Posters you recognize or remember thread?
Featuring nordbot. God rest his soul.
Posters you recognize or remember thread?
that one pajeet who used to keep posting about bbc porn and weird karaboga shit
as half the paki/pajeet posters would try to claim aryan status he would barge in and spam the entire thread with some weird Indian Black Nationalist-esque ideology, pastas, and ramblings
man i miss that shit
Heil hitler
Schizo Kushner shill
YangGang supporter that posts that THICC bird girl
that one butthurt Pole... no wait that's all of them!
I miss space elevator.
The nesara guy that spergs threads with 40 images of "the future is ours" and "plus ultra". Hes even got a youtube channel with 100 subs.
The chinatsu fascist.
The american who makes benign posts accompanies by various IED recipes
The schizo kike obsessed with Kushner who pushes for civic nationalism.
I really miss space elevator.
Architecture bro, I think he's from Lithuania or somewhere.
The ultimate autist.
anti-pagan christian norway man
That Dutch poster who makes horrible comments o wait that's all of them.
But I really really miss him. My trips prove it.