So what do you fags make of this
So what do you fags make of this
well? the jews are going to replace you legally.
its the greatest political betrayal in history and anybody who supports trump after march 2019 is mentally retarded.
>Trump with his kike daughter and advisor Ivanka at his side: We need to import more cheap labor
Trump and his White House has clearly made the decision that shitting on his base and the American people is a way to win the 2020 election.
Trump didn't say this you shill.
automation is a hoax ethnic cleansing and genocide is...they wish to murder of the snart right wing Christian "truthers" aka 40% of the country before its too late literally the AJ crowd thats still chemtrailed and brainwashed
Trump said it with his own mouth during the 2019 state of the union address.
Starts at 2:45 into this video.
Are you losers willing to do what must be done? A violent overthrow of the government?
republican voters prove they're suckers once again?
they should tell jesus that the good people didn't stop abortions yet
There is enough discontentment within US politics to drive a massive wave of anti-government sentiment. The more Trump shits on his base and drives away his supporters and as long as the Democrats keep brining in complete morons for the 2020 election driving anti-establishment/government movements will be easy.