On tech >40% of malls are closing in the next 10 years >25-30% of all jobs will be lost in the next 10 years due to automation >Every job from truck drivers (currently 3M in the US) down to doctors will be automated
On gibs >UBI doesn't cause inflation, inflation is caused when people hoard currency and the bank is forced to print more. Do food stamps affect your bucks now? >US already spends 1.5T on welfare/year >To cover UBI he needs $2.5T, he will generate the other trillion from VAT by taxing online commerce and the UBI-inducted uptick in the economy >Each citizen is entitled to a $1000/m "Freedom voucher" (Let's say one takes out $700 in cash, they can spend the remainder $300 on food stamps)
On guns: >He says he wants to register guns the way we register cars with license plates, he won't ban them
On borders: >He claims "We need very strong borders, because we'll be a country where everyone can get $1000"
On whites: >He said white birth rates are declining and that a large portion of it was due to the (((Sackler))) family causing the opioid crisis, and he wants to take money from them. He spends a lot of time with truck drivers in Iowa and he's generated thousands of jobs in the Rust Belt for working class whites.
On taxing corporations >He doesn't like AOC's 90% tax on billionaires >He says Amazon and the biggest corporations can declare losses endlessly to avoid corporate tax, so instead he wants to put 10% VAT on transactions and take money directly from them. This will generate 1T in tax revenue from companies like Amazon/FB/Google
Get into the containment thread please, and tell others to do the same.
Charles Powell
I will never stop voting for Trump, even if he lets billions of dollars flow to Israel. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if he passes gun control. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if he renews DACA. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if he brings in the largest numbers of immigrants ever. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if he bans antisemitism. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if he leaves Obamacare completely intact. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if he cuts taxes permanently for Jews and their businesses and temporarily for the rest of America. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if he decides we need to stay in Syria and Afghanistan for as long as it takes to win. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if he intervenes in Venezuela. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if he appoints the most Jews in recent history to positions in the government. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if he decides to extend the trade war with China indefinitely and let Jew-owned conglomerates foreclose of every single farm in the nation. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if he gives companies more tax cuts after they move jobs overseas. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if Planned Parenthood remains funded. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if record numbers of migrant caravans are welcomed into our border and fed, housed, and clothed with taxpayer money until they can have their asylum processed. I will never stop voting for Trump, even if America pays every single cent of the border wall out of its own citizens pockets.