Posters you recognize or remember thread?

Posters you recognize or remember thread?
Featuring nordbot. God rest his soul.

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that one pajeet who used to keep posting about bbc porn and weird karaboga shit

as half the paki/pajeet posters would try to claim aryan status he would barge in and spam the entire thread with some weird Indian Black Nationalist-esque ideology, pastas, and ramblings

man i miss that shit


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Heil hitler


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Schizo Kushner shill

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YangGang supporter that posts that THICC bird girl


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that one butthurt Pole... no wait that's all of them!

I miss space elevator.

The nesara guy that spergs threads with 40 images of "the future is ours" and "plus ultra". Hes even got a youtube channel with 100 subs.

The chinatsu fascist.

The american who makes benign posts accompanies by various IED recipes

The schizo kike obsessed with Kushner who pushes for civic nationalism.


I really miss space elevator.


Architecture bro, I think he's from Lithuania or somewhere.

The ultimate autist.

anti-pagan christian norway man

That Dutch poster who makes horrible comments o wait that's all of them.

But I really really miss him. My trips prove it.