Remember when

The party of "Family Values" picked a guy who fucks his daughter and cheated on his slut wife few months after their first child was born with a porn star.
That's where we are now.
I hope this is the rock bottom.

Attached: Salute to FLOTUS.jpg (800x600, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Got any proof or just what some retard on Twitter said?

Attached: 1551571672698.jpg (682x1024, 297K)

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Yeah I know fuck him he sold us out. Now we need to vote for the liberal Chinese guy, this time the president will do right

Remember when your faggot party ate itself alive because you're indecisive retards like all women and queers?
Because kys.

wheres the uncesnsored pic

>and cheated on his slut wife few months after their first child was born with a porn star
>believing what a prostitute says who would have/has got $100k's for lying about an affair.
c'mon user don't be that stupid.

Attached: 1551296564740.jpg (960x882, 59K)

No hips. Probably a tranny

Name? She's hot, I love vintage porn.

conservatives stopped caring about anything at all, started becoming leftist kikes

then us degenerates came along and took control of the political narrative

none of that shit mattered so long as he'd stab the kikes in the back

but it looks like he wont

probably fears for his life

Stop slut shaming the First Lady.

Totally normal in a post Kennedy / Monroe, Clinton / Lewinsky world. The only difference is T-dawg gets hotter chicks that let him grab their pussies. (re-play the audio to confirm the word 'let' was used)

Imagine being too retarded to understand that nothing matters except the Supreme Court nominations and hilldawg would have stacked it with filthy commies

Is this Barron's mother?

Imagine unironically thinking any famous person or celebrity of that side is "family values"

you mean the same side that rapes children? does all sorts of blood magic rituals for adrenochrome, and demons?

BTW, this is just the beginning.

Bro, believe me, I read it on Rebbit

Trump didn't run as a typical Republican and you're delusional if you think this has or is going to persuade anyone.

nothing JFK didn't do first

Yeah why isn’t he married to a Trannie, gorilla like the last president?

Attached: F48FD2C9-6937-485C-B062-042B6E133E45.jpg (484x604, 43K)

>who fucks his daughter
Disgusting projection.

Good point.

>I hope this is the rock bottom.

Attached: 1516968944055.jpg (1024x631, 124K)

God who wouldn’t


>party of "Family Values"
The GOP just said that shit in the 90s because it made serial rapist Clinton look bad.

>implying Drumpf's FLOTUS isn't a tranny

Attached: 1297491036501.jpg (245x246, 8K)

Attached: WTF_TRUMP_LGBT flag+kissing nigglets:.jpg (1024x2705, 405K)

Is TRUMP really in Love with Kim Jong Un from North Korea?. Is TRUMP gay?

President Donald Trump on Kim Jong Un: 'We fell in love' over 'beautiful letters'.
President Donald Trump said he and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un "fell in love" because of Kim's "beautiful letters,"
but another top Pyongyang official warned that denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula won't happen unless the U.S. backs up its warm words with action.
Trump, speaking at a rally in West Virginia on Saturday night, said both leaders took tough positions at their June summit.

"I was really tough and so was he, and we went back and forth," Trump told an adoring crowd of thousands at Wesbanco Arena in Wheeling.
"And then we fell in love, OK? No, really, he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters. We fell in love.”

Attached: Donald_Trump_Kin_Jong_Un_hugging.jpg (542x768, 365K)

fake & gay

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.