Understanding Women

In my nearly 40 years of life, I learned some things about women that I hope to be of use to someone.

Women are not hard to understand. It basically boils down to 3 simple rules:

1) Women do not have a train of thought. Nothing a woman says has any relation to anything she has said previously, even five minutes ago. Women reevaluate everything again and again whenever they speak, and say whatever they "feel" is right about the subject at the moment they are saying.

2) Women are social creatures and everything they say and do has to do only and simply only with her social status amongst her peers. If you want to understand what the problem is, you must understand the underlying social issue that caused it. The complains that you are not helping her enough at home? That's a friend posting a pic of their perfectly tidy room, while she can't do the same. It is ALL about their social status.

3) Women misunderstand men as badly as men misunderstand women. For women, men are basically unneducatted and rude women, and they interact with you with that mindset. All those jokes about how women "friends" distrust and backstab each other? In her eyes, you are a women capable of doing it to her, too. However, women are the sex gatekeepers so it is a men's problem to understand how women work and not the other way around.

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t. incel that has never had a gf and read things on the internet

Women are one of two things, and you can discern them very quickly. Competition or property. I will not tell you how.
t. literal subject to a Jewish queen.

Theres nothing wrong about what you said and its kinda well explained for the amount you typed.

It kinda worked out like this as long as women put their succes and safety in the hands of men and relied on that.

>she can't do the same
Now in a globalized world with multiple genders and equality this mindset is just destructive and women will be put back in their place the hard way.
They cant fail at stuff and blame it on others and at the same time take credit for other peoples succes.

All there is to understand is that women are easily wooed by the environment and whatever circumstances. They can't stand being completely alone in something. So when they suffer they even tend to romanticize and tell how special it feels.


>t. A seething woman

You're not attractive and that's why you spent all this time coming up with nonsense
Attractive guys understand women because women lay everything out for them and open everything. They're a mystery to you because you are not attractive enough for a women to feel that way about you, so she puts on an act around you (and other unattractive men)

Is venture to say this a is a fairly accurate assessment of female behavior and their roots. Most people reacting negatively to this are probably women or white knighting,pwease May I have a crumb of coochie, bugmen

It baffles me how some still don't get this. Women are not complicated at all, either there attracted to you or there not. Period. If there attracted to you they make things extremely easy, if there not they either completely ignore or play these stupid little games with there orbiter cucks they put on the backburner

Women may make it easy for you if they are attracted to you but that only goes for initial approach and I could say the first two to six months of the relationship. After that period, any "passive" benefit you could derive from the initial attraction is gone and everything said applies.

Found the roastie

It's not that women are complicated, because they're absolutely not. It's that blue pilled men operate under some key assumptions that are just wrong. Assumptions like women mean what they say.

Because they're physically the weaker sex they cannot rely on physical intimidation to defend themselves, so they've evolved to use deception and manipulation, the classic case is they feign distress and the white knights pour out the woodwork to defend their honor.

Men are best suited by observing female behaviour and infer the meaning from that, rather than listening to what they have to say, what they have to say is always smoke and mirrors and fundamentally cannot be trusted. But you can trust their behaviour to be honest.

Sounds about right

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HERE This is how it’s done
Just got through writing it
Very much pic related

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>you can trust their behaviour to be honest.
Yes but, that's honest according to their natures of flighty emotional retards. Very important for men to understand this. Women are, at best, semi responsible teenagers.

Pic related is one of my fun-frens I’m talking about.
>offer sex or you don’t get sex
>2% of white women race mix
>4% of white men race mix
In the U.K. men race mix more than women - don’t let raid trannies piss you off with their threads. They don’t even know what they themselves are let alone know anything about anything else.

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You are the cock carousel.

*ahem x2*

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6 month rotation it is

Only a Sith speaks in absolutes.

>dating women
What are you gay?

Just posted this in another thread.

Women's mind function in a very different way from men. Often women have tantrums. When they get hysterical about some household chore or something, men will often think that oh shit this is serious business. This is because we see the world from our own perspective, and for us to throw a huge tantrum over something like that would mean something is really, really wrong. But what many men don't realize is that the female mind works nothing like the male. It's emotional first and rational second, so first there is a vague bad feeling of some sort for her and then she rationalizes why this is (i.e. subconsciously makes something up,) most often placing the blame on something the man does or does not. So it's very rarely what's in question she's actually angry about, it's just that she's feeling bad for some vague female reason (probably hormones) and want you to make the bad feelings go away. Note, very important, doing the task she's making a fuss about is almost always the wrong course of action. Also, don't mirror her emotions. Remain calm always. Instead try to make her laugh, get her involved in some fun activity or divert her in some other way like you would a child. If she's too steamed up just leave her be for a while then try again. You'll be surprised at the results. The argument in question she tried to raise will be completely forgotten because it never was about the dishes or whatever in the first place.

Since I realized this is how women's minds work I've had tranquil and stable relationships without any issues with both wife and mistresses.

I've noticed mine is finally starting to despise commercials. Not yet enough to stop paying for cable, but so much that she spits hate at almost each one aired. Jews and trannies were easy, but advertising has been a work in progress for almost 10 years running. Will keep you posted.

The hedonistic lifestyle appeals to many but it will wear you down eventually. Even men feel the need to settle down and start a family, unless there is something seriously broken within you. And you won't do that with the kind of women that do the kinds of things you are describing.

read Nessahan Alita, women are easy to understand if you see them as beasts they are

Having to read reams of text and "study up" and alter your behaviour to attrat women is BETA AS FUCK

Having a thread about understanding women is faggy in it's own right, might as well contribute.
Not my fault you read like a nigger, that shit takes a few minutes at most to get through

They are not beasts and Nessahan Alita would admonish you for saying so. Women are women. They are not better or worse than men, just different and complementary. There are things they do better, and there are things men do better, but if you judge women by how well they are men, they will obviously fall short.

>However, women are the sex gatekeepers
This is complete mgtow nonsense

They all want Money

Yeah - it takes a few minutes and its beta.

No, it is not. MGTOW are the way they are because they want to be the gatekeepers.

Women have never been in charge of their own chastity
It has always been their fathers

>Women are women. They are not better or worse than men, just different and complementary. There are things they do better, and there are things men do better, but if you judge women by how well they are men, they will obviously fall short.
a nice way to say nothing in plenty of words, kys

Yeah. Listening advices from a 40yo faggot stuck into Jow Forums seems like a tremendous idea

As a 40 something male, I approve this message.

I will not tell you how.
Why not?

So said the Incel. Understanding reality and spreading knowledge is beta now? Looks like your absent father never gave you the talk. Or is it too beta to teach your son about women, too?

thats just normalfaggots in general not just women. yes, women are more likely to be herd followers but men are too. t.autist studying psychology

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>studying psychology
You are aware its a junk science

Modifying your behaviour for women is beta

You're judging the entire human history by a small period of western history.

when were women the sex gatekeepers?

I never modified mine. I am explaining theirs.

Like... right now?

just buy whores guys, it's cheaper, and healthier for you then dealing with fucking "princesses" or "woke" bitches

Dude, I'm 31 and I certify that what you just wrote is full on virgin mystical nonsense generalizing about women. So either you are exactly this, a young virgin,, either you are very alone and since a long time, either you are very delusional.

But I'm sure so many younglings here are craving your blessed knowledge. Who wouldn't accept this quality education

You're a c(u)ck.

no, there are millions of dollars invested in it to develop advertising, most or which is aimed at women. thats what feminism was. they wanted to give women more money and the freedom to use that money to buy stupid girl shit. which they do. watch one of those house selling shows closely. they are selling to the woman not the man. women need to be crushed and put back in the home.

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The only thing I know about women is they need attention and they go insane without it. They have to live in the world. Men don't they can live in their head.

This. No need to overthink such a simple problem.

most people are beasts, or very close to it.
this is true.

>Because they're physically the weaker sex they cannot rely on physical intimidation to defend themselves, so they've evolved to use deception and manipulation
Reminds me a of certain green cloud with a question mark...

step 1. be attractive

that's it. im good looking and lifted weights for 2 years, after which i approached 48 girls in public places who were alone or with female friends, got 11 phone numbers, arranged 5 dates, had 3 girls who wanted more dates, went on 2 more dates with each one, then i arranged for all four of us to meet, then let them choose between each other who wanted to enter into a relationship with me.

2 happened to be virgins. all 3 were in the 18-23 yr old age bracket, i was 25 at the time. married the one who chose me, this happened 7 years ago, she's pregnant with our third child now, 2 boys and this one is a girl. we became good friends with the other 2 and set them up with mutual male friends in order to have compatible couples to do things with and raise our children in a similar environment.

this was incredibly simple and stress free. anyone who tells you dating is hard is ugly or poor. i was a virgin until i got married, and had never bothered talking to girls until i had decided to marry ~8 years ago.

Men modifying their behavior to please women is beta and happens when a man believes, correctly or not, that he overshot his SMV, lest he loses the woman. Ironically, doing so will be the cause for her to leave.

Why would you post a pic of your herpes infected mouth? No one is impressed by your vulgar lifestyle.

Had a good laugh user, hope you'll get some real expierience in the next 40 years

>Being able to manipulate is beta
kek you speak as if someone actually cares what you have to say

There would be no use in speaking if they didnt. Theyre ready to complain - like you - if you say something "wrong".

>be attractive

Summed it up for you

M8, I've been married for years and I totally agree with OP. The sooner you learn it, the better odd you'll be.

Unless you're a woman, in which case seeing the OP probably makes you uncomfortable.

Women want to fuck attractive men for pleasure, rich men for money and successful men for status

If a woman is not fucking any of those, its because she is too ugly to do it

Since I'm brainwashed by the HollyJew I find this to be a big blackpill. >Tfw only faggots can find a soulmate

I knew this was stupid but I still read it,
the last part is literally about accepting a roastie with a kid
lmfao comes with a little "dinghy"


Tell us you ingrate wiseman.

who cares what woman are or think

They are along for the ride, the ride men make.

Sex withers the healthy penis anyway.

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you got 1 and 2 right. however women perfectly understand men. they know exactly how to manipulate our desires for sex and extort to their benefit.

Imagine living your life pandering to lesser beings like this. Sad!

Yeah, you're right

>lmfao comes with a little "dinghy"
It still makes me kek.

Literally this. Women cheats on husband? Husband's fault for not giving her enough attention, or even giving TOO MUCH. Women nag because it gets them attention. Make themselves pretty cause it gets them attention. The fact that this is the only post with the word "attention" in it is sad.

muh dick

Briffault's Law in action kek

Do you consider your pick up skills with the same approach David X takes?
I've been fucking girls thanks to Tinder, most of them fatties
How do you do it user?

You are over thinking this. women are breeders. You want to pick the one you can control on all levels. (forget about cheating though, they are all whores). you need to keep them busy so their weak mind doesn't wonder off for too long at the time. Keep them in the kitchen, house choirs and dozen kids to run around them. Forget about what they think. it is typically shallow thought of an absolute zero contribution to advancement of human kind ...LMAO

t. woman

Basically women are like children

LOL....look at Canadian cuck leaf here. he actually believes a woman picks a man....GTFO you onions boy incel cuck.....

Very good this

You're right user: women have a place that feminism and corporations have almost destroyed in the pursuit of their selfish short-term goals
It's only by making clear their differences that they can contribute to society

>Women are retarded
>Women are illogical
>Women are overgrown children
>Women are mentally ill
What's there to understand?

....just pick ones that want you SO MUCH MORE than they think deserve. Also trophy wife is total urban myth. Skills before looks 100 percent. (we are talking living gf not a fuck date of course)

indeed hedonism is a waste of time.
many such cases of guys who goe through the 'i can fuck any slut in this club' phase then realizes what a waste of time it was when the keeper women end up pairing off and becoming unavailable, and all you're left with is just hooker/roastie trash

Pretty much yeah

>1) Women do not have a train of thought. Nothing a woman says has any relation to anything she has said previously, even five minutes ago. Women reevaluate everything again and again whenever they speak, and say whatever they "feel" is right about the subject at the moment they are saying.

This is eerily true

T. Toasty roasty