Will the Influx of Muslims Rapefugees into Ireland, bring back the IRA?

what says you pol/acks? I think as they shitskins rapists flood Ireland, this will resurrect the IRA and we will see some intense fighting again

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It might be probable since the uk is also weakened by the mudslime problem so they might use that as well

I hope so my Polish friend. Something is going to rise up and fight again

IRA are socialists and always have been. They love niggers. muslims and regularly quote Marx and Lenin.

You are a dumb cunt for not knowing anything about the republican movement.

Plot twist: Muslims Rapefugees becomes IRA


>this will resurrect the IRA and we will see some intense fighting again
No, the IRA has done nothing but welcome their new somali overlords. It figure since they probably were controlled by the british since the 70s

In modern context this is correct. While I don't falt them for slotting britbongs; they are still filthy commies.

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What do yanks think the IRA is? They disbanded years ago, and all their leaders were ether MI5 or faggot socialists that sold the entire movement out right as they were winning.

The IRA are communists so they welcome Muslims with open arms.

There is nothing more cringe than IRA LARPers. They’re just Antifa with a dumb accent.

Fuck Ireland and fuck the EU

IRA supports immigration.

If anything is going to bring trouble back to that unfortunate place, it is a reimposition of a hard border. The border wars were the worst. 40 years of pointless violence.

Frenchman calling out Ireland for letting Muslims in

yeah fighting to bring more in, Ireland is more than welcome to take ours.
As for the hard border, it seems the EU is more keen on it than us so they'll have to sort it out with their master.

I hope the EU forces the hard border issue to the max. Might help jump start an anti-EU movement.

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IRA are a bunch of open border, EU loving cucks.

To this day I am still not sure what they were fighting for.

Thi IRA is a full on Neo-Marxist pro open borders globalist gang They want the rape of Ireland more than any other Irish faction.

Full retard...only open borders for the island of ireland

Do you legitimately think so? I feel like we are so castrated by the Jew to the point that an uprising is hard to see on the horizon. I want to believe

IRA is a marxist organisation, while they hate white people they love nigger cocks


There will be an influx of refugees to Ireland?


Sounds like three immigrants have died in Newry today - being investigated as murder

Daily reminder to sage and Report stupid repetitive threads such as these.

>To this day I’m still not sure what they were fighting for.
They were fighting for independence from the evil British.

You're flinging mud at an organisation that doesn't exist and hasn't for 20 years and was never pro EU or for mass immigration and refuges. I'm sure you already knew that though shill and are just spouting nonsense in the hopes that stupid anons will accept it as fact.

The jew fears the Irish nationalist.
They know it is an exact blueprint on how to fight them today.


I had a dream "Fight for thy people; protect thyne people"
I have no idea who this message is for, but who ever it is for, will understand it and see it on here or have seen it before.


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And fuck that stupid asshole Americans like OP who fund them thinking they are saviours of the Irish people, while they meanwhile sucking literal Nigerian cock.


Ireland sorely needs the Lord's grace

Why do Americans have such a hard-on for the IRA?