is this going to decrease taxes? No? Then fuck off.

Makes sense. What happens if you get more than $1000 per month for shitting out 10 babies?

not talking about sales tax

>Is this going to decrease taxes?
Doubt it.

None of this matters we are being overrun by illegals soon.









Yea that was my point

>Ubi will be easily compromised to allow illegals to receive
>hire 10 Jose’s to apply for nothing
>setup auto deposit various banks
>move to Thailand
>live in luxury

based as fuck

Don’t you have a guy to fix that though? Zion Don wasn’t it?

Everyone riding the Yang wang. Sage

That’s not what he said or implied on JRE. Plus that’s not UBI if everyone isn’t getting it. Also, His plan would get sued to fuck by old people. How you can’t pay them the 1000 is just asking have this in court until the end of time

No bud it's over.

$1000 is nothing compare to how much boomers got by just increasing value of their owned properties and land and preventing future generations to even produce own food, since they are forced into big cities where btw corporations get unlimited cash to import migrants.
>The Canadian dollar experienced an average inflation rate of 3.58% per year between 1947 and 2017. CA$100 in the year 1947 is worth CA$1,174.77 in 2017.
>The U.S. dollar experienced an average inflation rate of 3.48% per year between 1947 and 2017. $100 in the year 1947 is worth $1,096.52 in 2017
Btw who do you think got those trillions of oil profit from USA wars? Not the tax payers, not the government budget, all private handouts of unlimited free money, while workers died for it literally.


hes anti gun
fuck him

you have to be over 18. he doesn't want to just copy alaska. it's also a monthly payment

you already get social security over 65. this is like social security for everybody

>don't remember
i'm not listen through that gook again for you
It says right on his webage
>Every U.S. citizen will receive $1,000 a month, regardless of
>income or employment status, free and clear. No jumping through hoops. Yes, this >means you and everyone you know would receive a check for $1,000 a month every >month starting in January 2021.

That not "only for working class adults".


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Better start the acceleration. Vote Yang, get your “free” 1K, buy guns, ammo, gold, food.

he never said anything about it going to children on the podcast. he said 18+ on the podcast and on his site
its a lying boomer mental nigger.

>REEE boomers
ah yea ok, ignored

He produced an abstract painting with soul. That should be worth millions in capitalistic circles.

>poor people
>notoriously bad at making financial decisions
>all have iphones, new cars, and electronics
>always broke
>live paycheck to pay check
>think giving them free money every month will miraculously fix their issues.

People have enough money. They just don't know how to spend it and save. With an extra 1000 bucks they're just going to have even more shit they don't need, and a Lexus car payment. All the while they still live paycheck to paycheck.

>yeah gurl ho on. My ubi just dropped, gotta pay dis lexus payment. Immona call in work tomorrow since i shuld have a hundred left over n i don't need to work all week.

>Andrew Yang is running for President as Democrat in 2020 on the platform of Universal Basic Income. The UBI he is proposing for the United States is a set of guaranteed payments of $1,000 per month, or $12,000 per year, to all U.S. citizens over the age of 18.

Well sounds like you think median household income earners or lower should receive reparations. This is different than UBI

Quit pushing this yellow anti border anti gun nigger