Please tell me you sharters are not going to vote for a psyop gook

Please tell me you sharters are not going to vote for a psyop gook.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Only the ones being paid 1,000 yuan

Hell no im not.


Get into the containment thread please, and tell others to do the same.

Im just along for the ride

Better than Trump.

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dont worry. we're not all discord trannies

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Nah he supports left wing degeneracy, so no

Only discord trannies and commies

They're usually one in the same though

We all know whats coming there way eventually

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Gook or Zio Don nothing will change. American is done

How is this helping? Sage

anti yang threads are being deleted

>voting for literal ZOG
yeah ill be taking my $1000 so i can have fun while america shits itself

You're just jealous because Yang won't give you money.

Go on, say the "b-but it's fake" line, tranny.

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If Israel can get 38 billion the average American can get at least 1000

lol no. He's anti-guns but better and trying to seem "moderate". Probably because of the Leeland Yee incident.

Sorry jew, not for you!

yet people will vote for populists - cause everyone is fed up with neocons and neolibs who only represent globalist corporate interests and Israel

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The gook wants to take away guns and do a social credit system. Were being raided by transexuals on discord.
The failure of their op will just lead to faster suicide.

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Go innawoods before Trump gets out of office

I believe this picture represents the general sentiment of the pro-yang faction on Jow Forums.

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Worth it just for the Boomer shitfits.

I don't know why trannys keep posting this "it's da same but with free money!!" meme

It isn't clever

You’re right I should vote for Zognald trump or whatever other garbage Democrat candidate that promises to help America. Because politicians do not lie.

He should've sang remove kebab before.

Because it’s unrioncially true. No matter who gets voted in whether they be President Make Mexico pay for it or Comrade Everythrings gonna be free Sanders we know that nothing is ever going to change. So blackpilled about politics might as well get my 1000 and then fuck off to some tropical island.


hah no, these are 100% legitimate posts totally organic
I'm actually glad the mod(s) are removing most of it or atleast condeses it into one single general thread

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That's like people supporting Omar because she dislikes kikes. Her policies are ultra liberal trash.
NEETs and shills support Yang because all of a sudden socialism is awesome when it comes with neetbux.

He's bought my vote. Sorry.

No it's not you fucking shill

There's no such thing as "free money" you dumb cunt, and everyone here knows that. The most you fucks spam up the board, the more you hurt your own cause. Fuck off.

this ones paying out though the orange cheeto man is just making his own buddies rich

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I won't if you pay me $1000/mo not to

Living in Puerto Rico with a $1000 a month would be heaven, pure kino.

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Haha no you white nigger. Where are the thousands of threads for other candidates?

No one is. He won't be on any ballot anyone here will see.

>Where are the thousands of threads for other candidates?

look at the top left of the image dumbo