Post forbidden knowledge

Give us more light for our paths

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Milk is a poison.

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NATO and Russia both know an invasion of the Baltics is inevitable nuclear war, yet both are prepared to do so.

Why nuclear?

Suwalki Gap. NATO will nuke (tactical) invading Russian Columns to prevent a blockade, Russia will demand compensatory action and nuke NATO staging grounds. It will escalate into full-out nuclear war soon after.

Our universe/existence is all quantifiable data in an event horizon surrounding a black hole.

Pederasty has been the guiding impetus behind all of human evolution. Some of our hominid ancestors had bigger prostates than others (chimps have relatively small ones) and realized that anal sex felt good. This allowed same-sex pairings, which were stronger and more efficient than heterosexual tribal groups, and became more abundant. Eventually, sexual flexibility evolves alongside culture, which is fostered through pederast-pederastee relationships. This is how the Greeks, the Chinese, the Persians, etc all were able to amass cooperative social laws and education (pederasty is just another form of knowledge passed down from elder to student). You can see it to the present day, where Michael Jackson took in a young boy, took him under his wing, and molded him into a world-class choreographer. Thomas Jefferson, of course, had a young sex slave of his own, who he tutored and prepared for free society. Many great, powerful men indulge in this. Alex Jones is significantly correct when he mentions the pedophile psychic vampires, but they aren't a different species or supernatural beings. They're humans like you and I, but they reproduce their own memetically, not genetically. When people refer to Lucifer as the Lord of Light who brought knowledge to mankind, they aren't technically wrong about that either, but that knowledge came at a heavy price of sexual servitude. Reject all help and all tutelage, and you will find Peace in the Darkness of Solitude.

Part of why the world is going to hell so rapidly, or at least appears to be doing so:

The Cold War gestated a whole world of schemes, plots and power players who have influenced and guided the world ever since. However, that was a while ago, and most of them are exceptionally old. Now, suddenly, something it happening that they never really planned for or expected: they're dying.

Orgs, programs, think tanks, all these grand means to an end are suddenly rudderless. The old power players try to hold on, but immortality took much longer to set up then anyone expected, and they're being caught out, year by year. As they never expected to die, they never groomed or prepared heirs or inheritors to keep their machines running. It's passing to inferior, uninformed princes or even indoctrinated sergeants who don't understand that what they push isn't the point, just the direction it's being pushed in.

The inmates are progressively inheriting the asylum, and the old guard has no idea how to stop it. Why do you think russia is being pushed so hard? It worked before, the hope is it can work again, somehow reboot the same conditions are regenerate the conditions to produce the powers that be. This, and a thousand other things, all working in a limited way, but just causing more problems, as leaderless conspiracies try to remember what it was they were plotting about.

tl;dr - Old cold-war power players didn't crack eternal life in time, and as they die their positions and works are falling to people who have no idea how these schemes work, and are therefore running them into the ground. Like some spoiled high-society brat inheriting a grand, rich legacy and dying penniless in a community outreach hospital.

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The bit about michael jackson is ok, passing down qualities thru mentorship, and everthying that follows the words alex jones, is pretty enlightened.
But u fell for satans lie and you are the one who makes things sexual, ur doing it with relationships you were never a part of now

5-10% of all children are born to different fathers, from an affair the mother was having. The number is higher in small country towns.

I'm a doctor it comes up sometimes because children have impossible blood types from the father. Worst case I saw was a family with 3 kids and none of them were from who they thought was their father. One of the nurses brought it up with the woman and she seemed to kind of know it already. It is illegal for doctors in the USA, UK and Australia to inform the father it is not their child due to privacy reasons (not sure about other countries). It's probably going to stay that way for another 3-4 years minimum but it is going to get changed.

Before anyone assumes this is a modern thing, we have data going back to the 70's the cuck rate used to be substantially higher. We assume that the increase in availability of protection, abortion and DNA testing has reduced the incidences of cuckoldry

There is Conquistador gold hidden in the mountains of Utah

Juicy. Thank you sir.


>It is illegal for doctors in the USA, UK and Australia to inform the father it is not their child due to privacy reasons


I'm retarded can you explain in simple words?

Hitler didn't die in Germany....but I think most of us know that by now.

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We've been through all of this before. another big bang, planets forming and cooling, life appears and disappears. cold death of the universe. restart the cycle. again and again. like breathing. expanding and contracting. Our experience is nothing new. Light or dark. you decide your path.

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Evolution is inherently sexual where sexually reproducing beings are concerned.

lactose intolerant jew shill detected.

You're the only other person to figure it out I've encountered. But it explains everything. Fractal universe. Multiple dimensions. Reincarnation. All of it. It explains quantum entanglement. My theory is, at the margin of the event horizon all time becomes infinitely long and so all things become simultaneous. It's why there is nothing but the present yet all past and future exist now.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this.

where? proof?

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Flat earth is a psyop for hollow earth/hollow sun.

>When you take the planets like Mercury and Jupiter, which are the real activity generators, in right angle relationships involving the earth and the sun then you find that radio reception and electrical conditions on the earth tend to be disrupted.
>RCA used this for a number of years, its called radio astrology. Astronomers refuse to even talk about it , but you have a big company like Radio Corporation of America basing all their circuit predictions on it.

>Eric Dollard

our ability to feel empathy separates us from lower beasts. our ability to think ahead separates us from all animals.

The baltics?

Stay away from my son fagget.

There is nothing of worth in this shithole to have a nuclear war over you fat fuck.

God wants whites to eradicate all shitskins. That is his perfect plan

You're NATO, that's all that need to be for it, you drunk, suicidal fuck.

>current year
>still believes in singularities
do you even string theory bro?

OP is a gay

Don't post so sexily. I didn't come her to fap.

The bible is actually legit, but filled eith allegorical wisdom, not the childish prude fairy tales they teach nowadays.

Adam and Eve is a coming of age story. First your parents are God and provide you with paradise. Then the woman grows up, seduces the young man into partaking of her moist apple. Then they get conscious of their nudes, cover up, grt kicked out of paradise, abd man has to toil the lands to provide and eoman has to endure pain of childbirth. Then they get children and become Creators of a new cycle. Beautiful, without allthe corny devil snakes.

Story was too real abd hardcore so they dumbed it down to a fairy tale.

When youngz is butfooked they naturally generate metachlorines.


>You're the only other person to figure it out I've encountered.
that only speaks to how very poorly read you are, not to your own profundity

Zoroastrianism is the only true religion.
>God is wisdom
>the goal of life is to be good
>people have agency and God can't control anything in the world
>help society progress, but also enjoy your pleasures

The truth about Trannies:

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>doing good things results in receiving endless joy

The Gray People are native to Venus.

>our ability to think ahead separates us from all animals.
yeah i'm sure mourning your dead is just a baser, instinctual, totally nonvoluntary reaction of the primitive reptilian brain
holy fuck this thread is retarded

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Trap_goddess95 is a queen

>I've encountered
>I've encountered
>I've encountered

there is no such thing as death. matter is just energy condensed to a slower vibration.

I came to this realisation yesterday while shitposting on this subject. We have been absorbed.

Wrong, their current ideological enemy is in the there.

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Elephants are based as fuck. Elephants, dolphins, and crows are all next in line to be ascended

>string theory
the complete non-scientific, non-falsifiable scientific theory created to keep getting grant money.

Ya'll ain't even thinkin ahead
You know there's gonna be dogpeople and catpeople walking around one day right?
Not to mention lionpeople (hey comeback my moabros) and all sorts of mixes.
But first we must introduce the aliums

You mean pasturized milk. Normal raw milk is very healthy

According to this, Adam (and Eve) would have been the LORD God to Cain and Abel, but we all know that God knew of Abel’s death because his blood cried up from the earth, and Adam wouldn’t have known that so easily. Moreover, Eve was formed of Adam’s rib, after falling into a deep sleep. Explain how this squares with the whole “parents being God” thing.

I fucked ur mum

The universe is electric and alive!
Electrons, atoms, planets, stars, galaxies, super-clusters, basically everything is held together by electric forces which is the glue of life. Patterns of the nervous system exist as plasma in the heavens, and form does indeed imply function, meaning if it looks like the nervous system of a brain it IS a brain.
We are experessions of this universe created so that it may experience itself, when death takes our bodies that consciousness which filled it will return to the substrate and mesh with everyone that passed away before us. Those who were satisfied with their lives get to live on in a happy blissful existence as pure energy while those who felt tortured will continue to exist as such.
Moral of the story, be happy because it pays off in the end.

Michaelangelo hid a giant vagina in his “Creation”

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>The original meaning of the Adam and Eve story

This started off in the right direction
Manage the flow of energy and the circuits that develop.

I dont see it?

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Also depicted God as a horrifying rat creature

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I watched my mother die slowly from brain cancer and she started seeing dead brothers and sisters who told her what to expect. She died peacefully at home with her children around her.

I haved wondered about the concept of a n dimensional fractal biological system, where angels and demons are more akin to white blood cells to the human red

We are atoms in a cell of a giant cosmic turtle's ASS

Read Julius Evola's "Eros and the Mysteries of Love: the Metaphysics of Sex".
It contains just enough esotericism that it's beyond the grasp of normies, but is still entry level so you don't have to be already initiated into mysticism to understand it. If you find yourself liking what you're reading, you can then venture into the actually weird and occult stuff.

Men benefitted from abortion


If you are really interested then get this book.

The ending to the first Men In Black is the most redpilled scene in any movie

Man's search for purpose in a meaningless existence will be his ultimate destruction. Religion is the last stronghold for that righteous education that prevents man from demise.

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We're all the universe expressing itself so that it may experience itself.
Just like the power you have to create another universe in your imagination we are the figment of this universes imagination.

Dat masculine brow ridge

religion is a spirit binding spell made to enforce ego which further divides you from the truth that everything is alive and you're a part of it

the only enemies the balts have are they themselves


This has been discussed and debated several times over. It refers to sapience, not sexuality. "They were aware they were naked" refers not to "they just got laid" but "they became self-conscious." Humans are the only beings wearing clothes, and it's not just for insulation. You wear clothes most of the time, even when you're alone, because you're aware of your naked body and feel exposed. Animals are constantly naked and fuck from time to time, they feel no shame or awareness.
The woman enduring childbirth refers to the same thing. Human women are the only ones being aware of it and feeling pain. Animals give birth all the time but don't have it as bad as humans.

The sexuality idea does not add up on many places, it only exists because of a few quotes out of context.

Hermit crab wears clothes... and knows forbidden secryts

I want to ____ that snake

Caterpillar poop: clothes
Plant corpses: clothes
Shiny rocks: battle clothes
A shell: not clothes

Negative Alien Agenda

At least Latvia has secret information gathering base which was built at cold war time and is still operacional. Russians and Germans need us

Please describe to me what you think a dimension is.

>I watched my mother die slowly from brain cancer and she started seeing dead brothers and sisters who told her what to expect.
Exact same type of thing with my grandather with brain cancer. He raised his hands upward and started mumble whisper about angels a few minutes from death. They kicked us kids out of the room, and told us it was over a few minutes later.

Yang gang and crypto jew cash scams would make casino dons cartel clan connection look better than what his heroin heroes have already imported for hippie gold and silk suits on the chinatown coastal colonies of the asian invasion

Alchemy is real.

Elephants are lucky niggers didnt figure out how to kill all their megafauna.

pasteurized not raw

Well done.

Can confirm. Loved ones are waiting for you. But it's not like what you've been told. Not ghost or waiting to pass into the light. I don't know what. But they are there in dreams. Close to death dream easy.

slower, or faster?
why would we get slower?
if anything our spirit moves up the dimensional ladder

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There's actually a surplus of blood donations, getting the right type is the problem. The blood banks take what you give them and then sell it for upwards of 400$. Where you get a t-shirt that cost them four dollars. Sometimes it doesn't even get transfused it's just straight up sold to a lab.

There's a species of leech, Placobdelloides jaegerskioeldi, that lives exclusively in the anus of hippos.

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Holy fuck

Black Lives Matter has the self-stated mission of supporting single mothers and challenging the nuclear family. It's on their site.

There are abandoned technologies, artifacts and only crazy stuff scattered all over Earth and our Solar System.

Some say they were all built by the First civilization that roamed and conquered our galaxy if not a sizable chunk of the universe. Not one of the ayy lmaos knows for sure what happened to this Super Ancient civilization.

Also yes, the fact that there are multiple references to this sort of civilization in many popular scifi movies, shows and games is no accident.

Ancients in Stargate universe
Mass Effect jump gate builders
Foreruners in Knights of the Old Republic

"As above, So below" means what we do in the astral realm, influences what happens here on earth...and what we do on earth, influences what happens on the astral realm. This came from the emerald tablet of Hermes and later based in Hermetisisim

The Wehrmacht was even more incapable and unorganized than the red army

The Wehrmacht was even more incapable and unorganized than the Reds

Your not suppose to actually give secrets here

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Urine is stored in the balls.

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