Previous Thread Tonight’s Topic: Starting off on the right foot
Scripture: Joel 2:12-14, Philippians 4:13
> 12 “Even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” 13 Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. 14 Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave behind a blessing— grain offerings and drink offerings for the LORD your God.
> 13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me
Did you get your ashes? How are you handling the cessation? Did you make it all day? How close did you let yourself get before pulling away? How confident do you feel regarding your promise?
I want to draw attention on the second piece of scripture cited here. I want you all, brothers and sisters, to stay strong. It will be tough, it will take time, and it will be worth it. Focus on what you have to, and make it through this time. I personally I am a proponent of meditation, cold showers, and prayer. When you shake your earthly desires, your carnal temptations, you will find so much more meaning and steadiness of value in these coping habits which you will inevitably acquire to as a strategy to conquer the affliction. If your strategy is not working for whatever reason, evaluate the strategy, and change tactics. What works for me may not work for you, but you must do what it takes to be successful. I wish you all continued restoration, and healing. I would also like to remind the ones who are on the right path, that all it takes is on wrong step to leave the path, and that I hope you stay vigilant. There’s no doubt in my mind that we can all succeed. Please read aloud the scripture among yourselves quietly. Digest the matter fully. If you have any concerns, or statements to make, I will be present to address them with you.
Reminder that all Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholic. I’d specify my denomination, but I fear that will only serve to supply the shills, and trolls with more information than they need.
Moreover, I would like to address the recent pedophile scandals in the Catholic church. It was not my decision to take advantage of children, the parents trust, and the environment. Bad people do bad things, and it’s not going to sway my decision to be faithful to the Lord. It’s not my role to address that. To be clear, I am not Catholic. Maybe I should be, but the community I hail from, Catholicism did not fall on my lot. Regardless, the Catholic clergy have to answer for this activity. I’m here to talk to you about Lent, address your concerns, and try to keep us all on the right path together. I seek to serve you, my fellow man. I currently have too much time, so I take what I need immediately for myself, and am giving you the rest.
It was brought up in the last thread, Matthew 19:21, I believe is the scripture. Normally, I wouldn’t entertain what I thought to be a troll for so long, but I had no choice to ruminate on the topic. I wondered what nuance could be attributed to the story. It eventually came to me. The young man was talking to Jesus, about what was next that he had to do, and Jesus told him that if this young man was to be perfected, he had to give up all his earthly possessions. See, when he was abiding by the commandments, he had life. But the at the end of his life, he brings nothing but himself into heaven. Perfected in a sense here, that it is the last thing he must do. I don’t believe giving away the farm is the idea here. I believe what this scripture serves to us is that it is a reminder to live with in your means, to be generous in giving, and to pass your positive legacy on in this world. Planting seeds for trees which you will never stand in the shade of so to speak. It’s not like you can take anything into heaven with you, anyways. Maybe what Jesus was saying there is that the young man has to become old before he’s even at a point that he can do that. In a way, the teacher is telling him to go live, but to do so without materialistic inclinations.
jq85okF7 >Caffeine 1YoCCsRT >Shitposting x0hTvsX >Missed Lent’s purpose C1M12ONC >Does not understand that faith is a contract NPR4etMG >Smoking oqJSOxWm >Our atheist Estonian ZAeb7LmQ >Continued restoration via self-love 8p/evy40 >Pornography PoYOsn0O >Shitposting Georgian KZ4LWgrz >Hope he sticks around and offers intelligent discourse LYkMACvG >Shitposting/blasphemy, encourages degeneracy IorShmoo >Success within his occupation regarding current indecisiveness L/41wawd >Comfort in loneliness, restoration in faith, and conquering lust zhrXuGWU >Pornography/Masturbation KjPREbV >Hope that he re-acquaints himself with the Bible cl2GkbL/ >Twitter MFOIn4bA >Shitposting ZjZARRKs >Continuity in his strength mkttMak6 >Continuity in his strength Sw0O8XuK >Shitposting 4HZrvE0g >Alcohol
If you do not see your ID here, and are not a shitposting, I apologize.Please let me know and I will make an adjustment to address your concerns.
>cult not one a man's religion determines his politics where else would it be discussed? Politics is the process of making decisions that apply to members of a group. Lent is a season of self-restraint, reflection, and pursuit in truth. Don't like it? Leave
Luis Jones
i was a
n athiest for like 15 years
actually looked for physical evidence its been in front of my face the entire time Just remember to all you non-believers.
"for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
>New Testament was written to keep cluster B faggots in check. >Cluster B faggots retranslate and reinterpret it to convince normal people to be cucks instead of criticizing cluster B behavior. Jesus failed. Linguistic tricks killed Christ. I hate to admit it but occultism is the true path after all.
I hope Jesus comes to your aid when you cry out his name as a demon is possessing you as a result of your hubris Keep playing with fire Reminder, Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross, so you don't have to do all this old-world shit
what would you say is the physical evidence? Are we talking the Shroud of Turin type stuff?
Cameron Reyes
Hi anons, can you please pray for my sister? She had a rough first semester at (((art school))) last year and she's been an atheist since because God "didn't answer her prayers". I don't know the details really but please pray she finds the faith again
As a new Lutheran (=ashes) who used to be Baptist (=no ashes), how long am I supposed to keep the ashes on my forhead? Are you supposed to wash it off at the end of Wednesday?
I would say go to sleep with the ashes on your face, and wash it off in the morning It will help to remind you of the promises you've made to yourself tomorrow
Carter Campbell
>tfw not sure if heretical
John Torres
They’ve been trying to possess me for a decade now. They only had even partial success when I was a young unironic christcuck. After becoming far right God actually answers my calls and I can even communicate with certain saints. All spirits know I have a powerful logical Polish brain and want to use it for their own causes.
well most times you try and show dates and stuff in this manner its bullshit. All you can do is be aware of the possibility of a new religious era. bout it, but doubtful
I'm an anti-Catholic. You fucking people worship one fucking Jew and I fucking hate your guts for it. Kill yourself, you worthless shithead. We don't have God so one fucking Jew can go this-and-that and so-and-so about God. Why do you think Jesus Christ got killed? Because he wouldn't shut the fuck up. All he had to do was shut the fuck up.
Henry Cox
free will is the most clear physical evidence that god exists.
>I feel bad I didn't go to church What I would recommend is that you do your own little ceremony maybe sing a hymn or two, and make some ashes of your own, and do it in the mirror
I would venture to say that the Ashes are designed to help you start off Day #2 of Lent off right
GOD must be so happy seeing you guys start to wake each other up because you are all finally starting to understand that He loves you more than you ever imagined.
Thank you for your kind reply, user. I will do as you say. Do you recommend a psalm or something else for me to sing?
Again, thank you for your reply, this was really burdening me.
Robert King
probably because there are like 4 Christianity General's going on right now I think I might start calling it "Protestant General" since loads of people seem to think I am catholic
Henry Stewart
>I'm an anti-Catholic hah! I needed a good laugh You take care now
Lucas Hall
You can't know YOU going to Heaven until YOU know YOU can't go to Hell
That's an interesting suggestion I've heard some argue about free will pointing to God as the source Some theologians of renown But how do we know?
Lucas Lewis
My grandfather just passed this week and was a lifelong Catholic. He lived a long life. I fasted most of today and most likely will keep going with no tobacco or fast food
Ryan Hall
I have not been practicing for a decade at this point. I did not attend services tonight, but I did forego meat today. I will attempt to observe Lent until Easter.
I'd like to come back. I just don't think I'm ready. I still can't reconcile myself with the highest leadership of the church, but I have lately been thinking about the priests I'd known growing up. I hope they are at least still leading good examples for the others around them.
I'm sorry to be crude Shit like that is a total bore fest and it's precisely that horse shit which gives us a bad name there is nothing engaging about the story that man is trying to tell God love him, and I admire his will to do something like that, but if that's the way it ends up, maybe it's better fucking no one knows about it
James Perez
>its been in front of my face the entire time Same. I was so blind I could not see for so many years. Now very grateful I have seen the light and found God. It's truly wonderful. I have virtually nothing in material goods, no money but thanks to God I am truly rich in other ways and for this I am very very grateful
Matthew Mitchell
They are truly terrified that so many are waking up. They can't stop this though. The audacity of them thinking they can beat God is astonishing
Nicholas Nguyen
How about "Lord, I Want to be a Christian"? this is the only video I found to meet the criteria of lyrics, the hymn number, and YouTube.
Allow me to introduce you to the Observance of Lenten Discipline:
"Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: The early Christians observed with great devotion the days of our Lord's passion and resurrection, and it became the custom of the Church that before the Easter celebration there should be a forty day season of spiritual preparation. During this season, converts to the faith were prepared for holy Baptism. It was also a time when persons who had committed sins, and had separated themselves from the community of faith were reconciled by penitence and forgiveness, and restored to participation in the life of the Church. In this way, the whole congregation was reminded of the mercy and forgiveness proclaimed in the gospel of Jesus Christ and the need we all have to renew our faith. I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to observe a holy Lent: by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial, and by reading and meditation on God's word."
When you do the ashes on your head, say aloud, "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. Repent, and believe the Gospel."
Say this aloud, too
"Gracious God, I confess that I have not loved you with my whole heart, and I have not loved my neighbor as I love myself. Forgive me, I pray. Open my heart wide to you, that you might renew my faith and strengthen me for obedient service."
Check the list tomorrow I think you may find yourself pleased that you are included worry not, I will link this thread in the new one
Cameron Johnson
saved, thanks
Zachary Williams
Then if you can do better make your own stop bitchin and help wake these normi niggas up
1 Timothy 3 2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) >must be the husband of one wife, having children Catholics and Orthodox teach the exact opposite.