Andrew Yang is running for President.
Wants to give every US citizen $1000/month.
Because all jobs will go away due to robots/AI.
Yang 2020
Andrew Yang is running for President.
Wants to give every US citizen $1000/month.
Because all jobs will go away due to robots/AI.
Yang 2020
fuck ching chang, wheres the sauce nigger
you're doing it rong
>Why are you guys still against the yang gang?
He's not going to deport the beaners.
Any candidate that will say "I will round up latinos going back 2 generations and make sure the Supreme Court re-interprets the 14th Amendment" will get my support and vote.
We are reaching peak acceleration without faggot ass barbarian outsiders meddling in it, why fix what is not broken?
pretty sure thats not andrew yang.
now give sauce like asks!
if you want my support, support not attacking russia for "muh internet trolls", get rid of the niggers and spics rather than making everyone a benefit cuck.
Forgot her name
There will never be a candidate such as this you retarded cunt
essentially yeah
How do I join the Yang Gang?