So I started taking fish oil right before bed because you dont really burp in your sleep. Those of you who take fish oil know how gross it is to burp fish oil. Well the results have been fantastic. My dreams are insane and very real. I often wake up believing just for a second that my dream really happened. Has anyone else experienced this? There is some science behind this apparently.

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What else does it do for you do you take it on empty stomach?

2 a day is probably good enough.
with a meal.

alex jones says it makes him have wild dreams if he eats 5+ of them before sleep.
and gives him big burpies.
if burpies scare you.. stay away.

Eat a jar of pickles before bed for amazing dreams.

For a lot of people it can raise them out of depression. Most people dont get enough Omega 3, the best fat for your brain, so your brain is basically starving.

Not a cure all, but its helped a lot of people.

Just do DMT amazing dreams

Did it turn your frog ass straight?

Yeah I hate the burbs ugh

I have insane and real dreams every night, but fish oil seems to make them realer.
Also, I get horrible nightmares if I fapped. Must be the demons I let in by fapping, who knows.

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It's been amazing. I remember more of my dreams as well. I wake up alot more rested as well because of how deep I'm sleeping. Fuck a my pillow, take fish oil. The benefits go beyond this as well. It's good for your heart, joints, vision, and brain. I swear to God its working. Why dont more people know about this?