Couldn't men do half of that unpaid work

>couldn't men do half of that unpaid work

What did she mean by this?

Attached: wage.png (865x836, 557K)

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That feminids consider children as work and a burden, and have no love in them, just selfishness.

>"Just don't have children"
Women: pic related

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>can't men do half of the unpaid work
Whose fault is it that you live a shitty, thankless life with a man who won't help you? Shouldn't have settled for whatever came along and stuck around after shooting a load into you.

Its bullshit.

Men and women are different on an innate level in many respects.

Its like saying “cant half of all football players be women?”

“Women's work” is in many ways what women are good at.

Im not sure you could just throw a man in there

Btw this is why we have laws that “favor women” in divorce and custody.
Because it is understood that women have to make sacrifices men dont.

Its not an enviable position but its like complaining that most garbage collectors and plumbers are men.

This is a lie, most of the difference comes from jobs that you can die from paying more and being almost exclusively held by men. Safe jobs you can't die from pay less and are held more often by women.

Or maybe it has to do with women getting into debt to get shity degrees such as gender studies, then acting all surprised they can't find a job other than flipping burgers.
But oh no, never, better make a taxes on white males so that women can earn more money while doing nothing.

I mean there are probably a ton of men who wouldn't mind being stay at home dads, problem is they all eventually get cheated on because she no longer "respects" him. Which really means hes no longer an item that gives her social capital, so its not like men choose to make society like it is, women do.

"Women's work" is basic cleaning and cooking. Literally the only part of that which women would actually excel at is shopping for groceries.
Unless you're a fucking pig living amidst a pile of your own refuse, a woman shouldn't clean better than you, user.

i'd stay at home and raise my kids and cook dinner and do housework with no issues, but only if my wife earned more money than me.

>women get paid less than men
>women account for about 80% of all consumer spending
Show how you can make both statements true and get your free Israeli citizenship today!

i did plenty of internships which are clearly unpaid work...i have to thank boomers and wymyn for that i guess

>big nose brunette calling for more welfare
Imagine my shock

welfare is clearly associated to unpaid work "to contribuite for"

the goal is 90% of population on ubi of 1k with mandatory jobs (like boomers nursing) and select few alongside corporate overlords which gets privileges and unnacounted monies to spend abroad (in a commie society money worth less than privileged status which provide services and goods according to the rank)

>Women CHOOSE to do unpaid work because they WANT to
>"Why can't the men do half of that work?"
Leftist comicbook artists are all retards.

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>Because it is understood that women have to make sacrifices men dont.
It's men who have to make the real sacrifices when a couple gets married. He often has to give up whatever dreams and aspirations he had growing up so she gets to fulfill hers (a man to provide for and protect her; a house for her to decorate; kids).

What exactly is she "sacrificing" by marrying? A career that she doesn't even want? She doesn't want to work, she wants and expects to be taken care of.

>wake up constantly during the night due to screaming blob thing that wants attention or something
>get up at 4am just so I can give it attention, then shower, eat breakfast, get changed so I can leave on time for work at 5am
>work for 10 hours
>wife constantly calling and complaining about the blob
>come home after 5pm
>mow lawn and any other chore still on the checklist
>eat dinner, shower, and wash dishes by 8pm
>have to look after blob because wife totally looked after it all day
>get in bed by 10pm
>repeat this everyday for a few years until blob can walk, talk, and go to toilet by itself
>mfw some bitch says "couldn't men do half of that unpaid work?"

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>women make a choice
>in this day and age it's becoming much more common for people to believe that women are solely responsible for children
>but at the same time, if the man doesn't ghost her he's suddenly supposed to be there to support her choice and do anything and everything to make her happy regardless of his own wellbeing
>if you go against this, you are seen as a deadbeat good for nothing

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If men had the PRIVILEGE of being stay at home they'd surely use that opportunity.
Imagine being paid to live at home while some retard woman busts her ass to support you.
Literally the dream.

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>couldn't men do half of that unpaid work
They could, but they choose not to.
This comic is literally I AM SILLY.
There's not even a point in it, just a silly man.

Its not a terrible question to ask, because finding out why men dont choose that work can be helpful.

So go and find out then; don't claim sexism.

What even is this argument? It still acknowledges that the wage gap isn’t real and its only point seems to be that there should be more stay at home dads, but obviously that’s not the point they’re trying to make, they’re just failing miserably at making their real one.

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Women have to do stuff like be pregnant and breastfeed so they tend to bond with their children more. This is clearly patriarchal sexism forcing women to have different biological function.

Also, just a reminder that this guy is a white male neckbeard

Women create made up demand for this shit. They'll nag you forever to share your feelings with them and when you do, BAM, that's unpaid emotional labor, you shit lord. Women are pretty much like hobo squeegee men who try to wash your windshield against your wishes and then demand payment.

This explanation is actually wrong. Jobs that have the bane of existence that is being infested with females are paid less, because they have destroyed the workplace environment and produced "men-flight".
They get paid less because the clients notice a job that used to be done good is now shit, and refuse to pay more.
We know because there are jobs that used to be done by men, that now are done by women.
This change resulted in complete loss of reputation for that job sector, and wage halving.

I know of a divorced man who does that. He is a lazy ass who gets support both from the woman he divorced, and from the new girlfriend.

What jobs? Just asking out of interest, not denying it.

men pay for this 'unpaid' work by providing for the family
and even when the state helps the mothers - the money come from taxes on working men too

>couldn't men do half of that unpaid work
so you won't be home while doing overtime on her paycheck while she slurps the milkman's cock

true hero desu

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Where is my diversity hire into a high paying job wife so I can become a stay at home dad and actually raise the kids unlike a selfish whore who uses all the time ignoring the child and watching sitcoms and reality TV?

>women begging to have their agency taken away from them because they can't handle it

Women have pretty good instincts for interacting with babby. Most mentally healthy women also loves interacting with babby. Men on the other hand have no idea when it comes to interacting with babby. Also most mentally healthy men have very little interest in interacting with babby. The answer is nature. Now you know.

Attached: babby.jpg (1920x1080, 150K)

Many people would choose to stay at home and take care of children and things there if given the choice.
Especially it if was the typical woman's workload where they mostly sit around watching them while the husband works, then comes home and does most of the chores then looks after the kids for the rest of the night.

Not that user but Human Resources is an entire department designed to give women jobs but is almost completely useless.

Sure if the woman does the paid work.
Hahaha who are we fucking kidding.
If at any time the woman earns more than the husband, she's gonna cheat on him because once a man is less of a provider than the woman, she sees him as an empty blank space which does not exist, and now that she (in her mind) is single she tries to get a partner.

>What did she mean by this?

that's crazy talk, unironically. can men breastfeed? fucking idiot

women have evolved to nurture children

ya'll crazy talking

Women do stuff of their own volition, but usually try to guilt trip men by saying: "you made me do this." But most case it's something women want to do. Thry do sonething nobody has asked them to do and want praise for that.

>Men and women are different on an innate level in many respects.
Yes, and the majority of men are superior to the majority of women in those differences
Male humans have evolved to be superior machines so that women, by design, can deal with less dangerous tasks
This isn’t sexism or misogyny. With the mediocrity of modern living women can “equal” men in the workforce, but push comes to shove, the average man is going to blow the average woman away at the same job.

>Also most mentally healthy men have very little interest in interacting with babby. The answer is nature

According to studies, men desentise to crying babies less than women

>lets make both parents have flexible jobs because one of them needs it

Women's mind function in a very different way from men. Often women have tantrums. When they get hysterical about some household chore or something, men will often think that oh shit this is serious business. This is because we see the world from our own perspective, and for us to throw a huge tantrum over something like that would mean something is really, really wrong. But what many men don't realize is that the female mind works nothing like the male. It's emotional first and rational second, so first there is a vague bad feeling of some sort for her and then she rationalizes why this is (i.e. subconsciously makes something up,) most often placing the blame on something the man does or does not. So it's very rarely what's in question she's actually angry about, it's just that she's feeling bad for some vague female reason (probably hormones) and want you to make the bad feelings go away. Note, very important, doing the task she's making a fuss about is almost always the wrong course of action. Also, don't mirror her emotions. Remain calm always. Instead try to make her laugh, get her involved in some fun activity or divert her in some other way like you would a child. If she's too steamed up just leave her be for a while then try again. You'll be surprised at the results. The argument in question she tried to raise will be completely forgotten because it never was about the dishes or whatever in the first place. When I realized this is how women's minds work I've had tranquil and stable relationships without any issues with both wife and mistresses.

Mother needs to be houaewife with children all the time period.
Father should provide and play with them.

Simple as fuck but degeneracy

Can men help bring up children? Yes, if they want to. Next question...

femanon here. She's being a selfish little fucking cunt. Men already work hard enough as it is. The stress of working 16+ hours each day would kill them.

>Hol’ on honey. You go sell insurance today, I’ll breastfeed our baby.
This is the fairy land the white left lives in

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Really makes you think.

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Exactly. It's the same thing with men who show their emotions/cry. Women claim they want men to do that, but the second they do, complete turn off.

If only there were some way to have the man do the paid work he's good at and the woman do the unpaid work she's good at so that they both benefit... If only.

>couldn't men do half of that unpaid work
they do, on top of their full-time job to provide for her and the kids that would earn the family twice as much if women would not have listened to the jews

Yeah, my husband kept accusing me of cheating on him with some guy a couple of months back. I told him I never cheated on him, but it got to the point where he would say it everyday and we would get into arguments. I finally said "why not, he thinks I did it anyway, might as well be true" and had sex with the guy. I'm sorry I did it, but I believe our marriage was toxic especially after consistently being told he only married me for my looks. It's important to cherish your wife as she cherishes you. Don't get married if you are just gonna feel like your wife is gonna cheat on you first chance she gets.

Nope. Pay me or fuck off.

>I finally said "why not, he thinks I did it anyway, might as well be true" and had sex with the guy.
This is the most retarded thing I've heard all week.

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If your wife earned more than you, she'd cheat with someone who earned more than her, then leave you.

That's how hypergamy works.


>wanting to be a wage slave
The absolute state of humanity.


I would love to be a stay at home dad. At this point I consider myself the ultimate champion for womens rights I'm down for a complete role reversal women do all the work and men stay at home, 100% women in the work force men get to stay home and chill. Women dont do much of anything at home think of all that would be created if men didnt have to waste their time working, when you think about it women doing the regular menial labor while men get to do whatever they want is ultimately peak efficiency for society

They -DO- perform MORE than half of that unpaid work.
Usually in the form of being woken up at 3AM because Shaniqua Trayon didn't show up for their shift and SOMEONE has to cover down for them!

If anything, men actively DESERVE to be paid more.

Anyone that ever had a female coworker would agree.


>surely using a calvin and hobbes-like artstyle will lend credence to my argument

Is that how you rationalize the fact you cheated on your husband? You claim he accused you of it first?