Brazil's future is bright

>mfw Latin Mass is having a surge on brazilian capitals
>mfw homicides are down 22% in Rio, desperate criminals threatening war
>carnival school makes a parade about the golden days of the Empire whereas all others promote degenerate stuff
>mfw President just posted a public golden shower vid on twitter to denounce fag degeneracy on carnival
The future is bright

Attached: 680px-Flag_of_Empire_of_Brazil_(1870-1889).png (680x439, 204K)

Good, keep it up, then conquer all of South America.

Good news. Brazil is probably going to be one of the better countries soon enough once most of the west falls.

that is a cursed image if I ever saw one.

are we castrating shitskins yet? no? forget about it

Racial Materialism means shit m8. Civilization is built upon the metaphysical not really the physical

>>mfw homicides are down 22% in Rio, desperate criminals threatening war
feels good man. i hope Moro's basket of reforms gets approved soon. We Philippines then.

I'm happy for you bro.

no amount of muh based president can change your massive population with sub saharan IQ, but i wish you all the best

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Racial Materialism means shit m8. Civilization is built upon the metaphysical not really the physical