McFeels and Halberstram discuss the shitstorm at the southern border...

McFeels and Halberstram discuss the shitstorm at the southern border, Trump's quadrupling down on his rhetorical reversal on lEgAL immigration, and how the only way Trump can possibly deliver himself from both impeachment and indictment is by delivering for his base. As his support erodes, the chances one or both of these things will happen increases exponentially. Then it's on to AOC and what appears to be multiple authentic scandals involving her pajeet COS, Omar Comin/Omar Back, Bernie, HRC, No Thot Left Behind, Trudeau, and Bulbhead of the Stack. If it's Thursday, it's FTN!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Episode Topics:

00:00:00 - Calm Before the Shitstorm
00:06:00 - Slaps Roof of Juniya Stays
00:30:00 - Base Satisfaction Impeachment Correlation
00:56:00 - Kushner Clearance
01:14:00 - Voortrekker Report
01:24:00 - AOC/Chakrabarti Scheme
01:38:00 - Come to Yahweh Moments
01:41:00 - Omar Comin, Omar Back
02:00:00 - Bernie02:06:00 - HRC
02:18:00 - No Thot Left Behind
02:23:00 - Trudeau
02:27:00 - Bulbhead of the Stack



I see Jizzhands has finally been forced to acknowledge Trump's treachery, but of course he will blame Kushner or some other reason, never the Zionist in chief himself.

I think he's been upset with him for quite a while now, but unwilling to go openly on the attack because he didn't want to seem like he was part of the kneejerk blackpill crowd that cry defeat at every setback. The incessant praising of legal brown immigration may be what finally pushes him over the edge.

>unwilling to go openly on the attack

Well fuck them they need to grow some balls. The entire TRS site seems stuck in 2016, Trump has totally failed it's been two and a half years of total failure, it's time to admit it. 2.5+ years is not a knee jerk reaction, and even then it turned out all the knee jerk reactions have been totally correct. Trump betrayed his entire base moments after winning the election it's all on tape.

Anyone listened to the latest Mike and Strike

I would imagine that the reluctance of TDS and FTN to attack him for his failures also may be partly about not wanting to kill their audience. I don't think many people will keep paying just to be told everything is going into the toilet, so they've clung to any possible way of analyzing things which would allow Trump an out for himself; but like I said in my last post, the shameless glorification of nonwhite legal immigration leaves them no choice but to call him out, and it appears from the topic list for this episode that they're doing that now, instead of just hinting at it. I personally think he's more worried about having his own life destroyed more than saving white America at this point, but I still enjoy a good discussion about what's going on, even if I know no magic bullet is going to be offered as a remedy.

Also, please share the episode if you have access to it. Thank you Pay Gods.

In fairness they've been calling him out on all his wrong moves the entire time.

>I personally think he's more worried about having his own life destroyed more than saving white America at this point

He is 72 years old, why would he worry about his future when he only has a few years left anyway? How many people get the opportunity to be president? If he was really anti-establishment he would be happy to go down fighting.

Forget it
These people have some chip on their shoulder

Well, he has a kid I'd imagine he'd like to bequeath it all to, and if it's taken from him by lawfare, that wouldn't be possible.

>he's more worried about having his own life destroyed

Then he shouldn't have got involved in politics. It seems like Trump just wants to rant on twitter and do nothing, which would be fine if he was only a billionaire in the private sector, but he's the president he has actual power, he could do literally whatever he wants. The fact is that he clearly DOESNT want to do anything, he doesn't want to build a wall, deport illegals, or any of the basic moderate policies he proposed as a candidate. He could do all of this right now via executive power he just refuses to.

Not really they have been giving false hope for a long time now.

What's a good way to anonymously become a paycuck? Pre-paid cards in NZ require bank details I believe, unless someone knows better.

>If he was really anti-establishment he would be happy to go down fighting

This he isn't a fighter, after he won he immediately rolled over and assumed the position for the establishment.

Nah, Mike and Sven pull no punches in condemning the kike in chief

Nah Trump has done some outrageous shit that they just flat out ignored. The speech where he called for the destruction of antisemitic people for example, that didn't even get a mention on TRS.

Trump literally says he hates and wants to destroy people who think like TRS and their audience and they still continued to make excuses for him.

I believed in trump like many people, man. We gave him so many chances and I can't blame FTN for having the same hopes. I'm still going to tune in every week because their coverage is really the best out there IMO. Pro white people have to stick together regardless of what the "God emperor" does.

>The speech where he called for the destruction of antisemitic people for example, that didn't even get a mention on TRS
I don't think that's true, but it wasn't condemned as strongly as it should have been, you're right. I get the feeling they spend less time talking about Trump these days because they know consciously or sub-consciously that he isn't he Great White Hope we all hoped he might be.

Someone post the episode

Can you help a burger out?

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Yeah it was pretty good Syriangirl has a qt axent

Shes been on the David Duke show multiple times

What are you on about? Mike constantly trashes Trump.

She is clueless about the racial stuff going on in the west though.

Haven't heard the show but isn't she in Aus?
Might as well get an opinion on the middle east from a random cunt on the street

Yeah. I like how Mike and striker started talking about graphic homosexual acts and she was seriously disgusted and said she would prefer to talk about something else then they were like yeah let's not sully our guest's ears with this filth but then they kept talking about fag shit anyway.

I feel like I'm watching a different TRS than everyone else. Both TDS and FTN call Trump out all the time for his lack of action on immigration, letting nigs out of jail, selling out to Jews, letting his supporters be arrested, Syria, etc. It just that FTN does it in a way that they combine it with a white pill and tell you what Trump can still do to fix it. Only he never does, so the suggestions get more and more outlandish as Trump digs himself into a biggie hole. Sometimes I want to think that way too. Trump potentially has six more years and if he dropped Kushner and Nielson and put in serious people, he could still do a lot, especially as the courts confirm more of his judges.

Can't wait to vote for this Yankee faggot lover in 2020.
Please post latest FTN based leaf.

Cough it up paypigs!

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Imagine being this retarded and actually typing that out lmao

>me thinking about the joy brought by payfriends who share the load with their comrades

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Not posting today. Sorry.

Who cares. The presidency is done anyway

Post yfw:

>your attempt to generate Zionism by creating anti-Semitism backfired and Americans have turned against both Israel and liberal kikes like yourselves
>Nazbol has failed to spread and your meme candidate is gaining no traction on Jow Forums
>Accelerationism-to-NatSoc has replaced your half-assed plan to bring Communism through the backdoor
>Moarpheus is winning on the political front while you're still spamming podcasts no one listens to

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Do they discuss /ourguy/?

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Racist. He is not ethnic Japanese, dude.

((())) do.

They do mention him

Can you blame them? Trump was the first glimmer of hope the far right has had since the fucking war ended almost 80 years ago. It's no surprise that people are clinging to that hope

> .mp3
got ya. lol.

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Looks like it's gonna be another one of *those* threads. *hunkers down for another 4 hour wait

You can probably send an international cashier's check w/o much info.

The far shite need to get a grip on reality, you’re not getting a warlord leader to cleanse the nation, all you’ll get is juggalos like Trump pandering to your desperation. Everyone needs to start making some compromises.

“Rolled over” like it wasn’t all a charade. He’s a celebrity billionaire that made a career out of self-promotion. Anyone that still thinks he was genuine is a lost cause.

That's right goy, eat your shit sandwich and learn to love Tyrone and Pablo. You'll feel better for it. Now chew and swallow.

Adapt or die

False dichotomy.


Pipe down, fella. No one here thinks Halberstram or Jazzhands is a jew.

Take your schizo meds, Svenpai.

pls payfriends..daddy needs his mcfeels..


Thanks for the bump.

Please Gibs!

I don't know what the fuck you niggers are talking about. People are always saying FTN does nothing but suck Trump's cock and I'm convinced it's just Jews shilling at this point. All of TRS and ESPECIALLY FTN has talked nonstop shit about Trump since the first Syria strike.

The alt-right is dead and no one cares anymore.

You bastard

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gibs bamp

I don't understand what you guys are watching. They TDS has abondoned trump and FTN shits on him every week.

I'm not going to (((Big Bank))) just to get a credit card so I can listen to the show.

Too bad.


> they have been giving false hope for a long time now
no they haven't lol. they've repeatedly made the point that trump isn't the end all be all candidate. he was meant to be the stepping stone and they have been completely honest and realistic about how much of a disappointment he has been. i get people like to bash TRS, but claiming they're migapede dickriders just reveals how you don't actually listen to them or know what you're talking about.

Fuck off kike.

Great post. A couple people here are bashing me claiming I've called them Trump dicksuckers or whatever. I'm not sure if it's poor reading comprehension or what. All I said was that they have been withholding from going completely anti-Trump unlike certain sects of fanatically negative 4channers.

checked. it's also because there are certain things trump could do and they're simply pointing the options and possible paths out. it's a good idea to be aware of the situation. at the same time they factor in trump's track record and are realistic about what's going to happen. i think people are such autistic brainlets that they can't wrap their brains around digesting all this information and narratives. they can only interpretate what's being presented as either shilling/cope or blackpilling/backstabbing.

I don't pretend to have any kind of intimate familiarity with all of the parliamentary procedures in place for things, but I at least can respect the fact that things can't happen just because Trump decides it's a good idea. Our system isn't set up that way, for better or worse (worse, in our present circumstance, obviously.) I think Jazzhands in the last episode or two called it "big boy politics". Everything that gets done has several layers it has to pass through several layers, and because Trump waited so long to declare an emergency, we're only just now seeing the wheels start to really turn.

those numbers do not lie

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Someone post already.

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Uhh, honey, when you are out picking wheat in the field you need to button your blouse all the way up.