Discuss how America all of a sudden saw Nixon as a crook

Discuss how America all of a sudden saw Nixon as a crook

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AmeriJew media

His goons illegaly broke into a hotel in an attempt to bug it. Nixon was paranoid that LBJ had records of him trying to ruin the Vietnam peace talks in 1968 and would do anything to destroy them. He wanted to have the DNC monitored for that reason.

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Anything to say op? Didn’t think so

Mass media is a helluva drug.

Nixon had good opinions but remember he passed the first federal pro shitskin affirmative action program. He was no hero.

Not wrong, but beside the question.

Media had a lot more power back then. They were still trusted. And the media HATED Nixon.
The penny-ante break in was beat over America's head for years until he resigned. It was pure propaganda. We know it because prior and subsequent Democrats had plenty of scandals that were ignored.
The media is a Fifth-column and should be disbelieved until proven correct.

Nixon wasn't the first criminal president but is the only one to (((pay the price)))

Based and redpilled



>NY state used to have just 4 fewer votes than California
Holy shit.



Nixon hated (((them)))

Nixon promised UBI. Andrew Yang will give you $1,000 a month plus a qt asian gf.

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This. He didnt even go down for shit he did. He went down for covering up shit other people did.


Where is this from? I need sauce.

Bernie 2.0
Get ready for him to be the fall candidate shillfag

>The media is a Fifth-column and should be disbelieved until proven correct
Excellent summation

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Say it with me




Yeah they all came to fucking Florida and are turning my fucking state blue. Fuck Yankees fuck Lincoln and fuck the Union


"They put the Jewish interest above America's interest and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second."
- Richard M. Nixon, recorded phone call to Jew Henry Kissinger, evening of April 19, 1973
>Watergate hit IMMEDIATELY

The media should just be dismantled. There is no need in 2019 to have massive media corporations. Let individual journalism take over and support the writers who are good.

This post is yet another reason you Millennials and Zoomers need to shut the fuck up and let Generation X do the talking in order to get you out of the misery you're stuck in. We were there and witnessed all this shit as it began and you, were, *not*. Ask yourselves who should pilot the way out: the niggers who were witnessing the road and the rail track switch as the world went in, or the nigger passengers just waking up now and realizing you're all on a fucking train? END OF STORY


faggot that is not a good reason at all. you have not given a reason for why Gen X is equipped to deal with this problem. Just that youve been around longer. What if you were jerking off for the 17 year headstart you had on zoomers. Its called merit nigger. I know Gen X'ers hate it but try hard and youll have some

Gen X is a meme. I like boomers; too bad they'll be dead soon

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>Gen X
>Known as "the silent generation"
>pussies who wouldn't speak a word as they saw the boomers ruining everything around them
>hurr durr let us do the talking, guise
Fuck off, niggerfaggot. You'll be one of the first to get the rope

Nixon did nothing wrong

Isn’t the silent generation the one before the boomers

Flicks you back into the mix
Grow a little and learn something, you know nothing

Implying we haven't measured out sufficient rope to neck every last one of you phone neck bent head faggot trap nigger lovers. We'll be the last to fall, webhead


As a last year Gen Xer, you should be beat for the mic drop. Way to act like a nigger. Remember the nigger worship began with our generation it was awful then as it is now, go listen to your Ice Tea and Poison and make sure your children don't fuck niggers.

Ongoing scandals

People were far more trusting of Politicians during Nixon so for shit like watergate to happen, he just plummeted. People also believed the Media far more back then.

Nixon burned the American people and they've n never really recovered their trust in the Government.

I don't know. Boomers might have not trusted the gov then, but now, closer to retirement they fucking love it.

The absolute state of US education.
The Silent Generation were the war babies you fucking brainlet.