Look what the Jews did to my boy

Look what the Jews did to my boy...

Alex trebek is, dare I say, everyone's guy putting sheeple down and intellectuals in their place alike and the Jews give him stage 4 pancreatic cancer.


So how do we make sure he defeats (((cancer)))?

Attached: 844621_web1_ptr-AlexTrebek-092118.jpg (532x462, 22K)

Pancreatic cancer on its own is bad enough, but at Stage 4 he's a goner

median survival rate is 2 to 6 months.

(of course a range ain't a median but i guess they give people ranges so they won't go around thinking "omg i've got exactly 3 months to live!")

Attached: trumpcurse.jpg (649x284, 43K)

Give him your energy boys

Attached: alextrebekgetwell.png (1280x718, 876K)


Who is the most redpilled choice to replace and respect Alex Trebek's place?

Trump curse claims another victim. At this point, it’s dangerous NOT to support Trump. I pledge allegience to Christ Trump, may his reign last forever.

that's the mildest criticism of trump i've ever seen. not deserving of stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

maybe stage 1 but definitely not stage 4.

>"Trump should not be ostracized for his remarks as they are normal people behavior"
>Le Reddit Trump curse.

God only knows you french kikes deserve a thick, burning rope.

The problem is mocking him is all people do. Compare this to how Trebek described Obama.

Attached: Obama.jpg (571x313, 48K)