Now that the dust has settled, let's have a calm discussion on why Trump's presidency was such a failure

Now that the dust has settled, let's have a calm discussion on why Trump's presidency was such a failure.

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You shills will never divide us from Trump. He’s making America great again and you trannies are seething.

Trump is an american traitor he dances to only the sound of money not to the sound of his people this is why we need communism to keep these fat pigs out

Nice job samefagging your own thread retard.

So he wants to replace the white working class that voted for him?

>coping this hard
Do you know what IDs are, faggot? Did you LITERALLY just come from Jow ForumsThe_Donald/?

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wtf, i hate trump now! time to vote for an ultra left wing socialist!

Trump was always a heel. You got duped! You'd honestly be better off with a Democrat at this point.

It's something out entire government seems to agree on, which is why there is no political solution. We're only delaying violence until we have no recourse.

Unironically this

We should try our best to destroy our own fucking government so a revolution can began already.

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It's funny that the cultists don't even support him anymore. It's just buzzwords now as his extreme left wing policies have taken hold. Open borders coming soon for Zion Don.

It's not a binary choice, though.

Same. Trump had a bad week. It’s over
>it’s over

Trump is part of the same establishment elite that hates the middle and working class white Americans, there's simply nothing that can be done.

Varg was right all along: there are no political solutions.

It’s really demoralizing.

>Did you LITERALLY just come from Jow ForumsThe_Donald/?
do you really have to ask?

The same answer as always: Jews.

The real reasons are much deeper and if you are honest, you know them already. Unfortunately the base here, in the basement so to speak, is unwillingly to give up their live long delusions and actually DO something about it

Trump is a step in the right direction. Every other viable option was infinitely worse. Actual literal Nazis are not holding office anytime soon. Libshits and Neocons have been fucking things up for decades. Do you really think we’re going to unfuck the country just by electing one man?

Here's the Answer OP

Attached: Jared Kushner.jpg (300x457, 22K)

And that's the rub, isn't it. He's still better than any of the alternatives. He's the best we're going to get and as long as he stays that way he's still the most logical choice when Election Day comes around. He was supposed to break this dynamic. But instead, he just put our balls in his own vice grip instead. I'm depressed. We'll see how this pans out in a couple of days.

How can i profit from this? Legit question


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You don't. You become a colony now with a US puppet dictator and they will take your oil for an apple and an egg.

Maybe if an immigrant can do your job for half the pay then you're not worth double his salary?

He was never going to be a good candidate. Voting for him was a middle finger to Hillary for a lot of us. The people who slobber over a literal New York Jew lover is embarrassing. Looking at you /PTG/

Civilization had changed in a very bad way. Worshipping profit over caing about the fate of your society has led us directly to this evil fate.

You sir are correct. Cue lazy entitled mouthbreather hypocritical rebuttals in 3...2..1

What if he means white ones, though?

His solution to the Obama era stagnation and frustration of the working class was 80s style laissez-faire economics, with no check on mega corporations, wall street or tech giants.

It wasn't a failure. He achieved all the things I wanted him to achieve. 6 more years.

A leaf

Because the west is made up of potemkin democracies. Still, the actual government is annoyed by him enough that they spend time/energy/resources attacking him rather than pushing poz, so electing him is the correct choice.

We're not going to fix the West with...
1.) Boomers
2.) Democracy
3.) Global capitalism
4.) Kikes
5.) Feminism

These things simply have to be dealt with before real change will ever come.

Oh my god the shills have evolved...

corporations don't give a fuck about quality and will happily replace you with a retarded beaner who does half the work for half the pay while selling you a product that's smaller and worse than it was last year at the same price because they've used their lobbyists and pocket congressmen to make competition de-facto illegal
but i guess i'm an entitled mouthbreather or whatever


There are 7 billion people on this planet; you are a narcissistic fool if you think you're some unique irreplaceable cog in the machine. There is always someone willing to do your job, for less. I have a good job, and I recognize this, and if you're too blind to see it may God have mercy on your soul, because I wont.


>We have the best MAGApedes, don't we folks?
>We have the best BLM, don't we folks?
>We have the best LGBT, don't we folks?
>We have the best feminists, don't we folks?
>We have the best religious diversity, don't we folks?
>We have the best gun control, don't we folks?
>We have the best illegals, don't we folks?
>We have the best welfare, don't we folks?
>We have the best wall...

This Yang image enrages magapedes 100x more than the 5 or 6 other images I tried. Maybe it's striking a nerve?

Attached: yang.jpg (400x1310, 208K)

It's because 1 leader can't stop the inertia the Jews have built into our society for the last century. Put on top of that he's a weak leader whom we all knew was weak, then there's no hope for him to catalyze an anti-inertial movement.

>We should organize our society entirely around providing the most unearned wealth to parasitic financiers

Attached: MAGApedes theory.png (994x406, 54K)

Maybe the immigrant should work in his own fucking country?

Seriously, guys, share that image with a magapede, and watch him sperg out completely. High potency.

I think that deep down even the magapedes know that Trump is WEAK AF and that all kinds of mental gymnastics and fantastic stories are needed to keep Trump afloat.

>he will not divide us


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wtf I love white genocide now

I hate how pervasive of a concept "shill" has become, its intellectually lazy to dismiss an opponent as disingenuous. That said, I've often wondered the same thing; with how quick they are to accuse any disappointment in Trump as a shill, who's to say they arent trump shills? I miss 2016 when things were looking bright.. the way things have unfolded truly is crushing.

>millions of Europeans are going to emigrate to the US each year to do low skilled work


His problem is all he cares about are economic numbers where the media must give him credit, not quality of life for Americans.

>it's his first day on Jow Forums and he doesn't know what ID's are

You have to go back.

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>Trump: Fuck America

how bout you get out from behinf that meme flag first

>rather than pushing poz
Trump is pushing it himself.

What was the reaction of the crowd at the Michigan rally?

>208 KB JPG
based image

Genuinely curious about this. Nobody can be brainwashed that they'd cheer for BASED LEGAL REPLACEMENT!

People cheered him on at CPAC calling for more immigration. I just don't know anymore, bros.

i thought it was a mixed bag

Here's my r/td-tier response. Regardless of what cuckery he pulls now, we have to be grateful for the effect his election had on the world. It's always been less about what he does and more about what would have happened if he were not elected.
If Hill won, you would have had TPP (blatant point of no return globalism), a democratic supreme court for the inevitable future and god knows what else. Trump gave hope back to nationalists around the world and you would not have the far-right on the rise without him.

Since the mid-terms he has been acting like more of the same, here's hoping that he is handing out false promises and posturing for the next election in order to win back legislative control.

It isn't too surprising considering CPAC is almost as ZOGGED as AIPAC.

There's already a thread on this.

kek the absolute state of Jow Forums

2 years into a 6 year term and trying to act like things aren't going well? sad

Neocons managed to get his guys out early and worm their way into power combined with the fact he obviously holds a lot of affection for his daughter and son-in-law who are filthy urbanite liberals.

>*flicks tongue at you*

There should be greater repercussions for so blatantly breaking campaign promises.

lmfao so it's come full circle

Get on board niggers.

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this is a from the twitter post of a supporter after the motherfucker trump said american workers make too much money.

Grand Duchess (Smirking) @NoTatsClassy 4h4 hours ago

Replying to @LouDobbs
Dear @realDonaldTrump

My heart is broken. My soul is crushed. You lied. You lied. You lied. Shame on you. I can't imagine making the effort to vote for you when you have utterly betrayed the very people who elected you! F*** you!

he lied to Americans in need of a hero. used maga and fired all America First supporters as soon as he got to the white house and then started fucking us all.

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