DON'T WATCH CAPTAIN MARVEL - not what you think

I have it on a 100% reliable source that the movie will be the first to fully implement latent mind control. This is why it's the only movie playing, to get maximum exposure

All of these inventions by Hendricus Loos will be implemented throughout the film

last warning before tomorrow

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wasnt planning on it

And this gives you power over me?

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Really? The first? I doubt that. Look at the slavering hordes of sub-80 IQ mystery meat you call a population.

It's Disney. If they haven't mind-controlled us already, they're not going to.

Dude no one here is gonna go see it. I'd rather buy dinner for my wife. She hates comics anyways.

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It was great until I saw the corner. That self-indulgent, Boglin-esque self-insert ruins it with a certain ham-handedness I find offensive to my sensibilities. I want to chase the artist up and down the road with my rake.

OP is Brie Larson trying to reverse-psychology Jow Forums into watching it to see for themselves

My local theatre has other movies playing. Have you niggas not checked since this idea was first floated?