Why doesn't he name The Jew, he's independent and doesn't seem to have any Satan worshiping tendencies...

Why doesn't he name The Jew, he's independent and doesn't seem to have any Satan worshiping tendencies. His site is pretty baste news and doesn't afraid of anything...what gives?

Attached: drudge.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe him and Alex Jones are impregnated with interdeminsional aliens demon babies, and as new lizard mommas they don’t want to...I’ve seen this before

Because Jews are very based and have no reason to be named by anyone. Stormfags are the cancer destroying Jow Forums please go back.

>Matthew Drudge was raised in Takoma Park, Maryland, near Washington, D.C. His parents follow Reform Judaism.

Ill name the jew just tell me who it is. I'll even let them suicide me

Matt drudge is a Jew user.

It might be because Matt Drudge is Jewish himself. 1/3 of all the links on his site are about the Jews or Israel, OP.


Fuck, thats on his Wikipedia...it also says his parents were democrats...

>Why doesn't (((he))) name The Jew
why is your IQ low enough to ask this?

Attached: Iliveinafire.jpg (681x665, 67K)

I must say I've been thinking of running something like that in Poland but I couldnt bring myself to read through all the garbage that is in the media

Because hes FUCKING JEWISH and a FAGGOT you stupid nigger

Attached: oyveyy.jpg (634x438, 61K)

Drudge is a Jew dummy.

>muh hollywood clickbait
drudge is a joke

I love him but i think this. Black man that loves you.

okay...so he's clearly a compromised gay jew nigger...explains a lot

but now I must ask if there is a similar site somewhere that's not run by a gay jew nigger that is willing to name The Jew...that doesnt talk about lizard people and flat earth shit, i.e. legit

he doesnt need to name the jew. if you do you get killed and everybody already knows about it. pretty simple

I *smell* desperation

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I want to keep abreast on the latest underhanded kikery...I cant use Jow Forums at work

Because some people are mature enough not to be obsessed with fucking Jews you fucking retard. Get out of your dumbass box and wake up.

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I mean... I do my part, no?

Pic is starving

Attached: Screenshot_20190306-104931.png (720x1280, 772K)

I keep asking myself why people would go along with this.
If properly threatened I guess they would

Pic kills the commies

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