Hmmm a recession would provide a reason for the middle class to start yellow vest protests. They are already demanding higher wages because $18.90 is making people live below the poverty line.
Dont be fooled by the smoke and mirrors politics on the minimum wage
The minimum wage debate is devide and conquer at its finest. Address the matter as what it should be addressed as. Insane cost of living issues relating to the housing crisis and record amount is inequity in Australia in regards to income
Isaac Murphy
Yeah no shit and minimum wage should be at the very least $22 an hour. Shit $25 an hour working a 40 hour week is still only 56k a year. How are people supposed to live in Australia for less than 50k a year? I couldn't, not comfortably.
Hudson Hernandez
Scummo trying so desperately to turn the conversation back to Boats, but he's up shit creek
Jackson Howard
also that is before tax.... Seriously how do people live on less than like 80k a year?
Can someone explain it to me? Do they have to only eat 5 meals a week and skip eating on weekends? No cars? No booze or even a durrie? Too expensive right?
Is this why every other cunt is either on ice or dealing it?
Brody Lee
Oi seppo cunt check your gears m80 we're not going to live in the desert like your dustbowl cunts or swamp monkeys we are fucking full you cunt