Spanish SJW party retracts their own propaganda because it's sexist

Spanish SJW party Podemos released pic related to announce the beginning of the electoral campaign, coinciding with the return of their leader after a disastrous paternity-leave during which the party split in half.
Five minutes later, they had to retract their own poster and they themselves denounced it for being "sexist".
The reason? The poster shows the word "Vuelve" (here's back again) cannot be written without "el" ("he" in Spanish), which is sexist.
The leader of the party promptly apologized for the poster on twitter.

This is the level of the political opposition to VOX.

Attached: Podemos_vuelve.jpg (1000x1000, 165K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's the fixed version

Attached: podemos_fixed.jpg (1000x1000, 196K)

Man that commie cunt is still around? Did he say anything about his sex partner Maduro lately?

He and his party spent years claiming that men had a much shorter maternity leave than women, and that ALL COMPANIES should be forced to give the same amount of "paternity-leave" to their male employees.

Then, he took a "paternity-leave" of three months from leading the party to prove that this has to be seen natural from now on.
In less than one month:
>feminists destroy the party from within
>party splits in a gazillion smaller parties
>party rents a football stadium for a political act, only attracts 4 members.
>party forced to cancel all other events
>party forced to beg their members for money for the elections, despite getting 8 million dollars in public funds on December.

Note to Commies:
>this is what happens when you put a woman in charge.
>this is why men have shorter maternity leaves.
>this is why private business don't hire women or minorities.
The SJW-party got Yoko Ono'd in record time. All your gibs, all your dreams of totalitarian State, your feminist country... all down the drain because of a dumb thot who only got anywhere by fucking the leader.

Jesus fucking christ, I'm so fuckign sorry for your country bro, filled with immigrant far left sjw bullshit.

Well, they TRIED but were unable to pass legislation that jailed you for using wrong pronouns, so Canada still wins at this game.
They also labelled a silly bus that said that boys had wee-wees and girls had vagoos as a "hate crime"


Attached: 17675416741.jpg (1080x1079, 105K)

Maybe it because my spanish is rusty, but does anyone else think this looks like a joke?

I just read all the "plaza y plazo" shit; there's no was this isn't a joke.
Please Spainon, tell me your people don't actually support this shit.

Of course it was a joke.
This, however, is real (google-translated link)

Spanish people will massively revolt in the upcoming elections and vote VOX.

This is incredible

España es literalente el pais mas emasculado de toda habla hispana, quiza solo igualado por Argentina y Chile. No me sorprende eso en lo absoluto. Incluso aqui que estamos gobernados por comunistas no hay ninguna de esas cosas de maricones.

Lo peor es que el Espacuck promedio nunca se atrevería a decir nada al respecto, y los que se consideran de derechas deben decir lo mucho que aman a los homosexuales para no ser tildados de ser muy radicales.

Las autoridades son tan patéticas, corruptas
y suicidas que si entras a España y duras 3 años ahi te dan la nacionalidad porque seria demasiado facho echar a un inmigrante ilegal, y si por casualidad de la vida te deportan te devuelven con 500 euros para no ser muy malitos.

Todos los hombres de España se fueron con Colon, y los que sobraron murieron con Franco. Disfruten su distopia progresiva.

Por cierto manolo, no olvides tu inyección de estrogenos mandatoria, que para eso es que te cobran impuestos, para que los maricas se corten los huevos y se abran un segundo culo.

based Venezuelan but your country will never get out of that mess and even if you did you would become what Spain became or what any other country on earth has become, a cesspool of decay.

Attached: Juvenal.jpg (644x321, 80K)

Gee the end of the world isnt enough they have to make it a gender issue too

Also VOX is pro-zionist and Podemos pro-marxism
Choose your poison, peasant

Attached: 1550306373317.jpg (322x500, 40K)

this is why english has no sex, we’re all ++pozzed trannies

Pretty interesting polling, if it can be relied upon at all. Does anyone want to give me the inside-Spain rundown as to what Vox actually stands for? The Wikipedia page (yes, I know it can't be relied upon) says that the party endorses economic Liberalism, which I've always had a problem with (and yes I'm talking about Liberalism from the classical definition not the retarded American definition).

Attached: Vox.png (910x705, 231K)

>Spanish people will massively revolt in the upcoming elections and vote VOX.

>Be Manolo
>Election day
>Wake up from my state sponsored Siesta
>Fill my taxforms, always keep them up to date, King forbids I miss my payments, how could those poor Morroci families afford free housing? or how could those poor 14yo ethnically Europeans get their free HRT?
>Go buy some food at my local restaurant, the same one I have always gone to for the past 30 years
>Food is 3 euros, but taxes bump it up to 10. I pay gladly and thank for my healthcare system, which is overrun by South Americans.
>Finally get to voting vallot.
>Vote for Vox, a right wing party, more extreme than Hitler himself.
>Vox magically wins
>They rename fag marriage into "civil unions"
>They stop north african inmigration
>They bump sudaca and centraca inmigration by te thousandfold, proceed to call it "possitve inmigration"
>They close some mosques too, which totally haven't been in my beloved homeland since the 4th century, Because I am totally not a moor rape baby
>Go back to my second Siesta, this time not state sponsored.

Yep, it will be like when Franco left, he was the dam containing all the degenerates.

They are zionist and you are a "nazi" so they have your same ideology

Attached: 1548441623010.jpg (336x400, 180K)

I was going to write a long description, but then I realized that it is faster to just say that VOX is the GOP, a party that had no equivalent in Europe.

Damn you guys should have kept Franco alive..

You can't be serious