What makes you think $1000 is even possible

-First he would have to get elected
-raise taxes, which is always bad
-somehow get it through the house
-then again through the senate
And to top it off 1000 dollars goes to everyone. There’s literally no reasoning behind this UBI bullshit.
Prove me wrong

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ohhh is your thweady weady not getting bumpy bumped? Don’t worry snookums I’ll give you a bumpywumpy to the tippy toppy. This is a big boy thread! You are such a big boy!

Or he just gives out $1000 and prints more money to pay for it. Take the hyperinflation pill, negro.

Jesus, dude.

fuck off retard

Cut aid to Israel. gg ez

That is not a dude. That is a cunt that works for King Ching Chong. She gets paid a low six figure a year salary to shitpost online and meme Yang Gang into existence. This is the first wave of pre-2020 plebbit tier shill raiding.

>faggots actually want 1k
why not at least run on something good like elliminating income tax for the middle and lower class

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Bro are you retarded? He can just print more money LOOL what the fuck you talking about nigga

This thread's about to be flooded with yanggang larps

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Cause I still have to work for that bitch ass

We don't give enough to Israel yearly to cover it.

Are you disabled user?

>this is a not a troll

>thinking any of that is relevant

Because they are lazy, and just don't want to work. They want something for nothing.
Literal retard, and writes like a nigger.

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the Yang plan will only cost the US $200 billion monthly, we can swing that

This is essentially any argument I have seen from the yang gang. Which is literally no argument at all.

UBI can only work under a utopia. With niggers and Jews existing, it'll never happen.
Get rid of niggers and jews and you can work towards your utopia.

You can’t have functioning that’s the richest in the would without taxes.

>-First he would have to get elected

First he would have to get nominated which is a pretty big long shot especially knowing how much dems love their establishment candidates. Then again Democrats have some of the worst candidates so far so if they do go the establishment route they will probably lose to trump.

>Nigga wants to spend half his life wageslaving until he turn 60
Yikes cringe!!! Lol!!!

Niggers aren’t welcome in this thread

Explain how we would do that in a reasonable manner.
Where in the budget would that money come from?
You won't be able to answer this question seriously though, because you are an idiot that doesn't actually understand economics, and politics.

Fucking insanity

>And to top it off 1000 dollars goes to everyone. There’s literally no reasoning behind this UBI bullshit.
>Prove me wrong
Nigger, the way you do it is FREEDOM FROM TAXES until 25k income annual and above that higher taxes so it evens out

Attached: 57.jpg (1585x1527, 140K)

The quality of the posts in these threads leads me to believe a lot of teenagers are shilling for him.

You people can't even type a coherent sentence.

it was sarcasm you fucking autist

You think economics etc still matters because you’re delusional. The only people who worry about the economy are tax cows who are milked. It’s all entirely irrelevant and if you’ve been paying attention to the Fed for the last few decades you’d understand that.

I know you poor fags think 25k a year is a lot of money, but it's not.
You people would literally kill the construction industry.

Vro on GOD we gon get that bag y'all geriatric awoo niggas cant do shit no more y'all IMPOTENT nigga

Carpenters make less now than they did in the 80s adjusted for inflation.

Yang shills are fucking retarded

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If you dismantle the welfare system and fire half the government, as well as sell lots of government infrastructure to the private sector, it pays for itself.
Then you let inflation do the rest.

This isn't communism. Its capitalism.

They can funnel the money from the budget going to Israel. Which means less money for the jews and more money for white americans

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>The only people who worry about the economy are tax cows who are milked
Good job admitting you don't work.
>It’s all entirely irrelevant and if you’ve been paying attention to the Fed for the last few decades you’d understand that.
I have been. I've read its whole history too. I completely disagree with you.

You just have no idea what you are talking about.
You're welcome to try to explain it, but you won't be able to because you are just parroting vague shit to win an argument. You don't actually have any idea what you are talking about.

>Good job admitting you don't work.
Maybe he runs a super-national drug cartel like Bayer

Attached: 57w.jpg (125x104, 2K)

Na just been awake for 20 hours, makes me forget to put mind to typing

Absolute state of ching chong shills

I know. I am a carpenter. What's your point? Trump did great things for my industry, and my line of work.
Yang would literally be destroying it.

Also a large part of the problem with construction wages is that boomers taught a bunch of border jumping spics the trades because they were too lazy to do the work themselves, and the spics were cheap labor. The spics, then taught all their border jumping cousins the trades, and it completely destroyed wages.

Holy fuck kid you’re stupid

Ok Israel + Afghanistan.

It should be the responsibility of the states to create UBI programs, not the federal government. There are too many states with no natural resources to exploit or industry who would be collecting handouts at the expense of other states.

>UBI can only work under a utopia

It's the closest thing to real, full, open Communism

Attached: Budget_pie_chart_meme.jpg (600x591, 41K)

Dude just print money, in fact you don't even need do print it just add 1000 bucks to every ones bank account and add it to national debt.

It would devalue the dollar and prices would increase but it would be EASY to do it.

Lol I have never not owed taxes in the 20 years I’ve been part of the work force. You only think any of this matters because you’re convinced there’s some salvaging this country. There isn’t.

Cutting 10 year aid package to Israel would allow for a UBI of about $300 per adult for one month... Then what?

Attached: dumbass.png (777x323, 46K)

Not an argument.

Btw bayer is owned by Jews.

jesus christ this post alone proves that yanggang are just the hilldawgs of yesterday

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Here's the actual federal spending pie chart and you'll see that over half of our taxes are spent on welfare things.

Attached: pasted image 0.png (908x819, 89K)

Just take it from ss, medicare, and all of the other gibs program and its more than enough, you realize the government already spends more than 2.5 trillion a year on gibs

>misleading Jew news

This guy said that's bullshit. Who is wrong here?

Attached: debt.png (927x6648, 1.17M)

>Trump did great things for my industry, and my line of work.
>Also a large part of the problem with construction wages is that boomers taught a bunch of border jumping spics the trades because they were too lazy to do the work themselves, and the spics were cheap labor. The spics, then taught all their border jumping cousins the trades, and it completely destroyed wages.

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>You only think any of this matters because you’re convinced there’s some salvaging this country. There isn’t
You can't prove that though. That is literally just your opinion that you are spouting off as fact.

You may not be wrong. You still can't prove it though. You don't KNOW this for a fact. You just desperately want it to be true so you can continue on with your world view.

double digit IQs man.

obama promised everyone free money too and that got him elected. its for niggers and pathetic peasants who need a handout

Not an argument.

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>Cutting 10 year aid package to Israel would allow for a UBI of about $300 per adult for one month... Then what?
That's a good start, how much do you get if you cut ALL foreign aid?

There's a difference between legal, and illegal immigration. One destroys wages. One doesn't. You're an actual retard.

>and it completely destroyed wages.

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Are you seriously taking this chick shit seriously?
Its Hill pepe 2.0

I'm including gibs for Israel's neighboring states in my calculations.

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Ya I’m the stupid one, not you fags who think anything can be solved politically lol.

But we have no reason to believe he would do that.

"Guhh hfuhfuhhh vote Zion Dion or else you'll be putting Israel at risk!"

Y'all retarded LMAOOO

I realize it's unlikely, but it's not like we have anything to lose.

>Trust the plan
Jesus you’re a fag. The only one with a double digit IQ here is you.

What a wonderful non argument you have there.

Because posting something in 2015 that didn't pan out in current time is def proving me wrong.

You desperate dumb fuck.

this guy does not even know the difference between mandatory spending and discretionary

dangerously misleading

Attached: federal-spending-1.jpg (420x315, 25K)

Fake news.

Ya, you’re fucking stupid then. Trump is doing nothing to rectify the issue of beaner invasion. They’ll come and get gibs, lower wages, and you’ll still think boomercon GOP shit is going to win in the end. You’re worse than a nigger

Literally everything can be solved politically, and that's why you're an underage retard.

You don't even have a base understanding of the topics you are arguing about. Just lurk please.

How about $10k a month then. Tax and kill the rich and Jews and bankrupt JewSA. WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not fake news. He just said recently he wants lots of people coming here legally to work for our corporations to keep wages down and increase profits. Lou Donna called him out on it ffs.

Except all the things he is doing.
The U.S Military didn't go to the border?
Hmm. I must have hallucinated that.
You're wrong. Simply put you're wrong, and have been brainwashed.

>the current welfare system costs way more than $1000 per month per person
>replacing the entire welfare system with a UBI is cheaper and makes the government smaller
>the only drawback is a black person may receive a benefit they didn't earn
That's a tough one indeed user.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2015-03-20-at-1.33.59-PM.png (808x500, 224K)

It's current year. It's ok for ad agencies of politicians on Jow Forums to make up bullshit.

Well obviously he isn't going to cut aid to Israel, but that's not the point. The quesiton is, would UBI be possible if you cut all unnecessary spending, like aid to israel and aids medicine to the third world.


>everything can be solved politically
Continue to get displaced by thinking that fag. It wasn’t politics that desegregated the south, it was men with guns.

He never said what was in your picture though. Your picture is a lie. It's fake news. You fucking retard.

>El Chapo has a fleet of submarines

You’re posting a meme like that when pics like this are real.

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>everybody will get $1000 per month, just elect me
>listen people we will need to raise taxes to give everybody $500
>the house just passed the bill to give everybody $50
>good news everyone, senate just approved the $5
>what do you mean "where are my $5"?

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Oh wow the military is at the border, what are they doing? Nothing. Get the fuck out. Illegal border crossings are increasing and you think the military is doing anything to stop it lol.

Men with guns, and a political view. You fucking retard.

>Illegal border crossings are increasing

We can pay for it by cutting Social Security

Jesus Christ who cares if he actually said that or if it’s a summarization of a much longer spiel he said. It sums up what he has been saying recently you’re just a fag.

you’re a beaner or a kike, but you’re not white.

>care breaks down to your mcwagecuck job.
>can't pay the 700 dollar repair because you need it for rent.
>lose job
>go homeless
>get raped by tyrone while you're sleeping in your cardboard box.

All could be avoided if you had an extra 1000 on hand.

prove me wrong.

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>Everything I don’t like is fake news

If I got one 10 cent check from Yang he would have done more for me than Trump ever has.

This niggers gotta get his free egg roll for signing up a friend.


Go fuck yourself kike