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Rip earth
Hudson Lee
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Ian Bell
>400 years
Not like I give a fuck.
Besides, by that point everyone is going to be a shitskin so it's good riddance.
Matthew Brooks
lmao @ this cgi crap
clown world indead
Earth is flat
like the bible says
like logic says
Brandon Allen
black hole sun 2020
James Price
>ywn live long enough to be crushed into the singularity by rogue black hole
Feels bad, man.
Camden Nguyen
This leaf kind of has a point.
Chase Diaz
And to see the universe die
Jose Thompson
Shit finna be lit
Adrian Jones
Sebastian Martinez
According to the kikes in science, if that happened, while we would be eventually crushed/burned from an outsider's point of view, from our point of view we would continue living normally as if nothing happened. There would be two versions of our world, one is dead the other is alive.
Christopher Adams
>no source
Fake and gay
Nathaniel Powell
>200 years in future
>white people finally cease to exist
>brown utopia is achieved
>another 200 years later
>black hole set to devour earth
>brown people blame white people
Dominic Wood
>and why that's a good thing
Evan Price
Won't you come
And wash away the rain
Aiden Sullivan
fake and gay.
Robert Morris
That's not at all how it works.
John Williams
>400 years later
>whites are extinct
>”ayo shit mane where all da fucking white bois at we needa working space ship to get outta dis bitch”
Elijah Reed
Based af
Michael Wood
Wow really good thread it took me 3 seconds to google the article and find out it doesnt exist you fucking retard
William Ramirez
obviously due to global warming.
Jaxson Reed
Luke Lewis
you actually googled? That is a shitty shoop man.
Carson Smith
Carbon tax will stop the black hole, especially as it's not real, it's started a conversation so clearly more carbon tax should be imposed a as a temporary solution thus solving the problem permanently.
Logan Turner
womp womp
Aaron Russell
i dont keep up with how lazy magazine is getting
Justin Nelson
>black hole
It's hole of color, shitlord. The b-word has been discarded since the privilege wars of 2102.
Cameron Mitchell
>waiting for 400 years before seeing the sight of OP sucking cock slide beyond the event horizon
terrible fait, worse than death
Camden Walker
Fake and gay.
Logan Hernandez
>lmao @ this cgi crap
people here are offended very quickly with artistic representations.
Sebastian Murphy
Xavier White
also, i wonder after 20 replies still none is blaming intra-dimensional jews for this. Am i really on Jow Forums?
Henry Collins
400 years too late.
Grayson Foster
no sauce. OP dunks gallons of semen.
Christopher Morgan
A leaf fpbp. How 'bout dah
Jonathan Harris
Aiden Wright
Nicholas Nelson
Samuel Ward
We would experience spaghettification just before we reach the event horizon.
I’m not making that word up either, that’s the word that’s used. “Spaghettification”.
Adrian Perry
That fucking violates so many physical laws of the universe I want to hit you.
Ian Parker
>the earth is stationary
>what is spinning
Alexander Perry
>fucking gravity, how does it work
Carter Ramirez
>what is the center of gravity
fucking idiot i want to murder all of you fucking zogbots
Justin Butler
Tell me more about dark matter :^)
Xavier Adams
Holy shit guys a rouge nigger just flew over my house!
Anthony Price
trust the plan
Carter Murphy
These niggers think "gravity" and Einstein's theory of general relativity isn't pseudo-science. I remember when I used to just repeat stuff too
It's called aether
Bentley Morales
We better start building the lifeboats now because you just know (((they))) are going to insist the niggers get rescued first.
Jordan Hall
>Burger educat-
Wait a minute ...
Daniel Evans
>flat earth
hearty kek.
Charles Cox
I want to be fired into the sun next time someone shoots a probe there, fuck this fucking gay ass faggot ass bitch ass earth.
Lucas Young
Curious. What do you think is illogical about flat Earth? Don't say evidence, because there isn't any.
William Williams
>einstein invented "gravity"
even if general relativity was "wrong" the world still wouldnt work(there is a thing such as newtonian gravity but its outdated and proven incomplete because it cant explain as much as einstein can) like you say it would fucking kike
gravity is just the force of two objects "attracting" each other and it can be observed on the micro level if you dont like the experiment that you are conducting right now by fucking existing on this earth
Gabriel Hill
If only I didn't drive my gas guzzling SUV and give the government even more money maybe this could have been avoided
John Brooks
Why can't it be sooner, why God
Logan Sullivan
Please use punctuation.
Nathaniel Clark
Based blackpill
Nathan Cox
Nigger, I'm no kike. In the natural world there is up, and there is down. Objects rise or fall based on relative density and buoyancy. Whether the story is about an apple falling on someone's head or someone writing functions to fit a narrative, they're just stories you've been told. Trust what you experience.
Xavier Miller
What happened to this place
Carson Collins
But there ISN'T any evidence for Flat Earth! Why wouldn't that be considered a pertinent fact?
Elijah Harris
Fake and gay. Sage goes in all fields.
Carson Mitchell
It's one interpretation. He's not making it up.
Anthony Morgan
Either we'll have gotten off this rock by then or we'll have been killed and replaced by niggers and spics, in which case I hope a black hole swallows us up and any evidence that we were ever here.
Adrian Rodriguez
Every single bit of your everyday experience is evidence of a flat Earth. Are you moving? How does water function in a vessel? If we're on a sphere of known size, why can't we measure the curve anywhere?...
It sounded crazy to me as well, until I did the research.
Oliver Brooks
the up and down is relative if you were on the moon your down would be to the center of the moon
what is more likely that two objects attract eachother or that there is a fixed up and down like in a video game and the world works on """"magic""""
Landon Adams
a small black hole the size of San Francisco could sweep by and destroy our entire solar system
Liam Walker
AOC said we only had 12 years left.hahahaha Black hole BTFO.
Landon King
You're mixing the two models. What is the moon? A circle in the sky? Looks to be the same size as the Sun? The Moon is not a spherical rock ~250,000miles away. Obviously, we've never been there either.
Levi Sullivan
*white hole
The blackness simply represents the collective evil souls of the white people come to destroy the beautiful brown Caliphate.
Christopher Wilson
god i wish
Joseph Collins
the two object attract eachother has been proven tho
a retardedly easy early experiment for eg. cavendish experiment
Mason Russell
I actually looked this up and it is of course fake...
Dylan Reyes
>400 years
Not my problem.
Michael Evans
>400 years
>to be evacuated
Kek.Remind me of something.
Cooper Diaz
you leftist shills want everything to be relative don't you? well guess what cuck, thats not how gravity works.
Daniel Collins
>what is a tide
Tyler Gutierrez
>Don't say evidence, because there isn't any.
>there is no evidence because I refuse to believe there is
There is plenty of evidence of a spherical earth, flat earthers are just too stupid to understand
I've come to the realization people who believe flat earth are just too stupid to comprehend the facts so they choose to ignore it, or claim the evidence is faked
David Allen
yeah, that's why you don't fall back down when you jump up right?
Jackson Smith
Same issue, you're mixing the models. The Cavendish experiment would have the same results if the Sun was smaller and closer.
Anthony Morales
imagine mixing apples and oranges this hard you fucking kike
Christopher Clark
Josiah Fisher
Spoken like a Jew. Gas yourself.
Alexander Cook
Wyatt Miller
>Looks to be the same size as the Sun?
Do you understand how perception works?
Two different sized objects can appear to be the same size if one of the objects is closer to the one viewing it.
Colton Wilson
yeah prove that it would then that is just an assumption with no proof that i have ever seen i would be thankful that you provide proof that everything would be the same if the mass and distance of the sun would be the same
while i provide examples you just talk out of your ass
Liam Wright
> from our point of view
The black hole is the key to all this..
it's the funniest character we've ever had.
Easton Wilson
they'll be too busy bragging about how big their spaghettified muhdiks are
Robert Rogers
This attitude is what is slowly destroying the world over centuries.
>black holes in 400 years? lmao let my great great grandkids deal w/ it idgaf
Now apply that attitude to every policy that has eroded standards of living in the long term but made short term profits over the last couple of centuries and you might see why the world is so fucking shit today.
Ryan Lee
See I assure you, I can grasp anything you have to present. Bring it.
Why do they only effect salt water bodies? Could the Sun and Moon be a magnetic circuit? Is the Moon pulling the tide with magnetism?
David Kelly
different* not same
Cameron Brooks
The earth falling Into a black hole, would be like shooting g a BB Into Amy Schumer's cavernous vag.
Wouldn't even feel it
Nathan Kelly
Jokes on you Black hole, I'll be damm death by then!
Carson Thomas
imagine giving away your leftist ideology this quick you fucking anti-semite.
Chase Scott
>The Cavendish experiment would have the same results if the Sun was smaller and closer.
>I'm going to ignore the evidence of this experiment because it doesn't fit my narrative
Isaiah Hughes
Do you understand knowing versus learning? What have we been "told" versus what is "real"
Jeremiah Campbell
Mooom....are we THERE yet?
Nathan Bennett
gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance
once we get close enough to the black hole, the difference in gravity closer and farther away will rip us apart
look up spaghettification
Cameron Cox
Oh nooo! What will happen to my great great grwat great great great grand children if I don't do something about this unstoppable force of nature RIGHT NOW, provided I have children and don't abort them and they also have children and don't abort them! OY VEYYYYYY
This is not political
Josiah Bailey
And flat earthers are the dumb ones? Do you not see the flaw in that logic? For the experiment to be valid, I have to believe in the model it's trying to prove?
Grayson Perry
>Why do they only effect salt water bodies?
They don't? Lakes and ponds both experience tidal effects, just not nearly to the same level as oceans do
>, I can grasp anything you have to present.
clearly you can't, since you think only bodies of salt water are effected by tides
Ian Torres
Time will also slow down to the point where it will take infinitely long to be completely engulfed. Imagine the suffering.